123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330 |
- function SPM = spm_contrasts(SPM,Ic)
- % Compute and store contrast parameters and inference SPM{.}
- % FORMAT SPM = spm_contrasts(SPM,Ic)
- %
- % SPM - SPM data structure
- % Ic - indices of xCon to compute
- %
- % This function fills in SPM.xCon and writes con_????, ess_???? and
- % spm?_???? images.
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston, Will Penny & Guillaume Flandin
- % $Id: spm_contrasts.m 7029 2017-02-24 15:39:07Z guillaume $
- % Temporary copy of the SPM variable, to avoid saving it in SPM.mat unless
- % it has changed (faster, read-only access)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tmpSPM = SPM;
- %-Change to results directory
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try, cd(SPM.swd); end
- %-Get contrast definitions (if available)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- try
- xCon = SPM.xCon;
- catch
- xCon = [];
- end
- %-Set all contrasts by default
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if nargin < 2
- Ic = 1:length(xCon);
- end
- Ic(Ic == 0) = [];
- %-Map parameter and hyperarameter files
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~isempty(xCon) && xCon(Ic(1)).STAT == 'P'
- %-Conditional estimators
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Vbeta = SPM.VCbeta;
- else
- %-OLS estimators and error variance estimate
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Vbeta = SPM.Vbeta;
- VHp = SPM.VResMS;
- end
- if spm_mesh_detect(Vbeta)
- file_ext = '.gii';
- g = SPM.xY.VY(1).private;
- metadata = g.private.metadata;
- name = {metadata.name};
- if any(ismember(name,'SurfaceID'))
- metadata = metadata(ismember(name,'SurfaceID'));
- metadata = {metadata.name, metadata.value};
- elseif isfield(g,'faces') && ~isempty(g.faces)
- metadata = {'SurfaceID', SPM.xY.VY(1).fname};
- else
- metadata = {};
- end
- else
- file_ext = spm_file_ext;
- metadata = {};
- end
- %-Compute & store contrast parameters, contrast/ESS images, & SPM images
- %==========================================================================
- spm('Pointer','Watch')
- XYZ = SPM.xVol.XYZ;
- iXYZ = cumprod([1,SPM.xVol.DIM(1:2)'])*XYZ - sum(cumprod(SPM.xVol.DIM(1:2)'));
- for i = 1:length(Ic)
- %-Canonicalise contrast structure with required fields
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ic = Ic(i);
- if isempty(xCon(ic).eidf)
- X1o = spm_FcUtil('X1o',xCon(ic),SPM.xX.xKXs);
- [trMV,trMVMV] = spm_SpUtil('trMV',X1o,SPM.xX.V);
- xCon(ic).eidf = trMV^2/trMVMV;
- end
- %-Write contrast/ESS images?
- %======================================================================
- if isempty(xCon(ic).Vcon)
- switch xCon(ic).STAT
- case {'T','P'}
- if strcmp(xCon(ic).STAT,'P') && strcmp(SPM.PPM.xCon(ic).PSTAT,'F')
- % Bayes Factor for compound contrast
- %------------------------------------------------------
- disp('Bayes factor for compound contrast');
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s',sprintf('LogBF image %2d',ic),...
- '...computing'); %-#
- if isfield(SPM.PPM,'VB')
- % First level Bayes
- xCon = spm_vb_logbf(SPM,XYZ,xCon,ic);
- else
- % Second level Bayes
- xCon = spm_bayes2_logbf(SPM,XYZ,xCon,ic);
- end
- else
- %-Implement contrast as linear combination of beta images
- %------------------------------------------------------
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s',sprintf('contrast image %2d',ic),...
- '...computing'); %-#
- %-Prepare handle for contrast image
- %------------------------------------------------------
- xCon(ic).Vcon = struct(...
- 'fname', [sprintf('con_%04d',ic) file_ext],...
- 'dim', SPM.xVol.DIM',...
- 'dt', [spm_type('float32'), spm_platform('bigend')],...
