''' Created on March 9, 2013 @author: dashesy Purpose: Python module for cbsdk_cython ''' from cbsdk_cython cimport * from libcpp cimport bool from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from libc.string cimport strncpy import sys import numpy as np import locale cimport numpy as np cimport cython def version(int instance=0): '''Get library version Inputs: instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs:" dictionary with following keys major - major API version minor - minor API version release - release API version beta - beta API version (0 if a non-beta) protocol_major - major protocol version protocol_minor - minor protocol version nsp_major - major NSP firmware version nsp_minor - minor NSP firmware version nsp_release - release NSP firmware version nsp_beta - beta NSP firmware version (0 if non-beta)) nsp_protocol_major - major NSP protocol version nsp_protocol_minor - minor NSP protocol version ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkVersion ver res = cbSdkGetVersion(instance, &ver) handle_result(res) ver_dict = {'major':ver.major, 'minor':ver.minor, 'release':ver.release, 'beta':ver.beta, 'protocol_major':ver.majorp, 'protocol_minor':ver.majorp, 'nsp_major':ver.nspmajor, 'nsp_minor':ver.nspminor, 'nsp_release':ver.nsprelease, 'nsp_beta':ver.nspbeta, 'nsp_protocol_major':ver.nspmajorp, 'nsp_protocol_minor':ver.nspmajorp } return res, ver_dict def defaultConParams(): #Note: Defaulting to assumes the client is connected to the NSP via a switch. #A direct connection might require the client-addr to be "" con_parms = { 'client-addr': str(cbNET_UDP_ADDR_BCAST.decode("utf-8"))\ if ('linux' in sys.platform or 'linux2' in sys.platform) else '', 'client-port': cbNET_UDP_PORT_BCAST, 'inst-addr': cbNET_UDP_ADDR_CNT.decode("utf-8"), 'inst-port': cbNET_UDP_PORT_CNT, 'receive-buffer-size': (8 * 1024 * 1024) if sys.platform == 'win32' else (6 * 1024 * 1024) } return con_parms def open(int instance=0, connection='default', parameter={}): '''Open library. Inputs: connection - connection type, string can be one the following 'default': tries slave then master connection 'master': tries master connection (UDP) 'slave': tries slave connection (needs another master already open) parameter - dictionary with following keys (all optional) 'inst-addr': instrument IPv4 address. 'inst-port': instrument port number. 'client-addr': client IPv4 address. 'client-port': client port number. 'receive-buffer-size': override default network buffer size (low value may result in drops). instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: Same as "get_connection_type" command output Test with: from cerebus import cbpy cbpy.open(parameter=cbpy.defaultConParams()) ''' cdef cbSdkResult res wconType = {'default': CBSDKCONNECTION_DEFAULT, 'slave': CBSDKCONNECTION_CENTRAL, 'master': CBSDKCONNECTION_UDP} if not connection in wconType.keys(): raise RuntimeError("invalid connection %s" % connection) cdef cbSdkConnectionType conType = wconType[connection] cdef cbSdkConnection con cdef bytes szOutIP = parameter.get('inst-addr', cbNET_UDP_ADDR_CNT.decode("utf-8")).encode() cdef bytes szInIP = parameter.get('client-addr', '').encode() con.szOutIP = szOutIP con.nOutPort = parameter.get('inst-port', cbNET_UDP_PORT_CNT) con.szInIP = szInIP con.nInPort = parameter.get('client-port', cbNET_UDP_PORT_BCAST) con.nRecBufSize = parameter.get('receive-buffer-size', 0) res = cbSdkOpen(instance, conType, con) handle_result(res) return res, get_connection_type(instance=instance) def close(int instance=0): '''Close library. Inputs: instance - (optional) library instance number ''' return handle_result(cbSdkClose(instance)) def get_connection_type(int instance=0): ''' Get connection type Inputs: instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: dictionary with following keys 'connection': Final established connection; can be any of: 'Default', 'Slave', 