

videoWriter class constructor


function vw = videoWriter(url, varargin)


 videoWriter class constructor
   Creates a object that writes video files.  We use a plugin 
   architecture in the backend to do the actual writing.  For example, 
   on Windows, DirectShow will typically be used and on Linux, the 
   ffmpeg library is often used.

   vw = videoWriter(url)
     Opens the given video file for writing using the default plugin.
     On Windows, 'DirectShow' is used by default and on Linux,
     'ffmpegPopen2' is used by default.  For most plugins, the url will 
     really be a filename.

   vw = videoWriter(url,..., 'plugin',pluginName, ...)
   vw = videoWriter(url,pluginName)
     Opens the file using the specified plugin implementation.
     Available plugins include:

     'DirectShow': preferred method on Windows
       - Only available on Windows
       - See INSTALL.dshow.txt for installation instructions
       - The URL parameter should be a filename.
         - As a convenience, all forward slashes ('/') are automatically  
           converted to backslashes ('\')

     'ffmpegPopen2': safe method on Linux
       - Only supported on GNU/Linux (might work on BSD systems too like Mac 
         OS X, but this is untested)
       - See INSTALL.ffmpeg.txt for installation instructions
       - Creates a separate server process to communicate with the
         ffmpeg libraries.  
         - Works when the system's version of GCC is very different from
           the one that MathWorks used to compile Matlab.
         - Isolates ffmpeg errors so they typically cannot crash
         - May allow for more flexible distribution terms for your code 
           when it uses videoIO (ffmpeg may be compiled with either 
           the LGPL or GPL license).

     'ffmpegDirect': low-overhead method on Linux
       - same as ffmpegPopen2, but the ffmpeg libraries are loaded
         directly by the MEX file.
         - May not work if MathWorks' and your version of GCC are
         - Slightly faster than ffmpegPopen2 since there is no
           interprocess communication overhead.

   vw = videoWriter(url, ..., param,arg,...)
     Allows the user to pass extra configuration arguments to plugin.
     At present, all parameter names are case sensitive (but in the
     future they may become case-insensitive).  

     The following parameters are supported by current plugins:

     Parameter      ffmpeg* DShow  Implementation Notes
     ---------      ------- -----  -----------------------------
     width             X      X    Width of the encoded video.  Most
                                   codecs require width to be divisible
                                   by 2, 4, or 8.  Most users will want
                                   to explicitly pass this parameter.
                                   The addframe method will
                                   automatically resize any images
                                   according to the value chosen here
                                   (or a default value if none is
                                   specified here). 

     height            X      X    Height of the encoded video.  Most
                                   codecs require height to be divisible
                                   by 2, 4, or 8.  Most users will want
                                   to explicitly pass this parameter.
                                   The addframe method will
                                   automatically resize any images
                                   according to the value chosen here
                                   (or a default value if none is
                                   specified here). 

     codec             X      X    A string specifying the encoder to
                                   use.  The exact set of possible
                                   codecs is highly system-dependent.
                                   Most users will want to explicitly
                                   pass this parameter.  To see a list
                                   of available codecs on a specific
                                   machine, run:
                                     codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs');

     fourcc                   X    For the DirectShow plugin, this is a 
                                   synonym for 'codec'.

     fps               X      X    Frame rate of the recorded video.  
                                   Note that some codecs only work with 
                                   some frame rates. 15, 24, 25, 29.97,
                                   and 30 should work with most codecs.  

     framesPerSecond   X      X    An alias for fps.

     fpsNum, fpsDenom  X      X    This pair of parameters allows frames
                                   per second to be specified as a
                                   rational number.  Either both or
                                   neither parameter must be given.

     framesPerSecond_num           Alias for fpsNum, fpsDenom pair.
                       X      X

     bitRateTolerance  X           For supporting codecs, the actual
                                   bit rate is allowed to vary by +/-
                                   this value. 

     showCompressionDialog    X    If true (a non-zero number), a dialog
                                   box is presented to the user allowing
                                   precise manual selection of the codec
                                   and its parameters.  Note: sometimes 
                                   the dialog does not received focus
                                   automatically so you'll need to 
                                   ALT-TAB to get to it.

