123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221 |
- function varargout = spm_nlsi(M,U,Y)
- % nonlinear system identification of a MIMO system
- % FORMAT [Ep,Cp,Eh,K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2] = spm_nlsi(M,U,Y)
- % FORMAT [K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2] = spm_nlsi(M)
- %
- % Model specification
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % M.f - dx/dt = f(x,u,P,M) {function string or m-file}
- % M.g - y = g(x,u,P,M) {function string or m-file}
- %
- % M.pE - (p x 1) Prior expectation of p model parameters
- % M.pC - (p x p) Prior covariance for p model parameters
- %
- % M.x - (n x 1) intial state x(0)
- % M.m - m number of inputs
- % M.n - n number of states
- % M.l - l number of outputs
- % M.N - kernel depth
- % M.dt - kernel resolution {secs}
- %
- % System inputs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % U.u - (v x m) m inputs
- % U.dt - sampling interval for inputs
- %
- % System outputs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Y.y - (v x l) l outputs
- % Y.X0 - (v x c) Confounds or null space
- % Y.dt - sampling interval for outputs
- % Y.Q - observation error precision components
- %
- % Model Parameter estimates - conditional moments
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Ep - (p x 1) conditional expectation E{P|y}
- % Cp - (p x p) conditional covariance Cov{P|y}
- % Eh - (v x v) conditional log-precision
- %
- % System identification - Volterra kernels
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % K0 - (l x 1) = k0(t) = y(t)
- % K1 - (N x l x m) = k1i(t,s1) = dy(t)/dui(t - s1)
- % K2 - (N x N x l x m x m) = k2ij(t,s1,s2) = d2y(t)/dui(t - s1)duj(t - s2)
- %
- % System identification - Bilinear approximation
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % M0 - (n x n) df/dq
- % M1 - {m}(n x n) d2f/dqdu
- % L1 - (l x n) dg/dq
- % L2 - {l}(n x n) d2g/dqdq
- %
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- %
- % Returns the moments of the posterior p.d.f. of the parameters of a
- % nonlinear MIMO model under Gaussian assumptions
- %
- % dx/dt = f(x,u,P)
- % y = g(x,u,P) + e (1)
- %
- % evaluated at x(0) = x0, using a Bayesian estimation scheme with priors
- % on the model parameters P, specified in terms of expectations and
- % covariance. The estimation uses a Gauss-Newton method with MAP point
- % estimators at each iteration. Both Volterra kernel and state-space
- % representations of the Bilinear approximation are provided.
- % The Bilinear approximation to (1), evaluated at x(0) = x and u = 0 is:
- %
- % dq/dt = M0*q + u(1)*M1{1}*q + u(2)*M1{2}*q + ....
- % y(i) = L1(i,:)*q + q'*L2{i}*q;
- %
- % where the states are augmented with a constant
- %
- % q(t) = [1; x(t) - x(0)]
- %
- % The associated kernels are derived using closed form expressions based
- % on the bilinear approximation.
- %
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % If the inputs U and outputs Y are not specified the model is simply
- % characterised in terms of its Volterra kernels and Bilinear
- % approximation expanding around M.pE
- %
- % see also
- % spm_nlsi_GN: Bayesian parameter estimation using an EM/Gauss-Newton method
- % spm_bireduce: Reduction of a fully nonlinear MIMO system to Bilinear form
- % spm_kernels: Returns global Volterra kernels for a MIMO Bilinear system
- %
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston
- % $Id: spm_nlsi.m 3764 2010-03-08 20:18:10Z guillaume $
- % check integrator
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- M.IS;
- catch
- M.IS = 'spm_int';
- end
- % Expansion point (in parameter space) for Bilinear-kernel representations
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargin == 3
- % Gauss-Newton/Bayesian/EM estimation
- %======================================================================
- [Ep,Cp,Eh,F] = spm_nlsi_GN(M,U,Y);
- if nargout < 4, varargout = {Ep,Cp,Eh}; return, end
- else
- % Use prior expectation to expand around
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ep = M.pE;
- end
- % Bilinear representation
- %==========================================================================
- [M0,M1,L1,L2] = spm_bireduce(M,Ep);
- % Volterra kernels
- %==========================================================================
- % time bins (if not specified)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- dt = M.dt;
- N = M.N;
- catch
- s = real(eig(full(M0)));
- s = max(s(s < 0));
- N = 32;
- dt = -4/(s*N);
- M.dt = dt;
- M.N = N;
- end
- % get kernels
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [K0,K1,K2] = spm_kernels(M0,M1,L1,L2,N,dt);
- % graphics
- %==========================================================================
- if ~isdeployed && length(dbstack) < 2
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot([1:N]*dt,K1(:,:,1))
- xlabel('time')
- ylabel('response')
- title('1st-order kernel')
- grid on
- subplot(2,1,2)
- imagesc([1:N]*dt,[1:N]*dt,K2(:,:,1,1,1))
- xlabel('time')
- ylabel('time')
- title('2nd-order kernel')
- grid on
- axis image
- drawnow
- end
- % output arguments
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargin == 3
- varargout = {Ep,Cp,Eh,K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2,F};
- else
- varargout = {K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2};
- end
- return
- %==========================================================================
- % Consider the system
- %
- % dx/dt = 1./(1 + exp(-x*P)) + u
- % y = x + e
- %
- % Specify a model structure:
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- M.f = inline('1./(1 + exp(-P*x)) + [u; 0]','x','u','P','M');
- M.g = inline('x','x','u','P','M');
- M.pE = [-1 .3;.5 -1]; % Prior expectation of parameters
- M.pC = speye(4,4); % Prior covariance for parameters
- M.x = zeros(2,1) % intial state x(0)
- M.m = 1; % number of inputs
- M.n = 2; % number of states
- M.l = 2; % number of outputs
- % characterise M in terms of Volterra kernels and Bilinear matrices:
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2] = spm_nlsi(M);
- % or estimate the model parameters with inputs and outputs
- %==========================================================================
- % inputs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- U.name = 'input';
- U.u = randn(64,1);
- U.dt = 1;
- % outputs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Y.name = 'response';
- y = spm_int_D(M.pE,M,U);
- Y.y = y + randn(size(y))/32;
- Y.dt = U.dt*length(U.u)/length(Y.y);
- % estimate
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Ep,Cp,Eh,K0,K1,K2,M0,M1,L1,L2,F] = spm_nlsi(M,U,Y);