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- function idx = spm_get_lm(vol,list,n)
- % Identification of local maxima in 3(or 2)D volume - a compiled routine
- % FORMAT idx = spm_get_lm(vol,list,n)
- %
- % Routine that identifies which voxels in a list of coordinates that are
- % local maxima, and returns a list of indices into the coordinate list for
- % those maxima.
- %
- % Input:
- % vol - 3(or 2)D volume of statistics (e.g. t or F)
- % list - 3xn (or 2xn) list of voxel coordinates of tentative local
- % maxima.
- % n - connectivity criterion: 6 (surface), 18 (edge) or 26 (corner).
- % [Default: 18].
- % (for a 2D image these correspond to 4, 8 and 8 respectively).
- %
- % Output:
- % idx - Index into list such that list(:,idx) returns those
- % coordinates that are truly local maxima.
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Jesper Andersson
- % $Id: spm_get_lm.m 6534 2015-08-24 16:02:56Z guillaume $
- %-This is merely the help file for the compiled routine
- error('spm_get_lm.c not compiled - see Makefile');