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Hio-Been Han há 4 anos atrás
1 ficheiros alterados com 3 adições e 3 exclusões
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+ 3 - 3

@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ print('File contains [%d channels, %4d time points, %3d trials]'%(
 Note that voltage calibration value (*CAL*) is set to 1e-6 in 0.11.0 version of [](])
-###1-4. Getting channel coordinates
+### 1-4. Getting channel coordinates
 As EEG are recorded in 38-electrode array and two electrodes among them were used as ground and reference site, total 36 channel data are avilable. The coordinates information are in the file [data/montage.csv], and can be accessed and visualized by following commands.  
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ plt.title('Example trial (index=%d) trace'%(1+trial_index)); plt.gcf().set_facec
 Note that channel 1 to 36 contain actual EEG data from 36-channel electrode array (from FP1 to PO8), and channel 37 and 38 contain binary stimulus profile (0: no stimulation, 1: stimulation) of light and sound, respectively. 
-###2-3. ERP in time domain
+### 2-3. ERP in time domain
 Using same function, <code>plot_multichan()</code>, ERP (Event-related potentials) trace can be drawn as follow.
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ plt.gcf().set_facecolor('w');; plt.close();
-###3-3. Band-limited power topography
+### 3-3. Band-limited power topography
 Other than raw voltage, topography of band-limited power at stimulation frequency (40 Hz) can be drawn as well. In this example, stimulus-evoked 40 Hz power were estimated using <code>bandpower()</code> function.