123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- function DCM = spm_dcm_voi(DCM,VOIs)
- % Insert new regions into a DCM
- % FORMAT DCM = spm_dcm_voi(DCM,VOIs)
- %
- % DCM - DCM structure or its filename
- % VOIs - cell array of new VOI filenames
- % eg. {'VOI_V1','VOI_V5','VOI_SPC'}
- %
- % The TR, TE and delays are assumed to be the same as before.
- %
- % This function can be used, for example, to replace subject X's data by
- % subject Y's. The model can then be re-estimated without having to go
- % through model specification again.
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Will Penny
- % $Id: spm_dcm_voi.m 6400 2015-04-07 18:19:20Z guillaume $
- %-Get input arguments
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~nargin
- [DCM, sts] = spm_select(1,'^DCM.*\.mat$','select DCM_???.mat');
- if ~sts, return; end
- end
- if ~isstruct(DCM)
- DCMfile = DCM;
- load(DCM);
- end
- n = DCM.n ;
- if nargin < 2
- [VOIs, sts] = spm_select(n,'^VOI.*\.mat$','select VOIs');
- if ~sts, return; end
- end
- VOIs = cellstr(VOIs);
- %-Check we have matching number of regions
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if n ~= numel(VOIs)
- error('DCM contains %d regions while %d VOI files were given.',...
- n, numel(VOIs));
- end
- %-Replace relevant fields in DCM with xY
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DCM.xY = [];
- DCM.Y.y = [];
- for i=1:n
- load(VOIs{i});
- DCM.Y.y(:,i) = xY.u;
- DCM.Y.name{i} = xY.name;
- DCM.xY = spm_cat_struct(DCM.xY,xY);
- end
- DCM.v = size(xY.u,1);
- DCM.Y.X0 = xY.X0;
- DCM.Y.Q = spm_Ce(ones(1,n)*DCM.v);
- %-Save (overwrite) new DCM file
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if exist('DCMfile','var')
- save(DCMfile, 'DCM', spm_get_defaults('mat.format'));
- end