# AIDAhisto_Files Atlas and test images required for AIDAhisto \item[\textbf{ARA}] Contains the atlas in 10um and 50um with parental and original regions. Each atlas is also in a split version to distinguish the cell count between the left and right hemisphere. Furthermore, the acronyms are included that correspond to those of the Allen Brain Institute \item[\textbf{testImages}] Contains sample images of different staining (GFAP, IBA1) with different resolutions. There is also an already transformed atlas in original version {\tt wholebrain\_atlas.tif} and split version {\tt wholebrain\_atlas\_splitted.tif} which is overlaid with the brain slice {\tt wholebrain\_slice.tif}. The results after the processing are described in detail in the manual.pdf. Those who process these images are listed in the logfile {\tt wholebrain\_slice.tif\_process.log} \end{itemize}