classdef BlockVectorLegacyLoader < BlockVectorData %BLOCKVECTORLEGACYLOADER Static class with resources to load file data % to legacy style structures. properties(GetAccess = private, Constant = true) % Fixed by file format - there's only 1 byte for each MAX_CHANNEL_ARTICHOKE = 256; MAX_CHANNEL_INDEX = 256; end methods (Static = true) function aData = Legacy_Load_Raw_v1(aSourceData, aHeader, aTimeRange) % Check to make sure the file format makes sense for a raw file if aHeader.header.numSamplesPerBlock ~= 1 error('load_AxIS_raw:argNumSamplesPerBlock', ... 'Invalid header for RAW file: incorrect samples per block'); end if aHeader.header.blockHeaderSize ~= 0 error('load_AxIS_raw:argBlockHeaderSize', ... 'Invalid header for RAW file: incorrect block header size'); end fseek(aSourceData.FileID, int64(aSourceData.Start), 'bof'); % Copy input structure to output; then add information to output aData = aHeader; aData.numChannels = aData.header.numChannelsPerBlock; if aData.numChannels ~= aData.channelArray.numChannels error('load_AxIS_raw:mismatchNumChannels', ... 'Invalid RAW file: mismatched number of channels'); end if isempty(aHeader.loadedChannels) % No channels requested - don't read any data return; end % Read data fSampleFreq = int64(aData.samplingFrequency); fChannelCount = int64(aData.numChannels); fBytesPerSecond = fSampleFreq * fChannelCount * int64(2); fMaxTime = int64(aSourceData.EntryRecord.Length / fBytesPerSecond); if ~strcmp(aTimeRange, 'all') fStart = aTimeRange(1); fEnd =aTimeRange(2); if(fStart >= fEnd) warning('Invalid timespan argument: end time < start time. No valid waveform can be returned.'); return; end if(fStart > fMaxTime) warning( 'DataSet only contains %d Seconds of data (%d Seconds was the requested start time). No waveform will be returned.', fMaxTime, fStart); return; end if(fEnd > fMaxTime) fEnd = fMaxTime; warning('DataSet only contains %d Seconds of data. Returned waveforms will be shorter than requested (%d Seconds).', fMaxTime, fEnd - fStart); end fSkipInitialSamples = fStart * fSampleFreq; fSkipInitialBytes = fSkipInitialSamples * fChannelCount * int64(2); fNumSamples = int64((fEnd - fStart) * fSampleFreq); fseek(aSourceData.FileID, fSkipInitialBytes, 'cof'); else fNumSamples = int64(fMaxTime * fSampleFreq); end if length(aHeader.loadedChannels) == 1 % We're only reading one channel. For efficiency, take advantage of fread's % 'skip' argument. % First, read and throw away other channels at the beginning of the data fread(aSourceData.FileID, aHeader.loadedChannels - 1, 'int16=>int16'); % Read the data for the given channel, skipping from one to the next aData.channelData = fread(aSourceData.FileID, fNumSamples, 'int16=>int16', 2*(aData.numChannels - 1)); else % We're reading multiple channels. There's no easy way to translate this into a % single fread, so we read all of the channels in the sample range in question, % then remap, throwing away what we didn't want. % First, read everything within the time range fNumSamples = fNumSamples * int64(aData.numChannels); fTempChannelData = fread(aSourceData.FileID, fNumSamples, 'int16=>int16'); % This test (which can fail only when we read the the end of the file) % makes sure that we didn't get a number of samples that's not divisible % by the number of channels. fRemainderCount = mod(length(fTempChannelData), aData.numChannels); if fRemainderCount ~= 0 warning('load_AXiS_raw:remainderCheck', ... 'File %s has wrong number of samples for %u channels', ... aSourceData.FileID, aData.numChannels); end % Convert the 1D array to a 2D array, with channel as the second dimension % (starts as first dimension and then is transposed) fTempChannelData = reshape(fTempChannelData(:), aData.numChannels, []); % Remap aData.channelData = fTempChannelData(aData.loadedChannels, :); aData.channelData = aData.channelData'; end end function aData = Legacy_Load_spike_v1(aSourceData, aHeader, aTimeRange) % Check to make sure the file format makes sense for a spike file if aHeader.header.numChannelsPerBlock ~= 1 error('Load_spike_v1:argNumChannelsPerBlock', ... 'Invalid header for SPIKE file: incorrect channels per block'); end if aHeader.header.blockHeaderSize < Spike_v1.LOADED_HEADER_SIZE error('Load_spike_v1:argBlockHeaderSize', ... 