     codecParams              X    A MIME Base64-encoded string describing
                                   the codec setup parameters for a 
                                   DirectShow codec.  The contents of this
                                   string are very codec-specific.  Often,
                                   The best ways to come up with a string
                                   like this are to first create a
                                   videoWriter with the
                                   'showCompressionDialog' option enabled,
                                   choose the desired settings, then use
                                   the GETINFO method to extract the
                                   'codecParams' value.  Note that this
                                   representation is the same as used by
                                   VirtualDub 1.6 and 1.7 in its Sylia
                                   Script files.  Nearly all useful
                                   DirectShow codecs can only be
                                   configured with 'codecParams' and they
                                   ignore the separate 'bitRate' and
                                   'gopSize' parameters given below.

     bitRate           X      x    Target bits/sec of the encoded video.
                                   Supported by most ffmpeg codecs.
                                   To see whether a particular codec uses
                                   the bitRate parameter, run the
                                   testBitRate function in the tests/
                                   subdirectory (NOTE: very few DirectShow
                                   codecs support it).   

     gopSize           X      x    Maximum period between keyframes.  GOP
                                   stands for  "group of pictures" in MPEG
                                   lingo.  Supported by most ffmpeg
                                   codecs.  To see whether a particular
                                   codec uses the gopSize parameter, run
                                   the testGopSize function in the tests/
                                   subdirectory (NOTE: very few DirectShow
                                   codecs support it).

     maxBFrames        X           For MPEG codecs, gives the max
                                   number of bidirectional frames in a
                                   group of pictures (GOP).

  codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs')
  codecs = videoWriter([],pluginName,'codecs')
  codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs','plugin',pluginName)
    Queries the backend for a list of the valid codecs that may be used
    with the 'codec' plugin parameter.  

 Once you are done using the videoWriter, make sure you call CLOSE so
 that any system resources allocated by the plugin may be released.
 Here's a simple example of how you might use videoWriter to create
 a video of continually adding more motion blur to an image:

   % Construct a videoWriter object
   vw = videoWriter('writertest.avi', ...
                    'width',320, 'height',240, 'codec','xvid');
   img = imread('peppers.png');
   h = fspecial('motion',10,5);
   for i=1:100
     addframe(vw, img);
     img = imfilter(img, h);


Copyright (c) 2006 Gerald Dalley
See "MIT.txt" in the installation directory for licensing details (especially
when using this library on GNU/Linux).


