123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551 |
- function spm_dcm_review(DCM,action)
- % Review an estimated DCM
- % FORMAT spm_dcm_review(DCM,action)
- %
- % DCM - DCM structure or its filename
- % action - one of:
- % 'fixed connections'
- % [' effects of ' DCM.U.name{i}];
- % 'contrast of connections'
- % 'location of regions'
- % 'inputs'
- % 'outputs'
- % 'kernels'
- % 'estimates of states'
- % 'estimates of parameters'
- % 'estimates of precisions'
- % [' hidden states: ' DCM.Y.name{i}]
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston
- % $Id: spm_dcm_review.m 7296 2018-04-18 10:36:49Z guillaume $
- %-Get DCM structure
- %==========================================================================
- if ~nargin
- [DCM, sts] = spm_select(1,'^DCM.*\.mat$','select DCM_???.mat');
- if ~sts, return; end
- end
- if ~isstruct(DCM)
- load(DCM);
- end
- %-Call spm_dcm_fmri_csd_results for DCM of CSD
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- analysis = DCM.options.analysis;
- catch
- analysis = '';
- end
- if strcmp(analysis,'CSD')
- spm_dcm_fmri_csd_results(DCM);
- return
- end
- %-Get model specification structure (see spm_nlsi)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- m = DCM.M.m; % number of inputs
- l = DCM.M.l; % number of regions (responses)
- U = 0.9; % p-value threshold for display
- catch
- m = size(DCM.U.u,2);
- l = DCM.n;
- end
- % Fontsize
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if l > 0, fs = 12; end
- if l > 8, fs = 10; end
- if l > 16, fs = 8; end
- % experimental input specific reports
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for i = 1:m
- inputstr{i} = [' effects of ' DCM.U.name{i}];
- end
- % connectivity and kernels
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- str = [inputstr,{'fixed connections'}];
- if isfield(DCM,'averaged')
- str = {str{:},'contrast of connections'};
- else
- str = {str{:} ,...
- 'contrast of connections',...
- 'location of regions',...
- 'inputs',...
- 'outputs',...
- 'kernels'};
- if isfield(DCM,'qP')
- str = {str{:} ,...
- 'estimates of states',...
- 'estimates of parameters',...
- 'estimates of precisions'};
- % region specific reports
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- for i = 1:l
- hiddenstr{i} = [' hidden states: ' DCM.Y.name{i}];
- end
- str = [str,hiddenstr];
- else
- hiddenstr = {};
- end
- end
- if ~isfield(DCM,'M')
- str = {'location of regions','inputs','outputs'};
- end
- str = [str,{'quit'}];
- %-Get action
- %==========================================================================
- try
- action;
- catch
- %-Get action
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- action = str{spm_input('review',1,'m',str)};
- end
- %-Exponentiate coupling parameters if a two-state model
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- if DCM.options.two_state
- Ep.A = exp(DCM.Ep.A);
- Ep.B = full(exp(DCM.Ep.B));
- Ep.D = full(exp(DCM.Ep.D));
- Ep.C = DCM.Ep.C;
- disp('NB: The (A,B,D) parameters are scale parameters')
- else
- Ep.A = DCM.Ep.A;
- Ep.B = full(DCM.Ep.B);
- Ep.D = full(DCM.Ep.D);
- Ep.C = DCM.Ep.C;
- end
- end
- %-Set up Graphics window
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fgraph = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics');
- spm_figure('Clear',Fgraph);
- switch action
- %======================================================================
- % Inputs
- %======================================================================
- case inputstr
- %-input effects
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,1,1)
- i = find(strcmp(action,str));
- b(:,:,1) = DCM.Pp.B(:,:,i);
- b(:,:,2) = Ep.B(:,:,i);
- c(:,1) = DCM.Pp.C(:,i);
- c(:,2) = Ep.C(:,i);
- spm_dcm_display(DCM.xY,b,c)
- title(sprintf('%s P(coupling > %0.2f)',action,DCM.T),'FontSize',16)
- %-direct effects - connections
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,2,5)
- bar(c(:,2))
- title('C - direct effects (Hz)','FontSize',14)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- axis square
- %-direct effects - probabilities
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,2,6)
- P = c(:,1);
- bar(P), hold on, plot([0 (length(P) + 1)],[U U],'-.r'), hold off
- title('C - probability','FontSize',14)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- ylabel(sprintf('P(C > %0.2f)',DCM.T))
- axis square
- %-modulatory effects - connections
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,2,7)
- bar(b(:,:,2))
- title('B - modulatory effects {Hz}','FontSize',14)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- xlabel('target region')
- ylabel('strength (Hz)')
- %-modulatory effects - probabilities
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,2,8)
- P = b(:,:,1);
- bar(P), hold on, plot([0 (length(P) + 1)],[U U],'-.r'), hold off