'Master', 'Closed', 'Unknown' 'instrument': Instrument connected to; can be any of: 'NSP', 'nPlay', 'Local NSP', 'Remote nPlay', 'Unknown') ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConnectionType conType cdef cbSdkInstrumentType instType res = cbSdkGetType(instance, &conType, &instType) handle_result(res) connections = ["Default", "Slave", "Master", "Closed", "Unknown"] instruments = ["NSP", "nPlay", "Local NSP", "Remote nPlay", "Unknown"] con_idx = conType if con_idx < 0 or con_idx >= len(connections): con_idx = len(connections) - 1 inst_idx = instType if inst_idx < 0 or inst_idx >= len(instruments): inst_idx = len(instruments) - 1 return {'connection':connections[con_idx], 'instrument':instruments[inst_idx]} def trial_config(int instance=0, reset=True, buffer_parameter={}, range_parameter={}, noevent=0, nocontinuous=0, nocomment=0): '''Configure trial settings. Inputs: reset - boolean, set True to flush data cache and start collecting data immediately, set False to stop collecting data immediately buffer_parameter - (optional) dictionary with following keys (all optional) 'double': boolean, if specified, the data is in double precision format 'absolute': boolean, if specified event timing is absolute (new polling will not reset time for events) 'continuous_length': set the number of continuous data to be cached 'event_length': set the number of events to be cached 'comment_length': set number of comments to be cached 'tracking_length': set the number of video tracking events to be cached range_parameter - (optional) dictionary with following keys (all optional) 'begin_channel': integer, channel to start polling if certain value seen 'begin_mask': integer, channel mask to start polling if certain value seen 'begin_value': value to start polling 'end_channel': channel to end polling if certain value seen 'end_mask': channel mask to end polling if certain value seen 'end_value': value to end polling 'noevent': equivalent of setting buffer_parameter['event_length'] to 0 'nocontinuous': equivalent of setting buffer_parameter['continuous_length'] to 0 'nocomment': equivalent of setting buffer_parameter['comment_length'] to 0 instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: reset - (boolean) if it is reset ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConfigParam cfg_param # retrieve old values res = cbsdk_get_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) cfg_param.bActive = reset # Fill cfg_param with provided buffer_parameter values or default. cfg_param.bDouble = buffer_parameter.get('double', cfg_param.bDouble) cfg_param.uWaveforms = 0 # does not work anyways cfg_param.uConts = 0 if nocontinuous else buffer_parameter.get('continuous_length', cbSdk_CONTINUOUS_DATA_SAMPLES) cfg_param.uEvents = 0 if noevent else buffer_parameter.get('event_length', cbSdk_EVENT_DATA_SAMPLES) cfg_param.uComments = 0 if nocomment else buffer_parameter.get('comment_length', 0) cfg_param.uTrackings = buffer_parameter.get('tracking_length', 0) cfg_param.bAbsolute = buffer_parameter.get('absolute', 0) # Fill cfg_param mask-related parameters with provided range_parameter or default. cfg_param.Begchan = range_parameter.get('begin_channel', 0) cfg_param.Begmask = range_parameter.get('begin_mask', 0) cfg_param.Begval = range_parameter.get('begin_value', 0) cfg_param.Endchan = range_parameter.get('end_channel', 0) cfg_param.Endmask = range_parameter.get('end_mask', 0) cfg_param.Endval = range_parameter.get('end_value', 0) res = cbsdk_set_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) return res, reset def trial_event(int instance=0, bool reset=False): ''' Trial spike and event data. Inputs: reset - (optional) boolean set False (default) to leave buffer intact. set True to clear all the data and reset the trial time to the current time. instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: list of arrays [channel, {'timestamps':[unit0_ts, ..., unitN_ts], 'events':digital_events}] channel: integer, channel number (1-based) digital_events: array, digital event values for channel (if a digital or serial channel) unitN_ts: array, spike timestamps of unit N for channel (if an electrode channel)); ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConfigParam cfg_param cdef cbSdkTrialEvent trialevent trial = [] # retrieve old values res = cbsdk_get_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) # get how many samples are available res = cbsdk_init_trial_event(instance, reset, &trialevent) handle_result(res) if trialevent.count == 0: return res, trial cdef np.double_t[:] mxa_d cdef np.uint32_t[:] mxa_u32 cdef np.uint16_t[:] mxa_u16 # allocate memory for channel in range(trialevent.count): ch = trialevent.chan[channel] # Actual channel number timestamps = [] # Fill timestamps for non-empty channels for u in range(cbMAXUNITS+1): trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = NULL num_samples = trialevent.num_samples[channel][u] ts = [] if num_samples: if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = &mxa_d[0] ts = np.asarray(mxa_d) else: mxa_u32 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.uint32) trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = &mxa_u32[0] ts = np.asarray(mxa_u32) timestamps.append(ts) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = NULL dig_events = [] # Fill values for non-empty digital or serial channels if (ch == (cbNUM_ANALOG_CHANS + cbNUM_ANALOGOUT_CHANS + cbNUM_DIGIN_CHANS))\ or (ch == (cbNUM_ANALOG_CHANS + cbNUM_ANALOGOUT_CHANS + cbNUM_DIGIN_CHANS + cbNUM_SERIAL_CHANS)): num_samples = trialevent.num_samples[channel][0] if num_samples: if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = &mxa_d[0] dig_events = np.asarray(mxa_d) else: mxa_u16 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.uint16) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = &mxa_u16[0] dig_events = np.asarray(mxa_u16) trial.append([ch, {'timestamps':timestamps, 'events':dig_events}]) # get the trial res = cbsdk_get_trial_event(instance, reset, &trialevent) handle_result(res) return res, trial def trial_continuous(int instance=0, bool reset=False): ''' Trial continuous data. Inputs: reset - (optional) boolean set False (default) to leave buffer intact. set True to clear all the data and reset the trial time to the current time. instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: list of the form [channel, continuous_array, sample_rate] channel: integer, channel number (1-based) continuous_array: array, continuous values for channel) sample_rate: integer, sampling rate at which data were acquired ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConfigParam cfg_param cdef cbSdkTrialCont trialcont trial = [] # retrieve old values res = cbsdk_get_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) # get how many samples are available res = cbsdk_init_trial_cont(instance, reset, &trialcont) handle_result(res) if trialcont.count == 0: return res, trial, trialcont.time cdef np.double_t[:] mxa_d cdef np.int16_t[:] mxa_i16 # allocate memory for channel in range(trialcont.count): ch = trialcont.chan[channel] # Actual channel number row = [ch] trialcont.samples[channel] = NULL num_samples = trialcont.num_samples[channel] if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) if num_samples: trialcont.samples[channel] = &mxa_d[0] cont = np.asarray(mxa_d) else: mxa_i16 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.int16) if num_samples: trialcont.samples[channel] = &mxa_i16[0] cont = np.asarray(mxa_i16) row.append(cont) row.append(trialcont.sample_rates[channel]) trial.append(row) # get the trial res = cbsdk_get_trial_cont(instance, reset, &trialcont) handle_result(res) return res, trial, trialcont.time def trial_data(int instance=0, bool reset=False): ''' :param instance: (optional) library instance