% % This function installs Blackrock Microsystems Neural Processing MATLAB % Kit in MATLAB. Run "help FUNCTIONAME" to get more information about each % function. % % Kian Torab % kian@blackrockmicro.com % Blackrock Microsystems % Version % function installNPMK disp('Removing the previous version of Neural Processing MATLAB Kit (NPMK)...'); splitPath = regexp(path, ':', 'split'); for folderIDX = 1:size(splitPath, 2) if ~isempty(findstr(splitPath{folderIDX}, 'NPMK')) rmpath(splitPath{folderIDX}); end end disp('Uninstall complete.'); pause(1); disp('Installing Neural Processing MATLAB Kit (NPMK)...'); currentPath = what; folderNames = dir; folderNames(1:2) = []; addpath(currentPath.path); for folderIDX = 1:size(folderNames, 1) addpath(currentPath.path); if folderNames(folderIDX).isdir && folderNames(folderIDX).name(1) ~= '@' && folderNames(folderIDX).name(1) ~= '.' addpath(fullfile(currentPath.path, folderNames(folderIDX).name)); end end savepath; disp('Install is complete. Run "help FUNCTIONAME" to see how to use each function.');