'Invalid header for SPIKE file: block header size too small'); end if aHeader.header.numSamplesPerBlock < 1 error('load_AxIS_spike:argNumSamplesPerBlock', ... 'Invalid header for SPIKE file: number of samples per block < 1'); end % Copy input structure to output; then add information to output aData = aHeader; if isempty(aHeader.loadedChannels) % No channels requested - don't read any data return; end if ischar(aTimeRange) && strcmp(aTimeRange, 'all') fFirstSample = 0; fLastSample = Inf; else fFirstSample = aTimeRange(1) * aData.samplingFrequency; fLastSample = aTimeRange(2) * aData.samplingFrequency; end fSparseChannelIndex = sparse(... double([] + 1) , ... double([] + 1), ... double(1:aData.channelArray.numChannels), ... BlockVectorLegacyLoader.MAX_CHANNEL_ARTICHOKE,... BlockVectorLegacyLoader.MAX_CHANNEL_INDEX); spikeIndex = 1; % Manage the spike array to avoid "growing" it fSpikeArrayCapacity = 0; fseek(aSourceData.FileID, int64(aSourceData.Start), 'bof'); fStop = aSourceData.Start + aSourceData.EntryRecord.Length; while ftell(aSourceData.FileID) < fStop % Load the block header for this spike fCurrentSpike = []; fCurrentSpike.startingSample = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'int64'); %Changed uint64 to int64 if feof(aSourceData.FileID) % we were at the end of the file break; end fHardwareChannelIndex = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'uint8'); fHardwareChannelAchk = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'uint8'); fCurrentSpike.triggerSampleOffset = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'uint32'); fCurrentSpike.stDev = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'double'); fCurrentSpike.threshold = fread(aSourceData.FileID, 1, 'double'); % Get well and electrode row and column fCurrentSpike.channelArrayIndex = full(fSparseChannelIndex(fHardwareChannelAchk + 1, fHardwareChannelIndex + 1)); if fCurrentSpike.channelArrayIndex == 0 error('load_AxIS_spike:invalidSpikeChannel', ... ['Spike has invalid Artichoke/Channel number ' num2str(fHardwareChannelAchk) ... ' / ' num2str(fHardwareChannelIndex)]); end fCurrentSpike.channelInfo =; % Historical channel number -- XY, where X = electrodeColumn and Y = electrodeRow % This field is deprecated, since it doesn't contain multiwell information. = 10*fCurrentSpike.channelInfo.electrodeColumn + ... fCurrentSpike.channelInfo.electrodeRow; % Seek forward to the end of the header. % It might seem cleaner to do this by saving the current position % before we read the header and seeking forward from there. % However, that method will not handle files larger than 4GB if fseek % and ftell are not 64-bit clean. fseek(aSourceData.FileID, aData.header.blockHeaderSize - Spike_v1.LOADED_HEADER_SIZE, 'cof'); if ftell(aSourceData.FileID) >= fStop % file ended before the start of the data -- looks like a truncated file warning('load_AxIS_spike:headerTruncated', ... 'Spike header truncated at end of file'); break; end % Read the data for this spike fCurrentSpike.waveform = fread(aSourceData.FileID, aData.header.numSamplesPerBlock, 'int16=>int16'); if length(fCurrentSpike.waveform) < aData.header.numSamplesPerBlock % file ended in the middle of the data warning('load_AxIS_spike:dataTruncated', ... 'Spike data truncated at end of file'); break; end % Does this spike match the channel filter? If not, skip it. if ~ismember(fCurrentSpike.channelArrayIndex, aData.loadedChannels) continue; end % Does this spike match the time filter? if fCurrentSpike.startingSample < fFirstSample % Too early continue; elseif fCurrentSpike.startingSample >= fLastSample % Too late. Since spikes are in chronological order, we % can stop reading now. break; end % Check for capacity in the spike array if spikeIndex > fSpikeArrayCapacity if fSpikeArrayCapacity == 0 % Let it grow on its own fSpikeArrayCapacity = 1; else % Double the capacity fSpikeArrayCapacity = fSpikeArrayCapacity * 2; aData.spikes(fSpikeArrayCapacity).startingSample = -1; end end % save the spike aData.spikes(spikeIndex) = fCurrentSpike; spikeIndex = spikeIndex + 1; end % trim down the spike array if spikeIndex > 1 aData.spikes = aData.spikes(1:spikeIndex-1); else aData.spikes = []; end end end end