number :param reset: (optional) boolean set False (default) to leave buffer intact. set True to clear all the data and reset the trial time to the current time. :return: res: (int) returned by cbsdk continuous data: list of the form [channel, continuous_array] channel: integer, channel number (1-based) continuous_array: array, continuous values for channel) event data: list of arrays [channel, {'timestamps':[unit0_ts, ..., unitN_ts], 'events':digital_events}] channel: integer, channel number (1-based) digital_events: array, digital event values for channel (if a digital or serial channel) unitN_ts: array, spike timestamps of unit N for channel (if an electrode channel)); ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConfigParam cfg_param cdef cbSdkTrialCont trialcont cdef cbSdkTrialEvent trialevent trial_event = [] trial_cont = [] # retrieve old values res = cbsdk_get_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) # get how many samples are available res = cbsdk_init_trial_data(instance, reset, &trialevent, &trialcont) handle_result(res) if trialevent.count == 0 or trialcont.count == 0: return res, trial_event, trial_cont cdef np.double_t[:] mxa_d_event, mxa_d_cont cdef np.int16_t[:] mxa_i16 cdef np.uint32_t[:] mxa_u32 cdef np.uint16_t[:] mxa_u16 # allocate memory for trial event for channel in range(trialevent.count): ch = trialevent.chan[channel] # Actual channel number timestamps = [] # Fill timestamps for non-empty channels for u in range(cbMAXUNITS+1): trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = NULL num_samples = trialevent.num_samples[channel][u] ts = [] if num_samples: if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d_event = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = &mxa_d_event[0] ts = np.asarray(mxa_d_event) else: mxa_u32 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.uint32) trialevent.timestamps[channel][u] = &mxa_u32[0] ts = np.asarray(mxa_u32) timestamps.append(ts) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = NULL dig_events = [] # Fill values for non-empty digital or serial channels if (ch == (cbNUM_ANALOG_CHANS + cbNUM_ANALOGOUT_CHANS + cbNUM_DIGIN_CHANS))\ or (ch == (cbNUM_ANALOG_CHANS + cbNUM_ANALOGOUT_CHANS + cbNUM_DIGIN_CHANS + cbNUM_SERIAL_CHANS)): num_samples = trialevent.num_samples[channel][0] if num_samples: if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d_event = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = &mxa_d_event[0] dig_events = np.asarray(mxa_d_event) else: mxa_u16 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.uint16) trialevent.waveforms[channel] = &mxa_u16[0] dig_events = np.asarray(mxa_u16) trial_event.append([ch, {'timestamps':timestamps, 'events':dig_events}]) # allocate memory for trial continuous for channel in range(trialcont.count): ch = trialcont.chan[channel] # Actual channel number row = [ch] trialcont.samples[channel] = NULL num_samples = trialcont.num_samples[channel] if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d_cont = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.double) if num_samples: trialcont.samples[channel] = &mxa_d_cont[0] cont = np.asarray(mxa_d_cont) else: mxa_i16 = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.int16) if num_samples: trialcont.samples[channel] = &mxa_i16[0] cont = np.asarray(mxa_i16) row.append(cont) trial_cont.append(row) # cbsdk get trial data res = cbsdk_get_trial_data(instance, reset, &trialevent, &trialcont) handle_result(res) return res, trial_event, trial_cont, trialcont.time def trial_comment(int instance=0, bool reset=False): ''' Trial comment data. Inputs: reset - (optional) boolean set False (default) to leave buffer intact. set True to clear all the data and reset the trial time to the current time. instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: list of lists the form [timestamp, comment_str, rgba] timestamp: ? comment_str: the comment as a py string rgba: integer; the comment colour. 