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function vw = videoWriter(url, varargin)
0002 % videoWriter class constructor
0003 %   Creates a object that writes video files.  We use a plugin
0004 %   architecture in the backend to do the actual writing.  For example,
0005 %   on Windows, DirectShow will typically be used and on Linux, the
0006 %   ffmpeg library is often used.
0007 %
0008 %   vw = videoWriter(url)
0009 %     Opens the given video file for writing using the default plugin.
0010 %     On Windows, 'DirectShow' is used by default and on Linux,
0011 %     'ffmpegPopen2' is used by default.  For most plugins, the url will
0012 %     really be a filename.
0013 %
0014 %   vw = videoWriter(url,..., 'plugin',pluginName, ...)
0015 %   vw = videoWriter(url,pluginName)
0016 %     Opens the file using the specified plugin implementation.
0017 %     Available plugins include:
0018 %
0019 %     'DirectShow': preferred method on Windows
0020 %       - Only available on Windows
0021 %       - See INSTALL.dshow.txt for installation instructions
0022 %       - The URL parameter should be a filename.
0023 %         - As a convenience, all forward slashes ('/') are automatically
0024 %           converted to backslashes ('\')
0025 %
0026 %     'ffmpegPopen2': safe method on Linux
0027 %       - Only supported on GNU/Linux (might work on BSD systems too like Mac
0028 %         OS X, but this is untested)
0029 %       - See INSTALL.ffmpeg.txt for installation instructions
0030 %       - Creates a separate server process to communicate with the
0031 %         ffmpeg libraries.
0032 %         - Works when the system's version of GCC is very different from
0033 %           the one that MathWorks used to compile Matlab.
0034 %         - Isolates ffmpeg errors so they typically cannot crash
0035 %           Matlab.
0036 %         - May allow for more flexible distribution terms for your code
0037 %           when it uses videoIO (ffmpeg may be compiled with either
0038 %           the LGPL or GPL license).
0039 %
0040 %     'ffmpegDirect': low-overhead method on Linux
0041 %       - same as ffmpegPopen2, but the ffmpeg libraries are loaded
0042 %         directly by the MEX file.
0043 %         - May not work if MathWorks' and your version of GCC are
0044 %           incompatible.
0045 %         - Slightly faster than ffmpegPopen2 since there is no
0046 %           interprocess communication overhead.
0047 %
0048 %   vw = videoWriter(url, ..., param,arg,...)
0049 %     Allows the user to pass extra configuration arguments to plugin.
0050 %     At present, all parameter names are case sensitive (but in the
0051 %     future they may become case-insensitive).
0052 %
0053 %     The following parameters are supported by current plugins:
0054 %
0055 %                        Plugin
0056 %     Parameter      ffmpeg* DShow  Implementation Notes
0057 %     ---------      ------- -----  -----------------------------
0058 %     width             X      X    Width of the encoded video.  Most
0059 %                                   codecs require width to be divisible
0060 %                                   by 2, 4, or 8.  Most users will want
0061 %                                   to explicitly pass this parameter.
0062 %                                   The addframe method will
0063 %                                   automatically resize any images
0064 %                                   according to the value chosen here
0065 %                                   (or a default value if none is
0066 %                                   specified here).
0067 %
0068 %     height            X      X    Height of the encoded video.  Most
0069 %                                   codecs require height to be divisible
0070 %                                   by 2, 4, or 8.  Most users will want
0071 %                                   to explicitly pass this parameter.
0072 %                                   The addframe method will
0073 %                                   automatically resize any images
0074 %                                   according to the value chosen here
0075 %                                   (or a default value if none is
0076 %                                   specified here).
0077 %
0078 %     codec             X      X    A string specifying the encoder to
0079 %                                   use.  The exact set of possible
0080 %                                   codecs is highly system-dependent.
0081 %                                   Most users will want to explicitly
0082 %                                   pass this parameter.  To see a list
0083 %                                   of available codecs on a specific
0084 %                                   machine, run:
0085 %                                     codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs');
0086 %
0087 %     fourcc                   X    For the DirectShow plugin, this is a
0088 %                                   synonym for 'codec'.
0089 %
0090 %     fps               X      X    Frame rate of the recorded video.
0091 %                                   Note that some codecs only work with
0092 %                                   some frame rates. 15, 24, 25, 29.97,
0093 %                                   and 30 should work with most codecs.
0094 %
0095 %     framesPerSecond   X      X    An alias for fps.
0096 %
0097 %     fpsNum, fpsDenom  X      X    This pair of parameters allows frames
0098 %                                   per second to be specified as a
0099 %                                   rational number.  Either both or
0100 %                                   neither parameter must be given.
0101 %
0102 %     framesPerSecond_num           Alias for fpsNum, fpsDenom pair.
0103 %     framesPerSecond_denom
0104 %                       X      X
0105 %
0106 %     bitRateTolerance  X           For supporting codecs, the actual
0107 %                                   bit rate is allowed to vary by +/-
0108 %                                   this value.
0109 %
0110 %     showCompressionDialog    X    If true (a non-zero number), a dialog
0111 %                                   box is presented to the user allowing
