import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sb import os import from scipy import stats # Define Function for Cartesian/Polar Vector Transformation def cart2pol(x, y): rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) if phi < 0: phi = phi + 2*np.pi return(rho, phi) def pol2cart(rho, phi): x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) return x, y # Define Function for calculating Motion Opponency index def MOI(rot_rad, radius): # Find indices of Depolarizing/Hyperpolarizing Responses D_idx = np.asarray(np.where(radius>0))[0,:] H_idx = np.asarray(np.where(radius<0))[0,:] #Calculate Vectors and Magnitudes for Depolarization/Hyperpolarization D_cart = np.array(pol2cart(radius[D_idx],rot_rad[D_idx])) D_vect = np.sum(D_cart,1) D_vect_pol = cart2pol(D_vect[0], D_vect[1]) print ('D_magn =' + str(D_vect_pol[0]) + ' D_deg = ' + str(np.degrees(D_vect_pol[1]))) H_cart = np.array(pol2cart(radius[H_idx],rot_rad[H_idx])) H_vect = np.sum(H_cart,1) H_vect_pol = cart2pol(H_vect[0], H_vect[1]) print ('H_magn =' + str(H_vect_pol[0]) + ' H_deg = ' + str(np.degrees(H_vect_pol[1]))) # Calculate MOI (Motion Opponency index) if D_vect_pol < H_vect_pol: MOI = (np.cos(D_vect_pol[1]-H_vect_pol[1]))*(D_vect_pol[0]/H_vect_pol[0]) else: MOI = (np.cos(D_vect_pol[1]-H_vect_pol[1]))*(H_vect_pol[0]/D_vect_pol[0]) print ('MOI = ' + str(MOI)) return MOI # Define Function for calculating the Direction Selectivity Index LDir def LDir(rot_rad, radius): R_cart = np.array(pol2cart(radius,rot_rad)) R_vect = np.sum(R_cart, 1) R_vect_pol = cart2pol(R_vect[0], R_vect[1]) R_indiv_magn = np.sum(np.sqrt(R_cart[0]**2 + R_cart[1]**2)) R_deg = (np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1])) LDir = R_vect_pol[0] / R_indiv_magn print ('R_magn =' + str(R_vect_pol[0]) + ' R_deg = ' + str(np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1]))) print ('R_indiv_magn = ' + str(R_indiv_magn)) print ('LDir = ' + str(LDir)) return LDir def R_deg(rot_rad, radius): R_cart = np.array(pol2cart(radius,rot_rad)) R_vect = np.sum(R_cart, 1) R_vect_pol = cart2pol(R_vect[0], R_vect[1]) R_indiv_magn = np.sum(np.sqrt(R_cart[0]**2 + R_cart[1]**2)) R_deg = (np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1])) LDir = R_vect_pol[0] / R_indiv_magn #print 'R_magn =' + str(R_vect_pol[0]) + ' R_deg = ' + str(np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1])) #print 'R_indiv_magn = ' + str(R_indiv_magn) #print 'LDir = ' + str(LDir) return R_deg def R_magn(rot_rad, radius): R_cart = np.array(pol2cart(radius,rot_rad)) R_vect = np.sum(R_cart, 1) R_vect_pol = cart2pol(R_vect[0], R_vect[1]) R_indiv_magn = np.sum(np.sqrt(R_cart[0]**2 + R_cart[1]**2)) R_deg = (np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1])) LDir = R_vect_pol[0] / R_indiv_magn #print 'R_magn =' + str(R_vect_pol[0]) + ' R_deg = ' + str(np.degrees(R_vect_pol[1])) #print 'R_indiv_magn = ' + str(R_indiv_magn) #print 'LDir = ' + str(LDir) return R_vect_pol[0]