123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636 |
- function [PEB,P] = spm_dcm_peb(P,M,field)
- % Hierarchical (PEB) inversion of DCMs using BMR and VL
- % FORMAT [PEB,DCM] = spm_dcm_peb(DCM,M,field)
- % FORMAT [PEB,DCM] = spm_dcm_peb(DCM,X,field)
- %
- % DCM - {N [x M]} structure array of DCMs from N subjects
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % DCM{i}.M.pE - prior expectation of parameters
- % DCM{i}.M.pC - prior covariances of parameters
- % DCM{i}.Ep - posterior expectations
- % DCM{i}.Cp - posterior covariance
- % DCM{i}.F - free energy
- %
- % M.X - 2nd-level design matrix: X(:,1) = ones(N,1) [default]
- % M.bE - 3rd-level prior expectation [default: DCM{1}.M.pE]
- % M.bC - 3rd-level prior covariance [default: DCM{1}.M.pC/M.alpha]
- % M.pC - 2nd-level prior covariance [default: DCM{1}.M.pC/M.beta]
- % M.hE - 2nd-level prior expectation of log precisions [default: 0]
- % M.hC - 2nd-level prior covariances of log precisions [default: 1/16]
- % M.maxit - maximum iterations [default: 64]
- %
- % M.Q - covariance components: {'single','fields','all','none'}
- % M.alpha - optional scaling to specify M.bC [default = 1]
- % M.beta - optional scaling to specify M.pC [default = 16]
- % - if beta equals 0, sample variances will be used
- %
- % NB: the prior covariance of 2nd-level random effects is:
- % exp(M.hE)*DCM{1}.M.pC/M.beta [default DCM{1}.M.pC/16]
- %
- % NB2: to manually specify which parameters should be assigned to
- % which covariance components, M.Q can be set to a cell array of
- % [nxn] binary matrices, where n is the number of DCM
- % parameters. A value of M.Q{i}(n,n)==1 indicates that parameter
- % n should be modelled with component i.
- %
- % M.Xnames - cell array of names for second level parameters [default: {}]
- %
- % field - parameter fields in DCM{i}.Ep to optimise [default: {'A','B'}]
- % 'All' will invoke all fields. This argument effectively allows
- % one to specify the parameters that constitute random effects.
- %
- % PEB - hierarchical dynamic model
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % PEB.Snames - string array of first level model names
- % PEB.Pnames - string array of parameters of interest
- % PEB.Pind - indices of parameters in spm_vec(DCM{i}.Ep)
- % PEB.Xnames - names of second level parameters
- %
- % PEB.M.X - second level (between-subject) design matrix
- % PEB.M.W - second level (within-subject) design matrix
- % PEB.M.Q - precision [components] of second level random effects
- % PEB.M.pE - prior expectation of second level parameters
- % PEB.M.pC - prior covariance of second level parameters
- % PEB.M.hE - prior expectation of second level log-precisions
- % PEB.M.hC - prior covariance of second level log-precisions
- % PEB.Ep - posterior expectation of second level parameters
- % PEB.Eh - posterior expectation of second level log-precisions
- % PEB.Cp - posterior covariance of second level parameters
- % PEB.Ch - posterior covariance of second level log-precisions
- % PEB.Ce - expected covariance of second level random effects
- % PEB.F - free energy of second level model
- %
- % DCM - 1st level (reduced) DCM structures with empirical priors
- %
- % If DCM is an an (N x M} array, hierarchical inversion will be
- % applied to each model (i.e., each row) - and PEB will be a
- % {1 x M} cell array.
