import numpy as np from scipy.signal import find_peaks_cwt from scipy.signal import argrelextrema from scipy.optimize import curve_fit ################important define! global precision_convergence_ss precision_convergence_ss=0.00001 def tic(): #Homemade version of matlab tic and toc functions import time global startTime_for_tictoc startTime_for_tictoc = time.time() def toc(): import time if 'startTime_for_tictoc' in globals(): print( "Elapsed time is " + str(time.time() - startTime_for_tictoc) + " seconds.") else: print( "Toc: start time not set") def detect_peaks(signal, threshold=0.5, spacing=3):# limit=None data=signal len = data.size x = np.zeros(len+2*spacing) x[:spacing] = data[0]-1.e-6 x[-spacing:] = data[-1]-1.e-6 x[spacing:spacing+len] = data peak_candidate = np.zeros(len) peak_candidate[:] = True for s in range(spacing): start = spacing - s - 1 h_b = x[start : start + len] # before start = spacing h_c = x[start : start + len] # central start = spacing + s + 1 h_a = x[start : start + len] # after peak_candidate = np.logical_and(peak_candidate, np.logical_and(h_c > h_b, h_c > h_a)) peak_indexes = np.argwhere(peak_candidate) peak_indexes = peak_indexes.reshape(peak_indexes.size) if limit is not None: peak_indexes = ind[data[ind] > limit] return peak_indexes def firing_rate(t,V): fr=np.zeros(size(t)) t_sp=np.zeros(size(t)) d=[] sp=[] i_n=[] d=detect_peaks(V) if d==[] or len(d)<2: fr=np.zeros(size(t)) t_sp=np.zeros(size(t)) else: sp=V[d]>thresh if np.count_nonzero(sp)>2: i=np.transpose(sp)*d i_n=i[np.nonzero(i)] t_sp=t[i_n] t_sp=t_sp.reshape(size(t_sp),1) fr=1/(np.diff(t_sp, n=1, axis=0)/1000) t_sp=t_sp[1:] else: fr=np.zeros(size(t)) t_sp=t return t_sp,fr,i_n def extract_spike_ampl(V, i_nn,compress=[]): c=0 sp_V_max=[] sp_V_min=[] sp_ampl=[] if compress !=[]: i_n=[int(i/compress) for i in i_nn] else: i_n=i_nn d_i_ni=int(i_n[0]/2) for i in i_n: if c 0 and a > 0 and c>0 and tau1>0 and tau2>0:## Constraint to have all values positive return a * np.exp(-t/tau1 ) + b * np.exp(-t/tau2 )+c else: return 1e10 def doub_expon_fit_2(t,x,p=[],std_error=False): x=np.array(x) t=np.array(t) perr=[] im=np.argmax(x) popt=[] tad=[] tpeak=[] adapt=False if x[-1]