function [X,f,P,Nt]=myfft(x,dtORfs,plotSpec) % [X,f,P,Nt]=myfft(x,dtORfs,plotSpec) % % Inputs % x : time domain sigmal % dtORfs : sampling period or frequency. Currently assumes that dtORfs <=1 % is a sampling period, whereas dtORfs >1 is a sampling frequency. % plotSpec: =1 => show plot; not specified, or =0 => don't plot % % Outputs % X : fft(x) % f : frequency range (Hz) % P : power spectrum of x % Nt: time stamp for x (based on your input dtORfs). % % Example: % dt=0.01; t=0:dt:5; % x=7*sin(2*pi*10*t) + 19*sin(2*pi*23.5*t); % [X,f,P,Nt]=myfft(x,dtORfs,1); % % Note in this example that the multiplier of t inside the sin function (i.e,. 2*pi*10) % is frequency in radians/sec (omega). Recall that f = 2*pi*omega. f is in Hz. % So in the example above, the two frequencies are 10Hz or 2*pi*10 rad/s; % and 23.5Hz or 2*pi*23.5 rad/s % % Shreesh P. Mysore % % 2.10.07 % xhat=[]; if nargin<3, plotSpec=0; end %-- dt or fs? if dtORfs > 1, Fs = dtORfs; dt = 1/Fs; else dt = dtORfs; Fs =1/dt; end % min sampling frequency is 1Hz just as a way to identify what is being inputted. %-- fft N=length(x); Nt = dt*(1:N); Nfft = 2^nextpow2(N); %N=2^round(log2(N)); %X=fft(x,Nfft)/N;Pxx=2*abs(X);P=Pxx(1:Nfft/2); X=fft(x,N)/N;Pxx=2*abs(X); %<==> %X = fft(x);Pxx = 2*sqrt(X.*conj(X))/N; %Pxx = X.*conj(X)/N; %-- power spectrum %magnitude of complex Fourier coefficients) P=Pxx(1:floor(N/2)+1,:); %P=0.5*Pxx; % all points in Pxx % %-- phase of coefficients phaseAngle = unwrap (angle (X(1:floor(N/2)+1))); %in radians phaseAngle = phaseAngle*180/pi; %in degrees %-- frequency range f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,Nfft/2); f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,floor(N/2)+1); f = ((0: 1/(floor(N/2)+1): 1-1/(floor(N/2)+1))*Fs/2).'; %[length(f) N] % pause %f = ((0: 1/N: 1-1/N)*Fs).'; %all points in Pxx %-- plotting if plotSpec==1, figure % ind = find(f>0 & f~=10); P(ind) = zeros(size(ind)); % X(ind) = zeros(size(ind)); % X = [X(1:Nfft/2) fliplr(X(1:Nfft/2))]; %xhat = ifft(N*X); subplot(3,1,1), plot(Nt,x);xh=xlabel('time (seconds)'); set(gca,'fontsize',12) yh=ylabel('x'); set(xh,'fontsize',15);set(yh,'fontsize',15) axis tight; subplot(3,1,2), plot(f,P,'.-'), set(gca,'fontsize',12) xh=xlabel('frequency (Hz)'); yh=ylabel('| fft(x) |'); %th = title('Frequency spectrum of X'); set(xh,'fontsize',15);set(yh,'fontsize',15); %set(th,'fontsize',20); %subplot(3,1,3), plot(Nt,xhat(1:N));title('x'), xlabel('time (seconds)') set(gcf,'color','w') % subplot(3,1,3), % plot(f,phaseAngle,'-'), % set(gca,'fontsize',12); set(gca,'ylim',[-180 180]) % xh=xlabel('frequency (Hz)'); yh=ylabel('phase (deg)'); % set(xh,'fontsize',15);set(yh,'fontsize',15); % %subplot(3,1,3), plot(Nt,xhat(1:N));title('x'), xlabel('time (seconds)') % set(gcf,'color','w') end