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- function spm_check_results(SPMs,xSPM)
- % Display several MIPs in the same figure
- % FORMAT spm_check_results(SPMs,xSPM)
- % SPMs - char or cell array of paths to SPM.mat[s]
- % xSPM - structure containing thresholding details, see spm_getSPM.m
- %
- % Beware: syntax and features of this function are likely to change.
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2012 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Guillaume Flandin
- % $Id: spm_check_results.m 4660 2012-02-20 17:39:29Z guillaume $
- cwd = pwd;
- %-Get input parameter SPMs
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~nargin || isempty(SPMs)
- [SPMs, sts] = spm_select(Inf,'^SPM\.mat$','Select SPM.mat[s]');
- if ~sts, return; end
- end
- SPMs = cellstr(SPMs);
- %-Get input parameter xSPM
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- xSPM.swd = spm_file(SPMs{1},'fpath');
- try, [xSPM.thresDesc, xSPM.u] = convert_desc(xSPM.thresDesc); end
- [tmp, xSPM] = spm_getSPM(xSPM);
- if ~isfield(xSPM,'units'), xSPM.units = {'mm' 'mm' 'mm'}; end
- [xSPM.thresDesc, xSPM.u] = convert_desc(xSPM.thresDesc);
- %-
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fgraph = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics');
- spm_figure('Clear','Graphics');
- mn = numel(SPMs);
- n = round(mn^0.4);
- m = ceil(mn/n);
- w = 1/n;
- h = 1/m;
- ds = (w+h)*0.02;
- for ij=1:numel(SPMs)
- i = 1-h*(floor((ij-1)/n)+1);
- j = w*rem(ij-1,n);
- xSPM.swd = spm_file(SPMs{ij},'fpath');
- [tmp, myxSPM] = spm_getSPM(xSPM);
- hMIPax(ij) = axes('Parent',Fgraph,'Position',[j+ds/2 i+ds/2 w-ds h-ds],'Visible','off');
- hMIPax(ij) = spm_mip_ui(myxSPM.Z,myxSPM.XYZmm,myxSPM.M,myxSPM.DIM,hMIPax(ij),myxSPM.units);
- axis(hMIPax(ij),'image');
- set(findobj(hMIPax(ij),'type','image'),'UIContextMenu',[]);
- hReg = get(hMIPax(ij),'UserData');
- set(hReg.hXr,'visible','off');
- set(hReg.hMIPxyz,'visible','off');
- end
- linkaxes(hMIPax);
- cd(cwd);
- %==========================================================================
- % function [str, u] = convert_desc(str)
- %==========================================================================
- function [str, u] = convert_desc(str)
- td = regexp(str,'p\D?(?<u>[\.\d]+) \((?<thresDesc>\S+)\)','names');
- if isempty(td)
- td = regexp(str,'\w=(?<u>[\.\d]+)','names');
- td.thresDesc = 'none';
- end
- if strcmp(td.thresDesc,'unc.'), td.thresDesc = 'none'; end
- u = str2double(td.u);
- str = td.thresDesc;