- 'mat', SPM.xVol.M,...
- 'pinfo', [1,0,0]',...
- 'descrip',sprintf('Contrast %d: %s',ic,xCon(ic).name),...
- metadata{:});
- xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_data_hdr_write(xCon(ic).Vcon);
- %-Compute contrast
- %------------------------------------------------------
- Q = find(abs(xCon(ic).c) > 0);
- V = Vbeta(Q);
- cB = zeros(1,size(XYZ,2));
- for j=1:numel(V)
- cB = cB + xCon(ic).c(Q(j)) * spm_data_read(V(j),'xyz',XYZ);
- end
- %-Write contrast image
- %------------------------------------------------------
- tmp = NaN(SPM.xVol.DIM');
- tmp(iXYZ) = cB;
- xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_data_write(xCon(ic).Vcon,tmp);
- clear tmp cB
- fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),sprintf(...
- '...written %s',spm_file(xCon(ic).Vcon.fname,'filename')))%-#
- end
- case 'F' %-Implement ESS as sum of squared weighted beta images
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s',sprintf('ESS image %2d',ic),...
- '...computing'); %-#
- %-Prepare handle for ESS image
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- xCon(ic).Vcon = struct(...
- 'fname', [sprintf('ess_%04d',ic) file_ext],...
- 'dim', SPM.xVol.DIM',...
- 'dt', [spm_type('float32'), spm_platform('bigend')],...
- 'mat', SPM.xVol.M,...
- 'pinfo', [1,0,0]',...
- 'descrip',sprintf('ESS contrast %d: %s',ic,xCon(ic).name),...
- metadata{:});
- xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_data_hdr_write(xCon(ic).Vcon);
- %-Compute ESS
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- % Residual (in parameter space) forming matrix
- h = spm_FcUtil('Hsqr',xCon(ic),SPM.xX.xKXs);
- ss = zeros(numel(Vbeta),size(XYZ,2));
- for j=1:numel(Vbeta)
- ss(j,:) = spm_data_read(Vbeta(j),'xyz',XYZ);
- end
- ss = sum((h*ss).^2,1);
- %-Write ESS image
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- tmp = NaN(SPM.xVol.DIM');
- tmp(iXYZ) = ss;
- xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_data_write(xCon(ic).Vcon,tmp);
- clear tmp ss
- fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),sprintf(...
- '...written %s',spm_file(xCon(ic).Vcon.fname,'filename')))%-#
- otherwise
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- error(['unknown STAT "',xCon(ic).STAT,'"'])
- end % (switch(xCon...)
- end % (if isempty(xCon(ic)...)
- %-Write inference SPM/PPM
- %======================================================================
- if isempty(xCon(ic).Vspm) || xCon(ic).STAT == 'P'
- % (always update PPM as size threshold, gamma, may have changed)
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s',sprintf('spm{%s} image %2d',xCon(ic).STAT,ic),...
