%% Author: Xuelian Zang %% Contact: zangxuelian@gmail.com, lianlian81821@126.com %% Date:09th Sep, 2020 %% Descriptions: All the experimental data and the related code for processing data are provided. Exp1_AllData.mat: Dataset for Experiment 1 (solo-search condition) Exp2_AllData: Dataset for Experiment 2 (joint action condition) Exp3_AllData.mat: Dataset for Experiment 3 (solo-search condition) Note: the data are already preprocessed by combining different participants response together. Error trials and invalid trials (RTs of below 200 ms and above 2.5 standard deviations from the mean) are separately saved. For each data set, it includes data for three sessions, namely 'train','test' and 'rec' for the training, test and recognition sessions respectively. Data for each session consist of 'valid','err' and 'dis' for valid trials, error trials, and discarded outliers. When put these three parts together, we obtain all the responses for all experimental trials. For each subset data, take AllData.train.valid as an example: RP: participants' actual key press, corresponding to the four response keys. 1=key 1!, 2= key 2@, 3=key 8*, 4= key 0) RT: participants' response time in seconds Crr: correct trials. >0 1=left response correct; 2= right response correct; -3 = left response wrong; -2=right response wrong NT: number of trials NB: number of blocks White: left target white? 1 = white, 0 = black New1: current configuration related to left target new? 1= new, 0 = old TLoc1: left target's location OriBlack: right target black? 1= black, 0 =white New2: current configuration related to the right target new? 1= new, 0 = old, this column is the same as New1 TLoc2: left target's location Dir1: left target's orientation, 1= left, 2=right Dir2: right target's orientation, 1= left, 2=right NE: number of epochs NSub: number of subjects For all the variable named with 'for Spss', you could copy its data to SPSS and directly use SPSS to run statistical test.