{ "age":{ "Description": "age of the participant", "Units": "years" }, "sex": { "Description": "sex of the participant as reported by the participant", "Levels": { "M": "male", "F": "female" } }, "trainingSuccess": { "Description": "RIII reflex size during application of cognitive strategy in the last training session. Smaller values = more successful", "Units": "percent of control condition" }, "fMRI.1": { "Description": "Session folder containing the images of the first (pre-training) task-based fMRI session", "Levels": { "1": "ses-01", "2": "ses-02" } }, "fMRI.2": { "Description": "Session folder containing the images of the second (post-traiing) task-based fMRI session", "Levels": { "2": "ses-02", "3": "ses-03", "4": "ses-04" } }, "MRIonset.1": { "Description": "fMRI image for which t=0s in the first (pre-training) fMRI session. Previous image volumes were discarded in analysis", "Units": "volumes" }, "MRIonset.2": { "Description": "fMRI image for which t=0s in the second (post-training) fMRI session. Previous image volumes were discarded in analysis", "Units": "volumes" }, "rs_dwi.1": { "Description": "Session folder containing the pre-training rsfMRI and DWI images", "Levels": { "1": "ses-01", "2": "ses-02" } }, "rs_dwi.2": { "Description": "Session folder containing the post-training rsfMRI and DWI images", "Levels": { "2": "ses-02", "3": "ses-03", } }, }