123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142 |
- function U = spm_mvb_U(Y,priors,X0,xyz,vox)
- % Constructs patterns U for Multivariate Bayesian inversion of a linear model
- % FORMAT U = spm_mvb_U(Y,priors,X0,xyz,vox)
- % Y - data-feature matrix
- % priors - 'null' % no patterns
- % - 'compact' % reduced (ns/3); using SVD on local compact support
- % - 'sparse' % a pattern is a voxel
- % - 'smooth' % patterns are local Gaussian kernels
- % - 'singular' % patterns are global singular vectors
- % - 'support' % the patterns are the images
- %
- % X0 - confounds
- % xyz - location in mm
- % vox - voxel size
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston
- % $Id: spm_mvb_U.m 5219 2013-01-29 17:07:07Z spm $
- % defaults
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try, X0; catch, X0 = []; end
- try, xyz; catch, xyz = []; end
- % get orders
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ns = size(Y,1); % number of samples
- nv = size(Y,2); % number of voxels
- % confounds
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isempty(X0); X0 = zeros(ns,1); end
- % get U: X = Y*P + X0*Q + R
- % P = U*E;
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % assemble empirical priors
- %==========================================================================
- switch priors
- case 'null'
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- U = sparse(nv,0);
- case 'sparse'
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- U = speye(nv,nv);
- case 'smooth'
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- sm = 4; % smoothness fixed at 4mm std
- dlim = (4*sm)^2; % spatial limit (mm)^2
- s = sm^2; % Smoothness variance
- xyz = xyz';
- nlim = 256; % voxel limit
- Vvx = prod(vox); % volume of a voxel
- Vlr = 4/3*pi*dlim^(3/2); % VOI around a voxel
- Nlr = round(Vlr/Vvx*.85); % # of voxel in VOI; keep 85%
- U = spalloc(nv,nv,nv*Nlr); % pre-allocate memory
- fprintf('Creating smooth patterns - please wait\n')
- kk = floor(nv/4);
- fprintf('\n0%%')
- for i = 1:nv
- if ~rem(i,kk), fprintf('.....%2i%%',25*i/kk); end
- u = (xyz(:,1) - xyz(i,1)).^2;
- j = find(u < dlim);
- u(j) = u(j) + (xyz(j,2) - xyz(i,2)).^2;
- j = j((u(j) < dlim));
- u(j) = u(j) + (xyz(j,3) - xyz(i,3)).^2;
- j = j((u(j) < dlim));
- if length(j)>nlim
- [q,k] = sort(u(j));
- k = k(1:nlim);
- j = j(k);
- end
- U(j,i) = exp(-u(j)/(2*s));
- end
- fprintf('\nThank you\n')
- case 'singular'
- % get kernel (singular vectors)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- Y = Y - X0*(pinv(X0)*Y); % remove confounds
- [u,s,v] = spm_svd(Y,1/4); % c.f., Kaiser criterion
- U = v/s;
- case 'support'
- % get kernel (image vectors)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nv > ns
- R = speye(size(X0,1)) - X0*pinv(X0);
- U = (R*Y)';
- else
- U = speye(nv,nv);
- end
- case 'compact'
- % get kernel (compact vectors)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- nu = min(ceil(ns/3),nv); % number of patterns
- nc = max(fix(nv/nu),1); % voxels in compact support
- X0 = spm_svd(X0);
- Y = Y - X0*(X0'*Y); % remove confounds
- C = sum(Y.^2); % variance of Y
- U = spalloc(nv,nu,nc*nu);
- J = 1:nv;
- for i = 1:nu
- % find maximum variance voxel
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- [v,j] = max(C);
- d = 0;
- for k = 1:size(xyz,1)
- d = d + (xyz(k,:) - xyz(k,j)).^2;
- end
- [d,j] = sort(d);
- try
- j = j(1:nc);
- end
- % save principal eigenvector
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- k = J(j);
- u = spm_svd(Y(:,k)');
- U(k,i) = u(:,1);
- % remove compact support voxels and start again
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- J(j) = [];
- C(j) = [];
- xyz(:,j) = [];
- end
- otherwise
- disp('unknown prior')
- return
- end