8 bits each for r, g, b, a ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkConfigParam cfg_param cdef cbSdkTrialComment trialcomm # retrieve old values res = cbsdk_get_trial_config(instance, &cfg_param) handle_result(res) # get how many comments are available res = cbsdk_init_trial_comment(instance, reset, &trialcomm) handle_result(res) if trialcomm.num_samples == 0: return res, [] # allocate memory # types cdef np.double_t[:] mxa_d cdef np.uint8_t[:] mxa_u8 cdef np.uint32_t[:] mxa_u32 # For charsets; mxa_u8 = np.zeros(trialcomm.num_samples, dtype=np.uint8) trialcomm.charsets = &mxa_u8[0] my_charsets = np.asarray(mxa_u8) # For rgbas mxa_u32 = np.zeros(trialcomm.num_samples, dtype=np.uint32) trialcomm.rgbas = &mxa_u32[0] my_rgbas = np.asarray(mxa_u32) # For comments trialcomm.comments = malloc(trialcomm.num_samples * sizeof(uint8_t*)) for comm_ix in range(trialcomm.num_samples): trialcomm.comments[comm_ix] = malloc(256 * sizeof(uint8_t)) # For timestamps if cfg_param.bDouble: mxa_d = np.zeros(trialcomm.num_samples, dtype=np.double) trialcomm.timestamps = &mxa_d[0] my_timestamps = np.asarray(mxa_d) else: mxa_u32 = np.zeros(trialcomm.num_samples, dtype=np.uint32) trialcomm.timestamps = &mxa_u32[0] my_timestamps = np.asarray(mxa_u32) try: res = cbsdk_get_trial_comment(instance, reset, &trialcomm) handle_result(res) trial = [] for comm_ix in range(trialcomm.num_samples): this_enc = 'utf-16' if my_charsets[comm_ix]==1 else locale.getpreferredencoding() row = [my_timestamps[comm_ix], trialcomm.comments[comm_ix].decode(this_enc), my_rgbas[comm_ix]] trial.append(row) return res, trial finally: free(trialcomm.comments) def file_config(int instance=0, command='info', comment='', filename=''): ''' Configure remote file recording or get status of recording. Inputs: command - string, File configuration command, can be of of the following 'info': (default) get File recording information 'open': opens the File dialog if closed, ignoring other parameters 'close': closes the File dialog if open 'start': starts recording, opens dialog if closed 'stop': stops recording filename - (optional) string, file name to use for recording comment - (optional) string, file comment to use for file recording instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: Only if command is 'info' output is returned A dictionary with following keys: 'Recording': boolean, if recording is in progress 'FileName': string, file name being recorded 'UserName': Computer that is recording ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef char fname[256] cdef char username[256] cdef bool bRecording = False if command == 'info': res = cbSdkGetFileConfig(instance, fname, username, &bRecording) handle_result(res) info = {'Recording':bRecording, 'FileName':fname, 'UserName':username} return res, info cdef int start = 0 cdef unsigned int options = cbFILECFG_OPT_NONE if command == 'open': if filename or comment: raise RuntimeError('filename and comment should not be specified for open') options = cbFILECFG_OPT_OPEN elif command == 'close': options = cbFILECFG_OPT_CLOSE elif command == 'start': if not filename: raise RuntimeError('filename should be specified for start') start = 1 elif command == 'stop': if not filename: raise RuntimeError('filename should be specified for stop') start = 0 else: raise RuntimeError("invalid file config command %s" % command) cdef int set_res filename_string = filename.encode('UTF-8') comment_string = comment.encode('UTF-8') set_res = cbsdk_file_config(instance, filename_string, comment_string, start, options) return set_res def time(int instance=0, unit='samples'): '''Instrument time. Inputs: unit - time unit, string can be one the following 'samples': (default) sample number integer 'seconds' or 's': seconds calculated from samples 'milliseconds' or 'ms': milliseconds calculated from samples instance - (optional) library instance number Outputs: time - time passed since last reset ''' cdef cbSdkResult res if unit == 'samples': factor = 1 elif unit in ['seconds', 's']: raise NotImplementedError("Use time unit of samples for now") elif unit in ['milliseconds', 'ms']: raise NotImplementedError("Use time unit of samples for now") else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid time unit %s" % unit) cdef uint32_t cbtime res = cbSdkGetTime(instance, &cbtime) handle_result(res) time = float(cbtime) / factor return res, time def analog_out(channel_out, channel_mon, track_last=True, spike_only=False, int instance=0): ''' Monitor a channel. Inputs: channel_out - integer, analog output channel number (1-based) On NSP, should be >= MIN_CHANS_ANALOG_OUT (145) && <= MAX_CHANS_AUDIO (150) channel_mon - integer, channel to monitor (1-based) track_last - (optional) If True, track last channel clicked on in raster plot or hardware config window. spike_only - (optional) If True, only play spikes. If False, play continuous. ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbSdkAoutMon mon if channel_mon is None: res = cbSdkSetAnalogOutput(instance, channel_out, NULL, NULL) else: mon.chan = channel_mon mon.bTrack = track_last mon.bSpike = spike_only res = cbSdkSetAnalogOutput(instance, channel_out, NULL, &mon) handle_result(res) return res def digital_out(int channel, int instance=0, value='low'): '''Digital output command. Inputs: channel - integer, digital output channel number (1-based) On NSP, 153 (dout1), 154 (dout2), 155 (dout3), 156 (dout4) value - (optional), depends on the command for command of 'set_value': string, can be 'high' or 'low' (default) instance - (optional) library instance number''' values = ['low', 'high'] if value not in values: raise RuntimeError("Invalid value %s" % value) cdef cbSdkResult res cdef uint16_t int_val = values.index(value) res = cbSdkSetDigitalOutput(instance, channel, int_val) handle_result(res) return res def get_channel_config(int channel, int instance=0): ''' Outputs: -chaninfo = A Python dictionary with the following fields: 'time': system clock timestamp, 'chid': 0x8000, 'type': cbPKTTYPE_AINP*, 'dlen': cbPKT_DLENCHANINFO, 'chan': actual channel id of the channel being configured, 'proc': the address of the processor on which the channel resides, 'bank': the address of the bank on which the channel resides, 'term': the terminal number of the channel within it's bank, 'chancaps': general channel capablities (given by cbCHAN_* flags), 'doutcaps': digital output capablities (composed of cbDOUT_* flags), 'dinpcaps': digital input capablities (composed of cbDINP_* flags), 'aoutcaps': analog output capablities (composed of cbAOUT_* flags), 'ainpcaps': analog input capablities (composed of cbAINP_* flags), 'spkcaps': spike processing capabilities, 'label': Label of the channel (null terminated if <16 characters), 'userflags': User flags for the channel state, 'doutopts': digital output options (composed of cbDOUT_* flags), 'dinpopts': digital input options (composed of cbDINP_* flags), 'aoutopts': analog output options, 'eopchar': digital input capablities (given by cbDINP_* flags), 'ainpopts': analog input options (composed of cbAINP* flags), 'smpfilter': continuous-time pathway filter id, 'smpgroup': continuous-time pathway sample group, 'smpdispmin': continuous-time pathway display factor, 'smpdispmax': continuous-time pathway display factor, 'trigtype': trigger type (see cbDOUT_TRIGGER_*), 'trigchan': trigger channel, 'trigval': trigger value, 'lncrate': line noise cancellation filter adaptation rate, 'spkfilter': spike pathway filter id, 'spkdispmax': spike pathway display factor, 'lncdispmax': Line Noise pathway display factor, 'spkopts': spike processing options, 'spkthrlevel': spike threshold level, 'spkthrlimit': , 'spkgroup': NTrodeGroup this electrode belongs to - 0 is single unit, non-0 