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- function that = spm_swarp(this,def,M)
- % Warp surface
- % FORMAT that = spm_swarp(this,def)
- % this - a gifti object
- % def - a deformation (nifti object or filename)
- % that - the warped gifti object
- %
- % FORMAT that = spm_swarp(this,def,M)
- % this - a gifti object
- % def - a deformation field (nx*ny*nz*1*3)
- % M - mapping from voxels to world, for deformation field
- % that - the warped gifti object
- %
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % John Ashburner
- % $Id: spm_swarp.m 6349 2015-02-26 12:15:06Z guillaume $
- %-Input arguments
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- this = gifti(this);
- if nargin<2, that = this; return; end
- if ischar(def) || isa(def,'nifti')
- if ischar(def)
- def = nifti(def);
- end
- y = def(1).dat(:,:,:,:,:);
- M = def(1).mat;
- else
- y = def;
- if nargin<3, M = eye(4); end
- end
- %-Apply deformation to vertices
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- v = double(this.vertices);
- iM = inv(M);
- v = iM(1:3,1:4) * this.mat * [v'; ones(1,size(v,1))];
- xyz = {v(1,:)',v(2,:)',v(3,:)'};
- v = [spm_bsplins(y(:,:,:,1,1), xyz{:}, [1 1 1 0 0 0]),...
- spm_bsplins(y(:,:,:,1,2), xyz{:}, [1 1 1 0 0 0]),...
- spm_bsplins(y(:,:,:,1,3), xyz{:}, [1 1 1 0 0 0])];
- % Much of the surface data is likely to fall outside the FOV of the
- % deformation field. For this reason, the following code attempts to
- % extrapolate the surfaces outside this FOV by replacing NaNs in the
- % vertice coordinates by some smooth mesh.
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(this, 'faces')
- f = double(this.faces);
- m = size(v,1);
- % Gradients
- b = double([v(:,1); v(:,2); v(:,3)]);
- w = isfinite(b);
- b(~w) = 0;
- % Hessian
- A = spdiags(w,0,m*3,m*3);
- W = sparse(f(:,1),f(:,1),1,m,m) + sparse(f(:,2),f(:,2),1,m,m) + sparse(f(:,3),f(:,3),1,m,m)...
- - sparse(f(:,1),f(:,2),1,m,m) - sparse(f(:,2),f(:,3),1,m,m) - sparse(f(:,3),f(:,1),1,m,m);
- W = (W'*W + 0.25*W)*1e-2;
- Z = sparse([],[],[],m,m);
- A = A + [W Z Z; Z W Z; Z Z W];
- % Solution to simple linear model
- v = full(reshape(A\b,m,3));
- end
- %-Generate the gifti structure for the warped data
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- that = this;
- that.vertices = v;
- that.mat = eye(4); % this.mat already applied to v