123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- function [MVB] = spm_mvb_ui(xSPM,SPM,MVB)
- % Multivariate Bayes (Bayesian decoding of a contrast)
- % FORMAT [MVB] = spm_mvb_ui(xSPM,SPM,MVB)
- %
- % Sets up, evaluates and saves an MVB structure:
- %
- % MVB.contrast % contrast structure
- % MVB.name % name
- % MVB.c % contrast weight vector
- % MVB.M % MVB model (see below)
- % MVB.X % subspace of design matrix
- % MVB.Y % multivariate response
- % MVB.X0 % null space of design
- % MVB.XYZ % location of voxels (mm)
- % MVB.V % serial correlation in response
- % MVB.K % whitening matrix
- % MVB.VOX % voxel scaling
- % MVB.xyzmm % centre of VOI (mm)
- % MVB.Space % VOI definition
- % MVB.Sp_info % parameters of VOI
- % MVB.Ni % number of greedy search steps
- % MVB.sg % size of reedy search split
- % MVB.priors % model (spatial prior)
- % MVB.fSPM % SPM analysis (.mat file)
- %
- % where MVB.M contains the following fields:
- %
- % F: log-evidence [F(0), F(1),...]
- % G: covariance partition indices
- % h: covariance hyperparameters
- % U: ordered patterns
- % qE: conditional expectation of voxel weights
- % qC: conditional variance of voxel weights
- % Cp: prior covariance (ordered pattern space)
- % cp: prior covariance (original pattern space)
- %
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % This routine uses a multivariate Bayesian (MVB) scheme to decode or
- % recognise brain states from neuroimages. It resolves the ill-posed
- % many-to-one mapping, from voxel values or data features to a target
- % variable, using a parametric empirical or hierarchical Bayesian model.
- % This model is inverted using standard variational techniques, in this
- % case expectation maximisation, to furnish the model evidence and the
- % conditional density of the model's parameters. This allows one to compare
- % different models or hypotheses about the mapping from functional or
- % structural anatomy to perceptual and behavioural consequences (or their
- % deficits). The aim of MVB is not to predict (because the outcomes are
- % known) but to enable inference on different models of structure-function
- % mappings; such as distributed and sparse representations. This allows one
- % to optimise the model itself and produce predictions that outperform
- % standard pattern classification approaches, like support vector machines.
- % Technically, the model inversion and inference uses the same empirical
- % Bayesian procedures developed for ill-posed inverse problems (e.g.,
- % source reconstruction in EEG).
- %
- % CAUTION: MVB should not be used to establish a significant mapping
- % between brain states and some classification or contrast vector. Its use
- % is limited to comparison of different models under the assumption
- % (hyperprior) that this mapping exists. To ensure the mapping exists, use
- % CVA or compute the randomisation p-value (see spm_mvb_p)
- %
- % See: spm_mvb and
- %
- % Bayesian decoding of brain images.
- % Friston K, Chu C, Mourao-Miranda J, Hulme O, Rees G, Penny W, Ashburner J.
- % Neuroimage. 2008 Jan 1;39(1):181-205
- %
- % Multiple sparse priors for the M/EEG inverse problem.
- % Friston K, Harrison L, Daunizeau J, Kiebel S, Phillips C, Trujillo-Barreto
- % N, Henson R, Flandin G, Mattout J.
- % Neuroimage. 2008 Feb 1;39(3):1104-20.
- %
- % Characterizing dynamic brain responses with fMRI: a multivariate approach.
- % Friston KJ, Frith CD, Frackowiak RS, Turner R.
- % Neuroimage. 1995 Jun;2(2):166-72.
