# 3Tasks_paper 3Tasks_paper is a Repository containing dataset and Matlab code used for analysis and to make figures in the research article "Lack of action monitoring as a prerequisite for habitual and chunked behavior: Behavioral and neural correlates". ## Usage This ressource contains scripts, functions and datasets. Datasets contain raw data of electrophysiological recordings in 3 different tasks; DT5, FR5 and FS5. For each task, timestamps of spikes and behavioral events are stored in the matrix 'RAW_taskname' and stereotaxic coordinates are stored in the maxtrix 'Coord_taskname'. These 6 MATLAB matrices are needed to run the scripts. To run the scripts, scripts and functions must be placed in the same repository, together with the datasets described above. Scripts must be run in the alphabetic order ## Additional information Pull requests are welcome. If experiencing any issue of for any additional information, do not hesitate to contact the corresponding author of the paper. ## License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/