123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238 |
- function spm_defaults
- % Set the defaults which are used by SPM
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- %
- % If you want to customise some defaults for your installation, do not
- % modify this file directly, but create a file named spm_my_defaults.m
- % instead, accessible from MATLAB search path; e.g., it can be saved in
- % MATLAB Startup Folder: userhome/Documents/MATLAB.
- %
- % Example: create the following file to change the image file extension:
- % ----------- file /home/karl/Documents/MATLAB/spm_my_defaults.m -----------
- % global defaults
- % defaults.images.format = 'img';
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %
- % spm_defaults should not be called directly in any script or function
- % (apart from SPM internals).
- % To load the defaults, use spm('Defaults',modality).
- % To get/set the defaults, use spm_get_defaults.
- %
- % ** This file should not be edited **
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % SPM
- % $Id: spm_defaults.m 7296 2018-04-18 10:36:49Z guillaume $
- global defaults
- % Command Line Usage default
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.cmdline = 0;
- % User Interface defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.ui.monitor = NaN;
- defaults.ui.colour = [0.58 0.77 0.57];
- defaults.ui.fs = 14; % unused
- defaults.ui.print = 'ps';
- defaults.renderer = 'opengl';
- % File format specific
- %==========================================================================
- % Note that defaults.analyze.flip is no longer used. Specifying the
- % left/right handedness of the voxel indices is now done entirely by
- % spm_flip_analyze_images.m
- defaults.images.format = 'nii'; % options: 'img', 'nii'
- defaults.mat.format = '-v6'; % options: '-mat', '-v6', '-v7.0', '-v7.3'
- % Toolboxes defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.tbx.dir = { fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox') };
- % DICOM Import defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.dicom.root = 'flat'; % Folder hierarchy
- % fMRI design defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.stats.fmri.t = 16;
- defaults.stats.fmri.t0 = 8;
- defaults.stats.fmri.hpf = 128;
- defaults.stats.fmri.cvi = 'AR(1)';
- defaults.stats.fmri.hrf = [6 16 1 1 6 0 32];
- % Mask defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.mask.thresh = 0.8;
- % Stats defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.stats.maxmem = 2^29;
- defaults.stats.maxres = 64;
- defaults.stats.resmem = false;
- defaults.stats.fmri.ufp = 0.001; % Upper tail F-probability
- defaults.stats.pet.ufp = 0.05;
- defaults.stats.eeg.ufp = 0.05;
- defaults.stats.topoFDR = 1;
- defaults.stats.rft.nonstat = 0;
- defaults.stats.results.volume.distmin = 8;
- defaults.stats.results.volume.nbmax = 3;
- defaults.stats.results.svc.distmin = 4;
- defaults.stats.results.svc.nbmax = 16;
- defaults.stats.results.mipmat = {fullfile(spm('dir'),'MIP.mat')};
- % Filename prefix defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.slicetiming.prefix = 'a';
- defaults.realign.write.prefix = 'r';
- defaults.coreg.write.prefix = 'r';
- defaults.unwarp.write.prefix = 'u';
- defaults.normalise.write.prefix = 'w';
- defaults.deformations.modulate.prefix = 'm';
- defaults.smooth.prefix = 's';
- defaults.imcalc.prefix = 'i';
- % Realignment defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.realign.estimate.quality = 0.9;
- defaults.realign.estimate.interp = 2;
- defaults.realign.estimate.wrap = [0 0 0];
- defaults.realign.estimate.sep = 4;
- defaults.realign.estimate.fwhm = 5;
- defaults.realign.estimate.rtm = 1;
- defaults.realign.write.mask = 1;
- defaults.realign.write.interp = 4;
- defaults.realign.write.wrap = [0 0 0];
- defaults.realign.write.which = [2 1];
- % Unwarp defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.rtm = 0;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.fwhm = 4;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.basfcn = [12 12];
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.regorder = 1;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.regwgt = 1e5;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.foe = [4 5];
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.soe = [];
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.rem = 1;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.jm = 0;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.noi = 5;
- defaults.unwarp.estimate.expround = 'Average';
- %
- % Unwarp uses defaults.realign.write defaults for writing.