- title('B - probability','FontSize',14)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- xlabel('target region')
- ylabel(sprintf('P(B > %0.2f)',DCM.T))
- legend(DCM.Y.name)
- %======================================================================
- % Fixed connections
- %======================================================================
- case {'fixed connections'}
- % Intrinsic effects
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,1,1)
- a(:,:,1) = DCM.Pp.A;
- a(:,:,2) = Ep.A;
- spm_dcm_display(DCM.xY,a)
- title(sprintf('%s P(coupling > %0.2f)','fixed',DCM.T),'FontSize',16)
- % intrinsic interactions
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,2,3)
- bar(a(:,:,2))
- title('A - fixed effects','FontSize',16)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- xlabel('target region')
- ylabel('strength (Hz)')
- legend(DCM.Y.name)
- % intrinsic interactions - probabilities
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,2,4)
- P = a(:,:,1);
- bar(P), hold on, plot([0 (length(P) + 1)],[U U],'-.r'), hold off
- title('A - probability','FontSize',16)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- xlabel('target region')
- ylabel(sprintf('P(A > %0.2f)',DCM.T))
- %======================================================================
- % Contrast
- %======================================================================
- case {'contrast of connections'}
- %-get contrast
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- T = spm_input('Threshold (Hz)',1,'r',0);
- D = spm_input('contrast for',2,'b',{'A','B','C'});
- C = spm_dcm_contrasts(DCM,D);
- %-posterior density and inference
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- c = C'*spm_vec(DCM.Ep);
- v = C'*DCM.Cp*C;
- x = c + [-512:512]*sqrt(v)*6/512;
- p = full(1/sqrt(2*pi*v)*exp(-[x - c].^2/(2*v)));
- sw = warning('off','SPM:negativeVariance');
- PP = 1 - spm_Ncdf(T,c,v);
- warning(sw);
- figure(Fgraph)
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(x,p,[1 1]*T,[0 max(p)],'-.');
- str = sprintf('%s P(contrast > %0.2f) = %.1f%s','Posterior density',T,PP*100,'%');
- title(str,'FontSize',16)
- xlabel('contrast of parameter estimates')
- ylabel('probability density')
- i = find(x >= T);
- hold on
- fill([x(i) fliplr(x(i))],[i*0 fliplr(p(i))],[1 1 1]*.8)
- axis square, grid on
- hold off
- %-contrast
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- C = spm_unvec(C,DCM.Ep);
- subplot(4,2,5)
- imagesc(C.A)
- title('contrast {A}','FontSize',12)
- set(gca,'YTick',[1:l],'YTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- axis image
- subplot(4,2,6)
- imagesc(C.C)
- title('contrast {C}','FontSize',12)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:m],'XTickLabel',DCM.U.name)
- set(gca,'YTick',[1:l],'YTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- axis image
- for i = 1:m
- subplot(4,m,i + 3*m)
- imagesc(C.B(:,:,i))
- title(['contrast {B}-' DCM.U.name{i}],'FontSize',12)
- set(gca,'XTick',[1:l],'XTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- set(gca,'YTick',[1:l],'YTickLabel',DCM.Y.name)
- axis image
- end
- %======================================================================
- % Location of regions
- %======================================================================
- case {'location of regions'}
- % transverse
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,1,1)
- spm_dcm_graph(DCM.xY);
- title('Regional locations','FontSize',16)
- % table
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(2,1,2)
- y = 0;
- line([0 4],[y y])
- y = y - 1;
- text(0.0,y,'Name', 'FontSize',14)
- text(1.2,y,'Voxels', 'FontSize',14)
- text(2.0,y,'Location (mm)','FontSize',14)
- y = y - 1;
- line([0 4],[y y],'LineWidth',4)
- y = y - 1;
- for i = 1:length(DCM.xY)
- name = DCM.xY(i).name;
- N = size(DCM.xY(i).XYZmm, 2);
- L = DCM.xY(i).xyz;
- r = DCM.xY(i).spec;
- text(0.0,y,name, 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',fs)
- text(1.5,y,sprintf('%0.0f',N), 'FontSize',fs)
- text(2.0,y,sprintf('%-4.0f %-4.0f %-4.0f',L),'FontSize',fs)
- y = y - 1;
- end
- line([0 4],[y y])
- axis off square
- %======================================================================
- % Inputs
- %======================================================================
- case {'inputs'}
- % priors
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- x = (1:length(DCM.U.u))*DCM.U.dt;
- t = (1:length(DCM.Y.y))*DCM.Y.dt;
- for i = 1:m
- subplot(m,1,i)
- plot(x,full(DCM.U.u(:,i)))
- % posteriors (if stochastic DCM)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- hold on
- plot(t,DCM.qU.v{2}(i,:),':')
- end
- hold off
- title(['Input - ' DCM.U.name{i}],'FontSize',16)
- ylabel('event density {Hz}')
- axis tight
