authors: - firstname: 'Philipp' lastname: 'Graeff' affiliation: 'Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 82152 Planegg, Germany' - firstname: 'Ruth' lastname: 'Ruscheweyh' affiliation: 'Department of Neurology, University Hospital Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany' identifier: '' - firstname: 'Virginia L.' lastname: 'Flanagin' affiliation: 'German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorder (DSGZ), University Hospital Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany' identifier: '' title: 'Longitudinal fMRI dataset for pain modulation through learning descending pain inhibition through positive imagery and RIII reflex biofeedback' description: 'The aim of the study was to determine which brain areas are preferentially activated when healthy participants learned to activate their descending pain inhibition via a cognitive strategy. We compared participants brain activity with fMRI before and after learning a cognitive strategy via RIII-biofeedback-training. This experiment was a longitudinal MRI study with two MRI scans: MRI1: pre-intervention and MRI2: post-intervention. Intervention was a previously published feedback training (see doi:10:1002/ejp.570) to teach participants a cognitive strategy to reduce their spinal nociception.' keywords: - 'Pain' - 'Pain modulation' - 'Feedback training' - 'Cognitive strategy' license: name: 'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License' url: '' funding: - 'DFG, INST 409/193-1 FUGG' - 'DFG, RTG 2175' - 'DFG, Excellence Initiative, GSC 82/1' references: - id: '' citation: 'Graeff P, Ruscheweyh R, Flanagin VL. (2023) Longitudinal changes in human supraspinal processing after RIII-feedback training to improve descending pain inhibition, NeuroImage,120432.' - id: '' citation: 'Ruscheweyh R, Weinges F, Schiffer M, Bäumler M, Feller M, Krafft S., Straube A, Sommer J, Marziniak M. (2015) Control over spinal nociception as quantified by the nociceptive flexor reflex (RIII reflex) can be achieved under feedback of the RIII reflex, European Journal of Pain, 19, 480-489.' resourcetype: Dataset templateversion: 1.2