- %
- % Coregistration defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.coreg.estimate.cost_fun = 'nmi';
- defaults.coreg.estimate.sep = [4 2];
- defaults.coreg.estimate.tol = [0.02 0.02 0.02 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001];
- defaults.coreg.estimate.fwhm = [7 7];
- defaults.coreg.write.interp = 4;
- defaults.coreg.write.wrap = [0 0 0];
- defaults.coreg.write.mask = 0;
- % Spatial Normalisation defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.normalise.write.preserve = 0;
- defaults.normalise.write.bb = [[-78 -112 -70];[78 76 85]];
- defaults.normalise.write.vox = [2 2 2];
- defaults.normalise.write.interp = 4;
- % Old Spatial Normalisation defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.smosrc = 8;
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.smoref = 0;
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.regtype = 'mni';
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.weight = '';
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.cutoff = 25;
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.nits = 16;
- defaults.old.normalise.estimate.reg = 1;
- defaults.old.normalise.write.preserve = 0;
- defaults.old.normalise.write.bb = [[-78 -112 -70];[78 76 85]];
- defaults.old.normalise.write.vox = [2 2 2];
- defaults.old.normalise.write.interp = 1;
- defaults.old.normalise.write.wrap = [0 0 0];
- defaults.old.normalise.write.prefix = 'w';
- % VBM Preprocessing defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.old.preproc.tpm = cellstr(char(...
- fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox','OldSeg','grey.nii'),...
- fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox','OldSeg','white.nii'),...
- fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox','OldSeg','csf.nii'))); % Prior probability maps
- defaults.old.preproc.ngaus = [2 2 2 4]'; % Gaussians per class
- defaults.old.preproc.warpreg = 1; % Warping Regularisation
- defaults.old.preproc.warpco = 25; % Warp Frequency Cutoff
- defaults.old.preproc.biasreg = 0.0001; % Bias regularisation
- defaults.old.preproc.biasfwhm = 60; % Bias FWHM
- defaults.old.preproc.regtype = 'mni'; % Affine Regularisation
- defaults.old.preproc.fudge = 5; % Fudge factor, can not be set in batch GUI
- defaults.old.preproc.samp = 3; % Sampling distance
- defaults.old.preproc.output.GM = [0 0 1];
- defaults.old.preproc.output.WM = [0 0 1];
- defaults.old.preproc.output.CSF = [0 0 0];
- defaults.old.preproc.output.biascor = 1;
- defaults.old.preproc.output.cleanup = 0;
- % Smooth defaults
- %==========================================================================
- defaults.smooth.fwhm = [8 8 8];
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %-Prevent users from making direct calls to spm_defaults
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- persistent runOnce
- try
- if ~isdeployed && isempty(runOnce)
- d = dbstack;
- if isempty(intersect({'spm','spm_get_defaults'},{d.name}))
- fprintf(['Direct calls to spm_defauts are deprecated.\n' ...
- 'Please use spm(''Defaults'',modality) ' ...
- 'or spm_get_defaults instead.\n']);
- runOnce = 1;
- end
- end
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %-Execute user-specified defaults files
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- def = defaults;
- user_defaults = 'spm_my_defaults.m';
- if exist(user_defaults,'file')
- if isdeployed && exist(fullfile(spm('Dir'),user_defaults),'file')
- user_defaults_file = cellstr(fullfile(spm('Dir'),user_defaults));
- else
- user_defaults_file = cellstr(which(user_defaults,'-ALL'));
- end
- for i=1:numel(user_defaults_file)
- try
- spm('run', user_defaults_file{i});
- catch
- lr = lasterror;
- warning(lr.message);
- end
- end
- if spm_check_version('matlab','8.0') >= 0, my_isequaln = @isequaln;
- else my_isequaln = @isequalwithequalnans; end
- if ~my_isequaln(def,defaults)
- fprintf('Defaults settings have been modified by file(s):\n');
- for i=1:numel(user_defaults_file)
- fprintf(' %s\n',user_defaults_file{i});
- end
- fn0 = fieldnames(def);
- mf = fn0(~cellfun(@(x) my_isequaln(def.(x),defaults.(x)),fn0));
- if ~isempty(mf)
- fprintf('Modified fields: ');
- for i=1:numel(mf)
- fprintf('%s ',mf{i});
- end
- fprintf('\n');
- end
- end
- end