- lm = get(gca,'ylim'); set(gca,'ylim',lm + [-1 1]*diff(lm)/16);
- end
- xlabel('time {seconds}')
- if DCM.options.stochastic && isfield(DCM,'M')
- legend({'prior','posterior'})
- end
- %======================================================================
- % Outputs
- %======================================================================
- case {'outputs'}
- % graph
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- x = [1:DCM.v]*DCM.Y.dt;
- k = min(l,8);
- for i = 1:k
- subplot(k,1,i);
- if isfield(DCM,'y')
- plot(x,DCM.y(:,i),x,DCM.y(:,i) + DCM.R(:,i),':');
- title([DCM.Y.name{i} ': responses and predictions' ],'FontSize',16);
- xlabel('time {seconds}');
- legend('predicted', 'observed');
- else
- plot(x,DCM.Y.y(:,i));
- title([DCM.Y.name{i} ': responses' ],'FontSize',16);
- xlabel('time {seconds}');
- legend('observed');
- end
- end
- %======================================================================
- % Kernels
- %======================================================================
- case {'kernels'}
- % input effects
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- tn = (1:DCM.M.N)*DCM.M.dt;
- th = (1:DCM.M.N)*DCM.M.dt;
- catch
- tn = (1:64)*8/1000;
- th = (1:64)*1/2;
- end
- for i = 1:m
- % input effects - neuronal
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- y = DCM.K1(:,:,i);
- subplot(m,2,2*(i - 1) + 1)
- plot(tn,y)
- set(gca,'XLim',[0 min(max(tn),8)])
- axis square
- title(['neuronal responses to ' DCM.U.name{i}],'FontSize',12)
- xlabel('time {seconds}')
- for j = 1:l
- text(tn(j),y(j,j),DCM.Y.name{j},...
- 'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',fs,...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','Center')
- end
- % input effects - haemodynamic
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- k = DCM.H1(:,:,i);
- subplot(m,2,2*(i - 1) + 2)
- plot(th,k)
- set(gca,'XLim',[0 min(max(th),24)])
- axis square
- title('hemodynamic responses','FontSize',12)
- xlabel('time {seconds}')
- for j = 1:l
- text(th(j),k(j,j),DCM.Y.name{j},...
- 'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',fs,...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','Center')
- end
- end
- %======================================================================
- % DEM estimates (using standard format)
- %======================================================================
- case {'estimates of states'}
- spm_DEM_qU(DCM.qU)
- % get (excitatory) neuronal states
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- x = DCM.M(1).x;
- x(:,1) = 1;
- i = find(x(:));
- subplot(2,2,4)
- plot(1:DCM.v,full(DCM.qU.x{1}(i,:)));
- title('(excitatory) neuronal states','FontSize',16)
- ylabel('time','FontSize',12)
- spm_axis tight square
- case {'estimates of parameters'}
- spm_DEM_qP(DCM.qP)
- case {'estimates of precisions'}
- spm_DEM_qH(DCM.qH)
- case hiddenstr
- % get region
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- i = find(strcmp(action,str)) - find(strcmp('estimates of precisions',str));
- t = [1:length(DCM.Y.y)]*DCM.Y.dt;
- % hidden states - causes
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,1,1)
- j = find(DCM.c(i,:));
- if isempty(j)
- x = t*0;
- else
- x = DCM.qU.v{2}(j,:);
- end
- plot(t,x)
- title(['inputs or causes - ' DCM.Y.name{i}],'FontSize',16)
- % hidden states - neuronal
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,1,2)
- j = DCM.M.x;
- if DCM.options.two_state
- j(i,[1 2 6]) = 1;
- else
- j(i,[1 2]) = 1;
- end
- j = find(j(:));
- x = full(DCM.qU.x{1}(j,:));
- plot(t,x,':'), hold on
- plot(t,x(1,:)), hold off
- title('hidden states - neuronal', 'FontSize',16)
- if DCM.options.two_state
- legend({'excitatory','signal','inhibitory'})
- else
- legend({'excitatory','signal'})
- end
- % hidden states - hemodynamic
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,1,3)
- j = DCM.M.x;
- j(i,[3 4 5]) = 1;
- j = find(j(:));
- x = full(DCM.qU.x{1}(j,:));
- plot(t,exp(x))
- title('hidden states - hemodynamic', 'FontSize',16)
- legend({'flow','volume','dHb'})
- % response
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- subplot(4,1,4)
- y = full(DCM.qU.v{1}(i,:));
- x = full(DCM.qU.v{1}(i,:) + DCM.qU.z{1}(i,:));
- plot(t,x,t,y)
- title('predicted BOLD signal', 'FontSize',16)
- xlabel('time (seconds)')
- legend({'observed','predicted'})
- %======================================================================
- % Quit
- %======================================================================
- case {'quit'}
- return;
- %======================================================================
- % Unknown action
- %======================================================================
- otherwise
- disp('unknown option')
- end
- % return to menu
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargin < 2
- spm_dcm_review(DCM);
- end