0112 %                                   precise manual selection of the codec
0113 %                                   and its parameters.  Note: sometimes
0114 %                                   the dialog does not received focus
0115 %                                   automatically so you'll need to
0116 %                                   ALT-TAB to get to it.
0117 %
0118 %     codecParams              X    A MIME Base64-encoded string describing
0119 %                                   the codec setup parameters for a
0120 %                                   DirectShow codec.  The contents of this
0121 %                                   string are very codec-specific.  Often,
0122 %                                   The best ways to come up with a string
0123 %                                   like this are to first create a
0124 %                                   videoWriter with the
0125 %                                   'showCompressionDialog' option enabled,
0126 %                                   choose the desired settings, then use
0127 %                                   the GETINFO method to extract the
0128 %                                   'codecParams' value.  Note that this
0129 %                                   representation is the same as used by
0130 %                                   VirtualDub 1.6 and 1.7 in its Sylia
0131 %                                   Script files.  Nearly all useful
0132 %                                   DirectShow codecs can only be
0133 %                                   configured with 'codecParams' and they
0134 %                                   ignore the separate 'bitRate' and
0135 %                                   'gopSize' parameters given below.
0136 %
0137 %     bitRate           X      x    Target bits/sec of the encoded video.
0138 %                                   Supported by most ffmpeg codecs.
0139 %                                   To see whether a particular codec uses
0140 %                                   the bitRate parameter, run the
0141 %                                   testBitRate function in the tests/
0142 %                                   subdirectory (NOTE: very few DirectShow
0143 %                                   codecs support it).
0144 %
0145 %     gopSize           X      x    Maximum period between keyframes.  GOP
0146 %                                   stands for  "group of pictures" in MPEG
0147 %                                   lingo.  Supported by most ffmpeg
0148 %                                   codecs.  To see whether a particular
0149 %                                   codec uses the gopSize parameter, run
0150 %                                   the testGopSize function in the tests/
0151 %                                   subdirectory (NOTE: very few DirectShow
0152 %                                   codecs support it).
0153 %
0154 %     maxBFrames        X           For MPEG codecs, gives the max
0155 %                                   number of bidirectional frames in a
0156 %                                   group of pictures (GOP).
0157 %
0158 %  codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs')
0159 %  codecs = videoWriter([],pluginName,'codecs')
0160 %  codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs','plugin',pluginName)
0161 %    Queries the backend for a list of the valid codecs that may be used
0162 %    with the 'codec' plugin parameter.
0163 %
0164 % Once you are done using the videoWriter, make sure you call CLOSE so
0165 % that any system resources allocated by the plugin may be released.
0166 % Here's a simple example of how you might use videoWriter to create
0167 % a video of continually adding more motion blur to an image:
0168 %
0169 %   % Construct a videoWriter object
0170 %   vw = videoWriter('writertest.avi', ...
0171 %                    'width',320, 'height',240, 'codec','xvid');
0172 %   img = imread('peppers.png');
0173 %   h = fspecial('motion',10,5);
0174 %   for i=1:100
0175 %     addframe(vw, img);
0176 %     img = imfilter(img, h);
0177 %   end
0178 %   vw=close(vw);
0179 %
0180 % SEE ALSO:
0181 %   buildVideoMex
0182 %   videoWriter/addframe
0183 %   videoWriter/close
0184 %   videoReader
0185 %
0186 %Copyright (c) 2006 Gerald Dalley
0187 %See "MIT.txt" in the installation directory for licensing details (especially
0188 %when using this library on GNU/Linux).
0190 if (numel(url)==0)
0191   % static method call
0192   if (mod(length(varargin),2) == 0)
0193     plugin       = varargin{1};
0194     staticMethod = varargin{2};
0195     methodArgs   = {varargin{3:end}};
0196   else
0197     plugin       = defaultVideoIOPlugin;
0198     staticMethod = varargin{1};
0199     methodArgs   = {varargin{2:end}};
0200   end
0201   [plugin,methodArgs] = parsePlugin(plugin, methodArgs);
0203   vw = feval(mexName(plugin), staticMethod, int32(-1), methodArgs{:});
0205 else
0206   % constructor call
0207   if (mod(length(varargin),2) == 0)
0208     plugin     = defaultVideoIOPlugin;
0209     pluginArgs = varargin;
0210   else
0211     plugin     = varargin{1};
0212     pluginArgs = {varargin{2:end}};
0213   end
0214   plugin = parsePlugin(plugin, pluginArgs);
0216   vw = struct('plugin',mexName(plugin), 'handle',int32(-1), ...
0217               'w',int32(-1), 'h',int32(-1));
0218   vw = class(vw, 'videoWriter');
0219   [pathstr, name, ext, versn] = fileparts(url);
0220   strArgs = cell(size(pluginArgs));
0221   for i=1:numel(pluginArgs), strArgs{i} = num2str(pluginArgs{i}); end
0222   [vw.handle,vw.w,vw.h] = feval(vw.plugin, 'open', vw.handle, ...
0223                                 fullfile(pathstr,[name ext versn]), ...
0224                                 strArgs{:});
0225 end
0227 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0228 function n = mexName(plugin)
0229 n = ['videoWriter_' plugin];
0231 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0232 function [plugin,pluginArgs] = parsePlugin(plugin, pluginArgs)
0233 if (length(pluginArgs) > 0)
0234   [pluginSpecified,idx] = ismember('plugin', {pluginArgs{1:2:end}});
0235   if pluginSpecified
0236     plugin = pluginArgs{idx*2};
0237     pluginArgs = { pluginArgs{1:idx*2-2}, pluginArgs{idx*2+1:end} };
0238   end
0239 end

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