# Gaus_etal_2021_Neuron_numbers_decreased_in_schizophrenia Stereologic data accompanying the study: **Richard Gaus, Melanie Popal, Helmut Heinsen, Andrea Schmitt, Peter Falkai, Patrick R. Hof, Christoph Schmitz, Alisa Vollhardt (2021) Neuron numbers are decreased in the whole cerebral cortex and in layer V of area 24 in schizophrenia** The repository contains a table (`raw_stereology_data.xlsx`) with clinical characteristics and raw stereological estimates of volume, cell counts, and cell densities in the whole cerebral cortex, whole area 24, and layer V of area 24 in the brains of 13 male patients with schizophrenia and 13 age-matched male controls. The table contains the following columns: | Column | Description | Unit | | -------- | ----------- | -------- | | `subject` | Text | Text | Units of estimates are as follows: * CGM volume (`cgm_vol`): cm3 * CGM neuron number (`cgm_nn`): x109 * CGM neuron density (`cgm_nd`): x106 / cm3 * Area 24 volume (`area24_vol`): cm3 * Area 24 neuron number (`area24_nn`): x106 * Area 24 neuron density (`area24_vol`): x106 / cm3 * Area 24 layer V volume: cm3 * Area 24 layer V neuron number: x106 * Area 24 layer V neuron density: x106 / cm3 * VEN number: x103 * VEN density: x103 / cm3 All hemispheres where columns `excl` / `excl_cgm` carry the value `1` were excluded from the statistical analysis for all outcome variables / only the CGM-related outcome variables due to missing sections. If you plan to use this data for a publication, please inform us about it and don’t forget to cite the source of the data.