123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178 |
- function labels = spm_vb_graphcut(labels,index,I,W,depth,grnd_type,CUTOFF,DIM)
- % Recursive bi-partition of a graph using the isoperimetric algorithm
- %
- % FORMAT labels = spm_vb_graphcut(labels,index,I,W,depth,grnd_type,CUTOFF,DIM)
- %
- % labels each voxel is lableled depending on whihc segment is belongs
- % index index of current node set in labels vector
- % I InMask XYZ voxel (node set) indices
- % W weight matrix i.e. adjacency matrix containing edge weights
- % of graph
- % depth depth of recursion
- % grnd_type 'random' or 'max' - ground node selected at random or the
- % node with maximal degree
- % CUTOFF minimal number of voxels in a segment of the partition
- % DIM dimensions of data
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- %
- % Recursive bi-partition of a graph using the isoperimetric algorithm by
- % Grady et al. This routine is adapted from "The Graph Analysis Toolbox:
- % Image Processing on Arbitrary Graphs", available through Matlab Central
- % File Exchange. See also Grady, L. Schwartz, E. L. (2006) "Isoperimetric
- % graph partitioning for image segmentation",
- % IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, 28(3),pp469-75
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Lee Harrison
- % $Id: spm_vb_graphcut.m 2923 2009-03-23 18:34:51Z guillaume $
- try, grnd_type; catch, grnd_type = 'random'; end
- %-Initialize
- s = rand('twister'); rand('seed',0);
- N = length(index);
- terminate = 0;
- %-Partition current graph
- if N > CUTOFF
- reject = 1;
- d = sum(W,2); % "degree" of each node
- switch grnd_type
- case 'max'
- id = find(d==max(d));
- ground = id(ceil(rand(1)*length(id)));
- case 'random'
- ground = ceil(rand(1)*N);
- end
- while reject == 1,
- if N < 1e5, method = 'direct'; else, method = 'cg'; end
- parts = bipartition(W,CUTOFF,ground,method);
- nparts = [length(parts{1}),length(parts{2})];
- if min(nparts) < CUTOFF, terminate = 1; break, end
- for k = 1:2, % check if partitions are contiguous
- bw = zeros(DIM(1),DIM(2),DIM(3));
- bw(I(parts{k})) = 1;
- [tmp,NUM] = spm_bwlabel(bw,6);
- if NUM > 1
- reject = 1;
- ground = ceil(rand(1)*N); % re-select ground node
- fprintf('depth %1.0f, partition %1.0f of 2, reject ',depth,k); fprintf('\n')
- break
- else
- reject = 0;
- fprintf('depth %1.0f, partition %1.0f of 2, accept ',depth,k);
- fprintf('\n')
- end
- end
- end
- else
- terminate = 1;
- end
- if terminate
- labels = labels;
- fprintf('depth %1.0f, end of branch ',depth);
- fprintf('\n')
- rand('twister',s);
- else
- %Accept partition and update labels
- tmpInd = find(labels>labels(index(1)));
- labels(tmpInd) = labels(tmpInd) + 1; %Make room for new class
- labels(index(parts{2})) = labels(index(parts{2})) + 1; %Mark new class
- %Continue recursion on each partition
- if nparts(1) > CUTOFF
- labels = spm_vb_graphcut(labels,index(parts{1}),I(parts{1}),...
- W(parts{1},parts{1}),depth + 1,grnd_type,CUTOFF,DIM);
- end
- if nparts(2) > CUTOFF
- labels = spm_vb_graphcut(labels,index(parts{2}),I(parts{2}),...
- W(parts{2},parts{2}),depth + 1,grnd_type,CUTOFF,DIM);
- end
- end
- %==========================================================================
- % function parts = bipartition(W,CUTOFF,ground,method)
- %==========================================================================
- function parts = bipartition(W,CUTOFF,ground,method)
- % Computes bi-partition of a graph using isoperimetric algorithm.
- % FORMAT parts = bipartition(W,CUTOFF,ground,method)
- % parts 1x2 cell containing indices of each partition
- % W weight matrix
- % CUTOFF minimal number of voxels in a segment of the partition
- % ground ground node index
- % method used to solve L0*x0=d0. Options are 'direct' or 'cg', which
- % x0 = L0\d0 or preconditioned conjugate gradients (see Matlab
- % rountine pcg.m)
- try, method; catch, method = 'direct'; end
- %-Laplacian matrix
- d = sum(W,2);
- L = diag(d) - W;
- N = length(d);
- %-Compute reduced Laplacian matrix, i.e. remove ground node
- index = [1:(ground-1),(ground+1):N];
- d0 = d(index);
- L0 = L(index,index);
- %-Solve system of equations L0*x0=d0
- switch method
- case 'direct'
- x0 = L0\d0;
- case 'cg'
- x0 = pcg(L0,d0,[],N,diag(d0));
- end
- %-Error catch if numerical instability occurs (due to ill-conditioned or
- %singular matrix)
- minVal = min(min(x0));
- if minVal < 0
- x0(find(x0 < 0)) = max(max(x0)) + 1;
- end
- %-Re-insert ground point
- x0 = [x0(1:(ground-1));0;x0((ground):(N-1))];
- %-Remove sparseness of output
- x0 = full(x0);
- %-Determine cut point (ratio cut method)
- indicator = sparse(N,1);
- %-Sort values
- sortX = sortrows([x0,[1:N]'],1)';
- %-Find total volume
- totalVolume = sum(d);
- halfTotalVolume = totalVolume/2;
- %-Calculate denominators
- sortedDegree = d(sortX(2,:))';
- denominators = cumsum(sortedDegree);
- tmpIndex = find(denominators > halfTotalVolume);
- denominators(tmpIndex) = totalVolume - denominators(tmpIndex);
- %-Calculate numerators
- L = L(sortX(2,:),sortX(2,:)) - diag(sortedDegree);
- numerators = cumsum(sum((L - 2*triu(L)),2))';
- if min(numerators) < 0
- %Line used to avoid negative values due to precision issues
- numerators = numerators - min(numerators) + eps;
- end
- %-Calculate ratios for Isoperimetric criteria
- sw = warning('off','MATLAB:divideByZero');
- [constant,minCut] = min(numerators(CUTOFF:(N-CUTOFF))./ ...
- denominators(CUTOFF:(N-CUTOFF)));
- minCut = minCut + CUTOFF - 1;
- warning(sw);
- %-Output partitions
- parts{1} = sortX(2,1:(minCut))';
- parts{2} = sortX(2,(minCut+1):N);