function [xx,yy] = calcunitcoordinates(res) % function [xx,yy] = calcunitcoordinates(res) % % is the number of pixels on a side % % return and which contain x- and y-coordinates corresponding % to equally spaced points within the space bounded by -.5 and .5. % these points can be treated as centers of pixels. % % example: % [xx,yy] = calcunitcoordinates(2); % isequal(xx,[-.25 .25; -.25 .25]) & isequal(yy,[.25 .25; -.25 -.25]) % notice that the second argument proceeds from .5 to -.5. % this ensures that the results match the usual coordinate axes % where the top is the positive y-axis. [xx,yy] = meshgrid(linspacepixels(-.5,.5,res),linspacepixels(.5,-.5,res));