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston
- % $Id: spm_mvb_ui.m 7162 2017-08-30 11:47:07Z guillaume $
- %-Get figure handles and set title
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Finter = spm_figure('FindWin','Interactive');
- spm_results_ui('Clear');
- spm_input('!DeleteInputObj');
- header = get(Finter,'Name');
- spm_clf(spm_figure('FindWin','MVB'));
- %-Get contrast: only the first line of F-contrast
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- contrast = SPM.xCon(xSPM.Ic).name;
- c = SPM.xCon(xSPM.Ic).c(:,1);
- catch
- contrast = MVB.contrast;
- c = MVB.c;
- end
- %-Get VOI name
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- name = MVB.name;
- catch
- name = spm_input('name','-8','s',contrast);
- end
- name = strrep(name,' ','_');
- name = ['MVB_' name];
- %-Get current location {mm}
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- xyzmm = MVB.xyzmm;
- catch
- xyzmm = spm_results_ui('GetCoords');
- end
- %-Specify search volume
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- xY = MVB.xY;
- MVB = rmfield(MVB,'xY');
- catch
- xY = [];
- end
- xY.xyz = xyzmm;
- Q = ones(1,size(SPM.xVol.XYZ,2));
- XYZmm = SPM.xVol.M(1:3,:)*[SPM.xVol.XYZ; Q];
- [xY,XYZ,j] = spm_ROI(xY, XYZmm);
- %-Get explanatory variables (data)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- XYZ = XYZmm(:,j);
- Y = spm_get_data(SPM.xY.VY,SPM.xVol.XYZ(:,j));
- %-Check there are intracranial voxels
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isempty(Y)
- spm('alert*',{'No voxels in this VOI';'Please use a larger volume'},...
- 'Multivariate Bayes');
- end
- %-Get model[s]
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- priors = lower(MVB.priors);
- catch
- str = {'compact','sparse','smooth','support'};
- Ip = spm_input('model (spatial prior)','!+1','m',str);
- priors = str{Ip};
- end
- %-Number of iterations
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- sg = MVB.sg;
- catch
- str = 'size of successive subdivisions';
- sg = spm_input(str,'!+1','e',.5);
- end
- %-MVB is now specified
- %==========================================================================
- spm('Pointer','Watch')
- %-Get target and confounds
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X = SPM.xX.X;
- X0 = X*(speye(length(c)) - c*pinv(c));
- try
- % accounting for multiple sessions
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- tmpX0 = [];
- for ii = 1:length(SPM.xX.K)
- tmp = zeros(sum(SPM.nscan),size(SPM.xX.K(ii).X0,2));
- tmp(SPM.xX.K(ii).row,:) = SPM.xX.K(ii).X0;
- tmpX0 = [tmpX0 tmp];
- end
- X0 = [X0 tmpX0];
- end
- X = X*c;
- %-Serial correlations
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V = SPM.xVi.V;
- %-Invert
- %==========================================================================
- VOX = diag(abs(SPM.xVol.M));
- U = spm_mvb_U(Y,priors,X0,XYZ,VOX);
- try
- Ni = MVB.Ni;
- catch
- str = 'Greedy search steps';
- Ni = spm_input(str,'!+1','i',max(8,ceil(log(size(U,2))/log(1/sg))));
- end
- M = spm_mvb(X,Y,X0,U,V,Ni,sg);
- M.priors = priors;
- %-Assemble results
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MVB.contrast = contrast; % contrast of interest
- MVB.name = name; % name
- MVB.c = c; % contrast weight vector
- MVB.M = M; % MVB model (see below)
- MVB.X = X; % subspace of design matrix
- MVB.Y = Y; % multivariate response
- MVB.X0 = X0; % null space of design
- MVB.XYZ = XYZ; % location of voxels (mm)
- MVB.V = V; % serial correlation in repeosne
- MVB.K = full(V)^(-1/2); % whitening matrix
- MVB.VOX = SPM.xVol.M; % voxel scaling
- MVB.xyzmm = xyzmm; % centre of VOI (mm)
- MVB.Space = xY.def; % VOI definition
- MVB.Sp_info = xY.spec; % parameters of VOI
- MVB.Ni = Ni; % number of greedy search steps
- MVB.sg = sg; % size of reedy search split
- MVB.priors = priors; % model (spatial prior)
- MVB.fSPM = fullfile(SPM.swd,'SPM.mat'); % SPM analysis (.mat file)
- %-Display
- %==========================================================================
- if ~spm('CmdLine'), spm_mvb_display(MVB); end
- %-Save
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- save(fullfile(SPM.swd,[name '.mat']),'MVB', spm_get_defaults('mat.format'))
- assignin('base','MVB',MVB)
- %-Reset title
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set(Finter,'Name',header)
- spm('Pointer','Arrow')