- %
- % This routine inverts a hierarchical DCM using variational Laplace and
- % Bayesian model reduction. In essence, it optimises the empirical priors
- % over the parameters of a set of first level DCMs, using second level or
- % between subject constraints specified in the design matrix X. This scheme
- % is efficient in the sense that it does not require inversion of the first
- % level DCMs - it just requires the prior and posterior densities from each
- % first level DCM to compute empirical priors under the implicit
- % hierarchical model. The output of this scheme (PEB) can be re-entered
- % recursively to invert deep hierarchical models. Furthermore, Bayesian
- % model comparison (BMC) can be specified in terms of the empirical priors
- % to perform BMC at the group level. Alternatively, subject-specific (first
- % level) posterior expectations can be used for classical inference in the
- % usual way. Note that these (summary statistics) are optimal in the sense
- % that they have been estimated under empirical (hierarchical) priors.
- %
- % If called with a single DCM, there are no between-subject effects and the
- % design matrix is assumed to model mixtures of parameters at the first
- % level. If called with a cell array, each column is assumed to contain 1st
- % level DCMs inverted under the same model.
- %
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston
- % $Id: spm_dcm_peb.m 7476 2018-11-07 15:17:39Z peter $
- % get filenames and set up
- %==========================================================================
- if ~nargin
- [P, sts] = spm_select([2 Inf],'^DCM.*\.mat$','Select DCM*.mat files');
- if ~sts, return; end
- end
- if ischar(P), P = cellstr(P); end
- if isstruct(P), P = {P}; end
- % check for DEM structures
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- DEM = P;
- P = spm_dem2dcm(P);
- end
- % check parameter fields and design matrices
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try, load(P{1}); catch, DCM = P{1}; end
- if nargin < 2, M.X = ones(length(P),1); end
- if isnumeric(M), M = struct('X',M); end
- if ~isfield(M,'X'), M.X = ones(length(P),1); end
- if isempty(M.X), M.X = ones(length(P),1); end
- if nargin < 3; field = {'A','B'}; end
- if strcmpi(field,'all'); field = fieldnames(DCM.M.pE);end
- if ischar(field), field = {field}; end
- try, maxit = M.maxit; catch, maxit = 64; end
- % repeat for each model (column) if P is an array
- %==========================================================================
- if size(P,2) > 1
- for i = 1:size(P,2)
- [p,q] = spm_dcm_peb(P(:,i),M,field);
- PEB(i) = p;
- P(:,i) = q;
- end
- return
- end
- % get (first level) densities (summary statistics)
- %==========================================================================
- Ns = numel(P); % number of subjects
- if isfield(M,'bC') && Ns > 1
- q = spm_find_pC(M.bC,M.bE,field); % parameter indices
- elseif isnumeric(field)
- q = field; % parameter indices
- else
- q = spm_find_pC(DCM,field); % parameter indices
- end
- try
- Pstr = spm_fieldindices(DCM.M.pE,q); % field names
- catch
- if isfield(DCM,'Pnames')
- % PEB given as input. Field names have form covariate:fieldname
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pstr = [];
- for i = 1:length(DCM.Xnames)
- str = strcat(DCM.Xnames{i}, ': ', DCM.Pnames);
- Pstr = [Pstr; str];
- end
- else
- % Generate field names
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pstr = strcat('P', cellstr(num2str(q)));
- end
- end
- Np = numel(q); % number of parameters
- if Np == 1
- Pstr = {Pstr};
- end
- for i = 1:Ns
- % get first(within subject) level DCM
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- try, load(P{i}); catch, DCM = P{i}; end