indicates a multi-trode grouping, 'amplrejpos': Amplitude rejection positive value, 'amplrejneg': Amplitude rejection negative value, 'refelecchan': Software reference electrode channel, ''' cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbPKT_CHANINFO cb_chaninfo res = cbSdkGetChannelConfig(instance, channel, &cb_chaninfo) handle_result(res) if res != 0: return res, {} chaninfo = { 'time': cb_chaninfo.time, 'chid': cb_chaninfo.chid, 'type': cb_chaninfo.type, # cbPKTTYPE_AINP* 'dlen': cb_chaninfo.dlen, # cbPKT_DLENCHANINFO 'chan': cb_chaninfo.chan, 'proc': cb_chaninfo.proc, 'bank': cb_chaninfo.bank, 'term': cb_chaninfo.term, 'chancaps': cb_chaninfo.chancaps, 'doutcaps': cb_chaninfo.doutcaps, 'dinpcaps': cb_chaninfo.dinpcaps, 'aoutcaps': cb_chaninfo.aoutcaps, 'ainpcaps': cb_chaninfo.ainpcaps, 'spkcaps': cb_chaninfo.spkcaps, 'label': cb_chaninfo.label.decode('utf-8'), 'userflags': cb_chaninfo.userflags, 'doutopts': cb_chaninfo.doutopts, 'dinpopts': cb_chaninfo.dinpopts, 'aoutopts': cb_chaninfo.aoutopts, 'eopchar': cb_chaninfo.eopchar, 'monsource': cb_chaninfo.monsource, 'outvalue': cb_chaninfo.outvalue, 'aoutopts': cb_chaninfo.aoutopts, 'eopchar': cb_chaninfo.eopchar, 'ainpopts': cb_chaninfo.ainpopts, 'smpfilter': cb_chaninfo.smpfilter, 'smpgroup': cb_chaninfo.smpgroup, 'smpdispmin': cb_chaninfo.smpdispmin, 'smpdispmax': cb_chaninfo.smpdispmax, 'trigtype': cb_chaninfo.trigtype, 'trigchan': cb_chaninfo.trigchan, 'lncrate': cb_chaninfo.lncrate, 'spkfilter': cb_chaninfo.spkfilter, 'spkdispmax': cb_chaninfo.spkdispmax, 'lncdispmax': cb_chaninfo.lncdispmax, 'spkopts': cb_chaninfo.spkopts, 'spkthrlevel': cb_chaninfo.spkthrlevel, 'spkthrlimit': cb_chaninfo.spkthrlimit, 'spkgroup': cb_chaninfo.spkgroup, 'amplrejpos': cb_chaninfo.amplrejpos, 'amplrejneg': cb_chaninfo.amplrejneg, 'refelecchan': cb_chaninfo.refelecchan } # TODO: #cbSCALING physcalin # physical channel scaling information #cbFILTDESC phyfiltin # physical channel filter definition #cbSCALING physcalout # physical channel scaling information #cbFILTDESC phyfiltout # physical channel filter definition #int32_t position[4] # reserved for future position information #cbSCALING scalin # user-defined scaling information for AINP #cbSCALING scalout # user-defined scaling information for AOUT #uint32_t monsource #int32_t outvalue # output value #uint16_t lowsamples # address of channel to monitor #uint16_t highsamples # address of channel to monitor #int32_t offset #cbMANUALUNITMAPPING unitmapping[cbMAXUNITS+0] # manual unit mapping #cbHOOP spkhoops[cbMAXUNITS+0][cbMAXHOOPS+0] # spike hoop sorting set return res, chaninfo def set_channel_config(int channel, chaninfo={}, int instance=0): """ Inputs: chaninfo: A Python dict. See fields descriptions in get_channel_config. All fields are optional. """ cdef cbSdkResult res cdef cbPKT_CHANINFO cb_chaninfo res = cbSdkGetChannelConfig(instance, channel, &cb_chaninfo) handle_result(res) if 'label' in chaninfo: new_label = chaninfo['label'] if not isinstance(new_label, bytes): new_label = new_label.encode() strncpy(cb_chaninfo.label, new_label, sizeof(new_label)) if 'smpgroup' in chaninfo: cb_chaninfo.smpgroup = chaninfo['smpgroup'] if 'spkthrlevel' in chaninfo: cb_chaninfo.spkthrlevel = chaninfo['spkthrlevel'] res = cbSdkSetChannelConfig(instance, channel, &cb_chaninfo) handle_result(res) return res def get_sample_group(int group_ix, int instance=0): """ """ cdef cbSdkResult res cdef uint32_t proc = 1 cdef uint32_t nChansInGroup res = cbSdkGetSampleGroupList(instance, proc, group_ix, &nChansInGroup, NULL) handle_result(res) if (nChansInGroup <= 0): return res, [] cdef uint32_t pGroupList[cbNUM_ANALOG_CHANS+0] res = cbSdkGetSampleGroupList(instance, proc, group_ix, &nChansInGroup, pGroupList) handle_result(res) cdef cbPKT_CHANINFO chanInfo channels_info = [] for chan_ix in range(nChansInGroup): chan_info = {} res = cbSdkGetChannelConfig(instance, pGroupList[chan_ix], &chanInfo) handle_result(res) anaRange = chanInfo.physcalin.anamax - chanInfo.physcalin.anamin digRange = chanInfo.physcalin.digmax - chanInfo.physcalin.digmin chan_info['chid'] = chanInfo.chid chan_info['chan'] = chanInfo.chan chan_info['proc'] = chanInfo.proc chan_info['bank'] = chanInfo.bank chan_info['term'] = chanInfo.term chan_info['gain'] = anaRange / digRange chan_info['label'] = chanInfo.label chan_info['unit'] = chanInfo.physcalin.anaunit channels_info.append(chan_info) return res, channels_info def set_comment(comment_string, rgba_tuple=(0, 0, 0, 255), int instance=0): cdef cbSdkResult res cdef uint32_t rgba = (rgba_tuple[0] << 24) + (rgba_tuple[1] << 16) + (rgba_tuple[2] << 8) + rgba_tuple[3] cdef uint8_t charset = 0 # Character set (0 - ANSI, 1 - UTF16, 255 - NeuroMotive ANSI) cdef bytes py_bytes = comment_string.encode() cdef const char* comment = py_bytes res = cbSdkSetComment( instance, rgba, charset, comment) def get_sys_config(int instance=0): cdef cbSdkResult res cdef uint32_t spklength cdef uint32_t spkpretrig cdef uint32_t sysfreq res = cbSdkGetSysConfig( instance, &spklength, &spkpretrig, &sysfreq) handle_result(res) return {'spklength': spklength, 'spkpretrig': spkpretrig, 'sysfreq': sysfreq} def set_spike_config(int spklength=48, int spkpretrig=10, int instance=0): cdef cbSdkResult res res = cbSdkSetSpikeConfig( instance, spklength, spkpretrig) handle_result(res) cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h": void PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(np.ndarray arr, int flags) cdef class SpikeCache: cdef readonly int inst, chan, n_samples, n_pretrig cdef cbSPKCACHE *cache cdef int last_valid def __cinit__(self, int channel=1, int instance=0): self.inst = instance self.chan = channel cdef cbSPKCACHE ignoreme # Just so self.cache is not NULL... but this won't be used by anything self.cache = &ignoreme # because cbSdkGetSpkCache changes what self.cache is pointing to. cdef cbSdkResult res = cbSdkGetSpkCache(self.inst, self.chan, &self.cache) handle_result(res) self.last_valid = self.cache.valid sys_config_dict = get_sys_config(instance) self.n_samples = sys_config_dict['spklength'] self.n_pretrig = sys_config_dict['spkpretrig'] @cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function def get_new_waveforms(self): cdef int new_valid = self.cache.valid cdef int new_head = self.cache.head cdef int n_new = min(new_valid - self.last_valid, 400) cdef np.ndarray[np.int16_t, ndim=2, mode="c"] np_waveforms = np.empty((n_new, self.n_samples), dtype=np.int16) cdef np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=1] np_unit_ids = np.empty(n_new, dtype=np.uint8) cdef int wf_ix, pkt_ix, samp_ix for wf_ix in range(n_new): pkt_ix = (new_head - 2 - n_new + wf_ix) % 400 np_unit_ids[wf_ix] = self.cache.spkpkt[pkt_ix].unit # Instead of per-sample copy, we could copy the pointer for the whole wave to the buffer of a 1-d np array, # then use memory view copying from 1-d array into our 2d matrix. But below is pure-C so should be fast too. for samp_ix in range(self.n_samples): np_waveforms[wf_ix, samp_ix] = self.cache.spkpkt[pkt_ix].wave[samp_ix] #unit_ids_out = [unit_ids[wf_ix] for wf_ix in range(n_new)] PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(np_waveforms, np.NPY_OWNDATA) self.last_valid = new_valid return np_waveforms, np_unit_ids cdef cbSdkResult handle_result(cbSdkResult res): if (res == CBSDKRESULT_WARNCLOSED): print("Library is already closed.") if (res < 0): errtext = "No associated error string. See cbsdk.h" if (res == CBSDKRESULT_ERROFFLINE): errtext = "Instrument is offline." elif (res == CBSDKRESULT_CLOSED): errtext = "Interface is closed; cannot do this operation." elif (res == CBSDKRESULT_ERRCONFIG): errtext = "Trying to run an unconfigured method." elif (res == CBSDKRESULT_NULLPTR): errtext = "Null pointer." raise RuntimeError(("%d, " + errtext) % res) return res