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- function [M,Mi,i] = spm_meanby(Y,I)
- % Means of data in columns by group
- % FORMAT [M,Mi,i] = spm_meanby(Y,I)
- % Y - Data matrix, data in columns. (Row vector Y also accepted.)
- % I - Column of indicator vectors, indicating group membership of rows of Y
- % - Multi-column I are treated as multiple factors to be interacted,
- % and means are computed within each unique combination of the factor levels
- % M - Matrix of same size as Y, with observations replaced by the
- % appropriate group mean
- % Mi - Mean for observations in each group, one column for each column of Y,
- % one row for each group (or unique factor level combination)
- % i - Group indicator values corresponding to rows of Mi
- %_______________________________________________________________________
- %
- % spm_meanby computes means for grouped data presented as columns of
- % data with a vector of group indicators
- %_______________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Andrew Holmes
- % $Id: spm_meanby.m 1143 2008-02-07 19:33:33Z spm $
- %-Check arguments
- %=======================================================================
- if nargin<0, error('insufficient arguments'), end
- if size(Y,1)==1, bT=1; Y=Y'; else, bT=0; end
- if nargin<2, I=ones(size(Y,1),1); end
- if size(I,1)~=size(Y,1), I=I'; end
- if size(I,1)~=size(Y,1), error('row dimension mismatch between inputs'), end
- %-Computation - using spm_DesMtx
- %=======================================================================
- [X,null,i,idx,jdx] = spm_DesMtx(I);
- i = i';
- Mi = (X'*Y)./repmat(sum(X,1)',1,size(Y,2));
- M = Mi(jdx,:);
- if bT, M=M'; end