Data sets accompanying Khani and Gollisch, 2021: Linear and nonlinear chromatic integration in the mouse retina.

Tim Gollisch d677312288 updated README with reference of the paper 3 years ago
Analysis 6ddcd68fd0 added contrast order function 3 years ago
Raw Data 182c9934ba uploaded raw data for the chromatic integration project. 3 years ago
Stimulation 074842b738 updated chromatic integration stimulus function to return stimulus order as an output 3 years ago
LICENSE e8e745050a Initial commit 3 years ago
Manual_Chromatic integration.pdf b0e415d76a added more info to the manual 3 years ago d677312288 updated README with reference of the paper 3 years ago
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Data sets accompanying the paper:

Khani MH and Gollisch T (2021) Linear and nonlinear chromatic integration in the mouse retina. Nature Communications 12:1900.

Pubmed link:

The repository contains spike train data from retinal ganglion cells in the mouse, recorded extracellularly with multi-electrode arrays under stimulation with various light patterns, focusing on integration of chromatic signals.

The structure of the repository is explained in "Manual_Chromatic integration.pdf". The file contains information about the format of the data files and about the applied visual stimuli. Sample code for analyzing the chromatic integration stimulus can also be found at

If you plan to use this data for a publication, please inform us about it and don’t forget to cite the original paper (see reference above) as well as the source of the data.

Title Dataset - Mouse retinal ganglion cell responses for analysis of chromatic integration
Authors Khani,Mohammad Hossein;University Medical Center Göttingen;ORCID:0000-0003-3123-7054
Gollisch,Tim;University Medical Center Göttingen;ORCID:0000-0003-3998-533X
Description Data sets accompanying Khani and Gollisch, Nature Communications 2021: Linear and nonlinear chromatic integration in the mouse retina.
License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (
References Khani MH, Gollisch T (2021), Linear and nonlinear chromatic integration in the mouse retina, Nat Commun 12:1900 [doi:10.1038/s41467-021-22042-1] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding DFG, CRC889.C01
DFG, CRC1456.B05
EU, ERC.724822
Keywords Neuroscience
Multielectrode Arrays
Ganglion Cells
Spike trains
Chromatic stimuli
Resource Type Dataset