- '...computing'); %-#
- switch(xCon(ic).STAT)
- case 'T' %-Compute SPM{t} image
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- cB = spm_data_read(xCon(ic).Vcon,'xyz',XYZ);
- l = spm_data_read(VHp,'xyz',XYZ); % get hyperparamters
- Vc = xCon(ic).c'*SPM.xX.Bcov*xCon(ic).c;
- SE = sqrt(l*Vc); % and standard error
- Z = cB./SE;
- str = sprintf('[%.1f]',SPM.xX.erdf);
- case 'P' %-Compute PPM{P} image
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- if all(strcmp({SPM.PPM.xCon(ic).PSTAT},'T'))
- % Simple contrast - Gaussian distributed
- c = xCon(ic).c;
- cB = spm_data_read(xCon(ic).Vcon,'xyz',XYZ);
- if isfield(SPM.PPM,'VB');
- % If posterior sd image for that contrast does
- % not already exist, then compute it
- try
- SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic);
- catch
- SPM = spm_vb_contrasts(SPM,XYZ,xCon,ic);
- end
- % Read in posterior sd image for contrast
- Vsd = spm_data_read(SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic),'xyz',XYZ);
- VcB = Vsd.^2;
- else
- VcB = c'*SPM.PPM.Cby*c;
- for j = 1:length(SPM.PPM.l)
- % hyperparameter and Taylor approximation
- %----------------------------------------------
- l = spm_data_read(SPM.VHp(j),'xyz',XYZ);
- VcB = VcB + (c'*SPM.PPM.dC{j}*c)*(l - SPM.PPM.l(j));
- end
- end
- % posterior probability cB > g
- %------------------------------------------------------
- Gamma = xCon(ic).eidf;
- Z = 1 - spm_Ncdf(Gamma,cB,VcB);
- % Convert probability to Log Odds Ratio
- Z = log( Z ./ (1 - Z+eps) );
- str = sprintf('[%.2f]',Gamma);
- %xCon(ic).name = [xCon(ic).name ' ' str];
- else
- % Compound contrast - Log Bayes Factor
- fprintf('\t\t%-75s\n','Log Bayes Factor for compound contrast');
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %29s\n',' ',' ');
- Z = spm_data_read(xCon(ic).Vcon,'xyz',XYZ);
- str = sprintf('[%1.2f]',xCon(ic).eidf);
- end
- case 'F' %-Compute SPM{F} image
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- MVM = spm_data_read(xCon(ic).Vcon,'xyz',XYZ)/trMV;
- RVR = spm_data_read(VHp,'xyz',XYZ);
- Z = MVM./RVR;
- str = sprintf('[%.1f,%.1f]',xCon(ic).eidf,SPM.xX.erdf);
- otherwise
- %----------------------------------------------------------
- error(['unknown STAT "',xCon(ic).STAT,'"']);
- end % (switch(xCon(ic)...)
- %-Write SPM - statistic image
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- xCon(ic).Vspm = struct(...
- 'fname', [sprintf('spm%s_%04d',xCon(ic).STAT,ic) file_ext],...
- 'dim', SPM.xVol.DIM',...
- 'dt', [spm_type('float32'), spm_platform('bigend')],...
- 'mat', SPM.xVol.M,...
- 'pinfo', [1,0,0]',...
- 'descrip',sprintf('SPM{%s_%s} - contrast %d: %s',...
- xCon(ic).STAT,str,ic,xCon(ic).name),...
- metadata{:});
- xCon(ic).Vspm = spm_data_hdr_write(xCon(ic).Vspm);
- tmp = zeros(SPM.xVol.DIM');
- tmp(iXYZ) = Z;
- xCon(ic).Vspm = spm_data_write(xCon(ic).Vspm,tmp);
- clear tmp Z
- cmd = sprintf(['[hReg,xSPM,SPM] = spm_results_ui(''Setup'',',...
- 'struct(''swd'',''%s'',''Ic'',%d));',...
- 'TabDat = spm_list(''List'',xSPM,hReg);'],pwd,ic);
- img = spm_file(spm_file(xCon(ic).Vspm.fname,'filename'),'link',cmd);
- n = 30; if length(img)>n, n = length(img)+n-13; end
- fprintf('%s%*s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),n,sprintf(...
- '...written %s',img)); %-#
- end % (if isempty(xCon(ic)...)
- end % (for i = 1:length(Ic))
- spm('Pointer','Arrow')
- % place xCon back in SPM
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SPM.xCon = xCon;
- % Check if SPM has changed. Save only if it has.
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if spm_check_version('matlab','8.0') >= 0, my_isequaln = @isequaln;
- else my_isequaln = @isequalwithequalnans; end
- if ~my_isequaln(tmpSPM,SPM)
- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s','Saving SPM.mat','...writing'); %-#
- save('SPM.mat', 'SPM', spm_get_defaults('mat.format'));
- fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),'...SPM.mat saved') %-#
- end