- % posterior densities over all parameters
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isstruct(DCM.M.pC)
- pC{i} = diag(spm_vec(DCM.M.pC));
- else
- pC{i} = DCM.M.pC;
- end
- pC{i} = pC{i};
- pE{i} = spm_vec(DCM.M.pE);
- qE{i} = spm_vec(DCM.Ep);
- qC{i} = DCM.Cp;
- % deal with rank deficient priors
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if i == 1
- PE = pE{i}(q);
- PC = pC{i}(q,q);
- U = spm_svd(PC);
- Ne = numel(pE{i});
- else
- if numel(pE{i}) ~= Ne
- error('Please ensure all DCMs have the same parameterisation');
- end
- end
- % select parameters in field
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- pE{i} = U'*pE{i}(q);
- pC{i} = U'*pC{i}(q,q)*U;
- qE{i} = U'*qE{i}(q);
- qC{i} = U'*qC{i}(q,q)*U;
- % shrink posterior to accommodate inefficient inversions
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Ns > 1
- qC{i} = spm_inv(spm_inv(qC{i}) + spm_inv(pC{i})/16);
- end
- % and free energy of model with full priors
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- iF(i) = DCM.F;
- end
- % hierarchical model design and defaults
- %==========================================================================
- % second level model
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(M,'alpha'), alpha = M.alpha; else, alpha = 1; end
- if isfield(M,'beta'), beta = M.beta; else, beta = 16; end
- if ~isfield(M,'W'), M.W = speye(Np,Np); end
- % covariance component specification
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q = {};
- if ~isfield(M,'Q')
- OPTION = 'single';
- elseif iscell(M.Q) && isnumeric(M.Q{1})
- OPTION = 'manual';
- Q = M.Q;
- else
- end
- % design matrices
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Ns > 1;
- % between-subject design matrices and prior expectations
- %======================================================================
- X = M.X;
- W = U'*M.W*U;
- else
- % within subject design
- %======================================================================
- OPTION = 'none';
- U = 1;
- X = 1;
- W = M.W;
- end
- % variable names
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(M,'Xnames')
- Xnames = M.Xnames;
- else
- Nx = size(X,2);
- Xnames = cell(1,Nx);
- for i = 1:Nx
- Xnames{i} = sprintf('Covariate %d',i);
- end
- end
- % get priors (from DCM if necessary) and ensure correct sizes
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(M,'bE')
- M.bE = spm_vec(M.bE);
- if size(M.bE,1) > Np && Ns > 1, M.bE = M.bE(q); end
- else
- M.bE = PE;
- end
- % prior covariance of (e.g.,) group effects
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(M,'bC')
- if isstruct(M.bC), M.bC = diag(spm_vec(M.bC)); end
- if size(M.bC,1) > Np && Ns > 1, M.bC = M.bC(q,q); end
- else
- M.bC = PC/alpha;
- end
- % between (e.g.,) subject covariances (for precision components Q)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isfield(M,'pC')
- if isstruct(M.pC), M.pC = diag(spm_vec(M.pC)); end
- if size(M.pC,1) > Np && Ns > 1, M.pC = M.pC(q,q); end
- elseif ~beta
- % If beta = 0, use variance of MAP estimators
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- M.pC = diag(var(spm_cat(qE),1,2));
- else
- % otherwise, use a scaled prior covariance
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- M.pC = PC/beta;
- end
- % prior precision (pP) and components (Q) for empirical covariance
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pQ = spm_inv(U'*M.pC*U);
- rP = pQ;
- switch OPTION
- case{'single'}
- % one between subject precision component
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q = {pQ};
- case{'fields'}
- % between subject precision components (one for each field)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- pq = spm_inv(M.pC);
