function [N,C]=check_consistency(data1,data2,sp) % Helper routine to check consistency of data dimensions % Usage: [N,C]=check_consistency(data1,data2,sp) % Inputs: % data1 - first dataset % data2 - second dataset % sp - optional argument to be input as 1 when one of the two data sets is % spikes times stored as a 1d array. % Outputs: % Dimensions of the datasets - data1 or data2 (note that % routine stops with an error message if dimensions don't match - [N,C] % N left empty for structure arrays N1=[]; N2=[]; if nargin < 3 || isempty(sp); sp=0; end; if isstruct(data1); C1=length(data1); else [N1,C1]=size(data1); end; if isstruct(data2); C2=length(data2); else [N2,C2]=size(data2); end; if C1~=C2; error('inconsistent dimensions'); end; if sp==0; if ~isstruct(data1) && ~isstruct(data2); if N1~=N2; error('inconsistent dimensions'); end; end; end; N=N1; C=C1;