# Laura Aarnos 211118 # Create new plate layout for meaRtools - Axion12 # Original code from meaRtools: Reading in MEA data #library(IGM.MEA) library(meaRtools) #attach meaRtools after IGM.MEA to get right parameter names # name your plate layout - the name goes between '' my.name <- 'Axion12' # e.g. '1-electrode' # create plate layout for single electrode new_platelayout = list(n_well = 12, # number of wells wells = c('A1','A2','A3','A4','B1','B2','B3','B4', 'C1','C2','C3','C4'), # names of those wells, e.g. 'w1' n_well_r = 4, # number of wells / row n_well_c = 3, # number of wells / col layout = c(3, 4), # layout when plotting c(row,col), e.g. c(1,1) n_elec_r = 8, # number of electrodes / row n_elec_c = 8, # number of electrodes /col xlim = c(-100, 7100), # xlimits for plotting, e.g. c(-1,2) ylim = c(0, 5300), # ylimits for plotting, e.g. c(-1,2) spacing = 200, # distance (um) separating electrodes corr_breaks = 0 # vector of correlation distances (I used 0) ) add_plateinfo(my.name, new_platelayout)