- for i = 1:length(field)
- j = spm_fieldindices(DCM.M.pE,field{i});
- j = find(ismember(q,j));
- Q{i} = sparse(Np,Np);
- Q{i}(j,j) = pq(j,j);
- Q{i} = U'*Q{i}*U;
- end
- case{'all'}
- % between subject precision components (one for each parameter)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- pq = spm_inv(M.pC);
- k = 1;
- for i = 1:Np
- qk = sparse(i,i,pq(i,i),Np,Np);
- qk = U'*qk*U;
- if any(qk(:))
- Q{k} = qk;
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- case {'manual'}
- % manually provided cell array of (binary) precision components
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- pq = spm_inv(M.pC);
- k = 1;
- for i = 1:length(Q)
- j = find(diag(Q{i}));
- j = find(ismember(q,j));
- qk = sparse(Np,Np);
- qk(j,j) = pq(j,j);
- qk = U'*qk*U;
- if any(qk(:))
- Q{k} = qk;
- k = k + 1;
- end
- end
- case {'none'}
- % Do nothing
- otherwise
- warning('Unknown covariance component specification');
- end
- % number of parameters and effects
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nx = size(X,2); % number of between subject effects
- Nw = size(W,2); % number of within subject effects
- Ng = numel(Q); % number of precision components
- Nb = Nw*Nx; % number of second level parameters
- % check for user-specified priors on log precision of second level effects
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gE = 0;
- gC = 1/16;
- try, gE = M.hE; end
- try, gC = M.hC; end
- try, Xc = M.bX; catch
- % adjust (second level) priors for the norm of explanatory variables
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Xc = diag(size(X,1)./sum(X.^2));
- end
- % prior expectations and precisions of second level parameters
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Xe = spm_speye(Nx,1);
- bE = kron(Xe,U'*M.bE); % prior expectation of group effects
- gE = zeros(Ng,1) + gE; % prior expectation of log precision
- bC = kron(Xc,U'*M.bC*U); % prior covariance of group effects
- gC = eye(Ng,Ng)*gC; % prior covariance of log precision
- bP = spm_inv(bC);
- gP = spm_inv(gC);
- % initialise parameters
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- b = bE;
- g = gE;
- ipC = spm_cat({bP [];
- [] gP});
- % variational Laplace
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- t = -4; % Fisher scoring parameter
- for n = 1:maxit
- % compute prior precision (with a lower bound of pQ/exp(8))
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if Ng > 0
- rP = pQ*exp(-8);
- for i = 1:Ng
- rP = rP + exp(g(i))*Q{i};
- end
- end
- rC = spm_inv(rP);
- % update model parameters
- %======================================================================
- % Gradient and curvature with respect to free energy
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- F = 0;
- dFdb = -bP*(b - bE);
- dFdbb = -bP;
- dFdg = -gP*(g - gE);
- dFdgg = -gP;
- dFdbg = zeros(Nb,Ng);
- for i = 1:Ns
- % get empirical prior expectations and reduced 1st level posterior
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- Xi = kron(X(i,:),W);
- rE{i} = Xi*b;
- [Fi,sE,sC] = spm_log_evidence_reduce(qE{i},qC{i},pE{i},pC{i},rE{i},rC);
- % supplement gradients and curvatures
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- F = F + Fi + iF(i);
- dE = sE - rE{i};
- dFdb = dFdb + Xi'*rP*dE;
- dFdbb = dFdbb + Xi'*(rP*sC*rP - rP)*Xi;
- for j = 1:Ng
- dFdgj = exp(g(j))*(trace((rC - sC)*Q{j}) - dE'*Q{j}*dE)/2;
- dFdg(j) = dFdg(j) + dFdgj;
- dFdgg(j,j) = dFdgg(j,j) + dFdgj;
- dFdbgj = exp(g(j))*(Xi - sC*rP*Xi)'*Q{j}*dE;
- dFdbg(:,j) = dFdbg(:,j) + dFdbgj;
- for k = 1:Ng
- dFdggj = exp(g(j) + g(k))*(trace((rC*Q{k}*rC - sC*Q{k}*sC)*Q{j})/2 - dE'*Q{k}*sC*Q{j}*dE);
- dFdgg(j,k) = dFdgg(j,k) - dFdggj;
- end
- end
- end
- % Free-energy and update parameters
