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Christoph Berger 6 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه5 افزوده شده و 5 حذف شده
  1. 5 5

+ 5 - 5

@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ title: "Methylphenidate promotes the interaction between motor cortex facilitati
 # Any additional information. It is best practice to supply a description for the resource.
-this repository provides additional information to the study Methylphenidate promotes the interaction between motor cortex facilitation and attention processes in healthy adults performing a go/nogo task
-MPH_data.sav: ERP and TMS aggregates, as well as hits, reaction times, MPH clearance, gender and age 
-bva.zip: raw erp and tms data 
-BrainVisionRecorder_Marker.txt: description of experimental markers
+	this repository provides additional information to the study Methylphenidate promotes the interaction between motor cortex facilitation and attention processes in healthy adults performing a go/nogo task
+	files: 
+	MPH_data.sav: ERP and TMS aggregates, as well as hits, reaction times, MPH clearance, gender and age 
+	bva.zip: raw erp and tms data 
+	BrainVisionRecorder_Marker.txt: description of experimental markers
 # List of keywords the resource should be associated with.