# CereLink Blackrock Microsystems Cerebus Link The software develoment kit for Blackrock Microsystems neural signal processing hardware includes: c++ library (cbsdk): cross platform library for two-way communication with hardware MATLAB/Octave wrapper (cbmex/cboct): MATLAB executable (mex) to configure and pull data using cbsdk Python wrapper (cbpy): Python binding for cbsdk to configure, pull data, and receive callbacks File conversion utility (n2h5): Converts nsx and nev files to hdf5 format ## Installation In the repository's root folder, run cmake -H. -B_builds/Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/opt/CereLink" cmake --build _builds/Release --target install To install the CereLink libraries to `/opt/CereLink`. ## Project wiki https://github.com/dashesy/CereLink/wiki ## History - 6.9.w.2 (6 Sep 2018) Improved `cmake` installation procedure, `cmake` tools for finding the library