- %======================================================================
- dFdp = [dFdb; dFdg];
- dFdpp = spm_cat({dFdbb dFdbg;
- dFdbg' dFdgg});
- Cp = spm_inv(-dFdpp);
- Cb = spm_inv(-dFdbb);
- Cg = spm_inv(-dFdgg);
- % second level complexity component of free energy
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fb = b'*bP*b;
- Fg = g'*gP*g;
- Fc = Fb/2 + Fg/2 - spm_logdet(ipC*Cp)/2;
- F = F - Fc;
- % best free energy so far
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if n == 1, F0 = F; end
- % convergence and regularisation
- %======================================================================
- % if F is increasing save current expansion point
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if F >= F0
- dF = F - F0;
- F0 = F;
- save('tmp.mat','b','g','F0','dFdb','dFdbb','dFdg','dFdgg');
- % decrease regularisation
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- t = min(t + 1/4,2);
- else
- % otherwise, retrieve expansion point and increase regularisation
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- t = max(t - 1,-4);
- load('tmp.mat');
- end
- % Fisher scoring
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- dp = spm_dx(dFdpp,dFdp,{t});
- % Suppress conditional dependencies for stable convergence
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- if norm(dp,1) < 8, else
- dFdpp = spm_cat({dFdbb [];
- [] dFdgg});
- dp = spm_dx(dFdpp,dFdp,{t});
- end
- [db,dg] = spm_unvec(dp,b,g);
- b = b + db;
- g = g + tanh(dg);
- % Convergence
- %======================================================================
- if ~isfield(M,'noplot')
- fprintf('VL Iteration %-8d: F = %-3.2f dF: %2.4f [%+2.2f]\n',n,full(F),full(dF),t);
- end
- if (n > 4) && (t <= -4 || dF < 1e-4)
- fprintf('VL Iteration %-8d: F = %-3.2f dF: %2.4f [%+2.2f]\n',n,full(F),full(dF),t);
- break
- end
- end
- % assemble output structure
- %==========================================================================
- for i = 1:Ns
- % get first(within subject) level DCM
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- load(P{i},'DCM');
- Sstr{i} = P{i};
- catch
- DCM = P{i};
- try
- Sstr{i} = DCM.name;
- catch
- Sstr{i} = sprintf('Subject %i',i);
- end
- end
- % evaluate reduced first level parameters if required
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargout > 1
- % posterior densities over all parameters
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isstruct(DCM.M.pC)
- pC{i} = diag(spm_vec(DCM.M.pC));
- else
- pC{i} = DCM.M.pC;
- end
- pE{i} = DCM.M.pE;
- qE{i} = DCM.Ep;
- qC{i} = DCM.Cp;
- % augment empirical priors
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- RP = spm_inv(pC{i});
- RP(q,q) = U*rP*U';
- RC = spm_inv(RP);
- RE = spm_vec(pE{i});
- RE(q) = U*rE{i};
- RE = spm_unvec(RE,pE{i});
- % First level BMR (supplemented with second level complexity)
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Fi,sE,sC] = spm_log_evidence_reduce(qE{i},qC{i},pE{i},pC{i},RE,RC);
- DCM.M.pE = RE;
- DCM.M.pC = RC;
- DCM.Ep = sE;
- DCM.Cp = sC;
- DCM.F = Fi + iF(i) - Fc/Ns;
- P{i} = DCM;
- end
- end
- % second level results
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PEB.Snames = Sstr';
- PEB.Pnames = Pstr';
- PEB.Pind = q;
- PEB.Xnames = Xnames;
- Ub = kron(eye(Nx,Nx),U);
- PEB.M.X = X;
- PEB.M.W = W;
- PEB.M.U = U;
- PEB.M.pE = kron(Xe,M.bE);
- PEB.M.pC = kron(Xc,M.bC);
- PEB.M.hE = gE;
- PEB.M.hC = gC;
- PEB.Ep = U*reshape(b,Nw,Nx);
- PEB.Eh = g;
- PEB.Ch = Cg;
- PEB.Cp = Ub*Cb*Ub';
- PEB.Ce = U*rC*U';
- PEB.F = F;
- for i = 1:length(Q)
- PEB.M.Q{i} = U*Q{i}*U';
- end
- spm_unlink('tmp.mat');
- % check for DEM structures
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try, P = spm_dem2dcm(DEM,P); end