123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177 |
- function [xY, XYZmm, j] = spm_ROI(xY, XYZmm)
- % Region of Interest specification
- % FORMAT xY = spm_ROI(xY)
- % xY - VOI structure
- % xY.def - VOI definition [sphere, box, mask, cluster, all]
- % xY.rej - cell array of disabled VOI definition options
- % xY.xyz - centre of VOI {mm}
- % xY.spec - VOI definition parameters
- % xY.str - description of the VOI
- %
- % FORMAT [xY, XYZmm, j] = spm_ROI(xY, XYZmm)
- % XYZmm - [3xm] locations of voxels {mm}
- % If an image filename, an spm_vol structure or a NIfTI object is
- % given instead, XYZmm will be initialised to all voxels within
- % the field of view of that image.
- %
- % XYZmm - [3xn] filtered locations of voxels {mm} (m>=n) within VOI xY
- % j - [1xn] indices of input locations XYZmm within VOI xY
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- % Karl Friston, Guillaume Flandin
- % $Id: spm_ROI.m 6079 2014-06-30 18:25:37Z spm $
- if nargin < 2 && nargout > 1
- error('Too many output arguments.');
- end
- try, xY; catch, xY = []; end
- %-Specify ROI
- %==========================================================================
- if ~isfield(xY,'def')
- def = {'sphere','box','cluster','mask'};
- if isfield(xY,'rej')
- if ~isfield(xY,'M')
- xY.rej = {xY.rej{:} 'cluster'};
- end
- else
- if isfield(xY,'M')
- xY.rej = {};
- else
- xY.rej = {'cluster'};
- end
- end
- [q, i] = setdiff(def,xY.rej);
- def = def(sort(i));
- xY.def = spm_input('VOI definition...','!+1','b',def,[],1);
- end
- %-ROI parameters
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- switch lower(xY.def)
- case 'sphere'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~isfield(xY,'xyz') || isempty(xY.xyz)
- xY.xyz = spm_input('sphere centre [x y z] {mm}',...
- '!+0','r','0 0 0',3);
- end
- if ~isfield(xY,'spec')
- xY.spec = spm_input('sphere radius (mm)','!+0','r',0,1,[0,Inf]);
- end
- xY.str = sprintf('%0.1fmm sphere',xY.spec);
- case 'box'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~isfield(xY,'xyz') || isempty(xY.xyz)
- xY.xyz = spm_input('box centre [x y z] {mm}',...
- '!+0','r','0 0 0',3);
- end
- if ~isfield(xY,'spec')
- xY.spec = spm_input('box dimensions [x y z] {mm}',...
- '!+0','r','0 0 0',3);
- end
- if length(xY.spec) < 3
- xY.spec = xY.spec(1)*[1 1 1];
- end
- xY.str = sprintf('%0.1f x %0.1f x %0.1f mm box',xY.spec);
- case 'mask'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~isfield(xY,'spec')
- xY.spec = spm_vol(spm_select(1,'image','Specify Mask'));
- else
- if ~isstruct(xY.spec)
- xY.spec = spm_vol(xY.spec);
- end
- end
- str = spm_file(xY.spec.fname,'short30');
- str = regexprep(str, {'\\' '\^' '_' '{' '}'}, ...
- {'\\\\' '\\^' '\\_' '\\{' '\\}'}); % Escape TeX special characters
- xY.str = sprintf('image mask: %s',str);
- case 'cluster'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~isfield(xY,'xyz') || isempty(xY.xyz)
- xY.xyz = spm_input('seed voxel [x y z] {mm}',...
- '!+0','r','0 0 0',3);
- end
- if ~isfield(xY,'M')
- xY.M = spm_input('affine transformation matrix',...
- '!+0','r','0 0 0',[4 4]);
- end
- xY.spec = [];
- xY.str = sprintf('cluster (seed voxel: %0.1f %0.1f %0.1f)',xY.xyz);
- case 'all'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- xY.str = 'all';
- otherwise
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- error('Unknown VOI type.');
- end
- if nargin < 2, return; end
- %-'Estimate' ROI
- %==========================================================================
- %-Argument check
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ischar(XYZmm) && isempty(XYZmm)
- XYZmm = spm_select(1,'image','Specify Image');
- end
- if ischar(XYZmm), XYZmm = spm_vol(XYZmm); end
- if isa(XYZmm,'nifti')
- XYZmm = struct('dim',size(XYZmm.dat), 'mat',XYZmm.mat);
- end
- if isstruct(XYZmm) % spm_vol
- [R,C,P] = ndgrid(1:XYZmm.dim(1),1:XYZmm.dim(2),1:XYZmm.dim(3));
- RCP = [R(:)';C(:)';P(:)';ones(1,numel(R))];
- XYZmm = XYZmm.mat(1:3,:)*RCP;
- clear R C P RCP
- end
- if isempty(XYZmm), XYZmm = zeros(3,0); end
- %-Filter location of voxels
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q = ones(1,size(XYZmm,2));
- switch lower(xY.def)
- case 'sphere'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- j = find(sum((XYZmm - xY.xyz*Q).^2) <= xY.spec^2);
- case 'box'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- j = find(all(abs(XYZmm - xY.xyz*Q) <= xY.spec(:)*Q/2));
- case 'mask'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XYZ = xY.spec.mat \ [XYZmm; Q];
- j = find(spm_sample_vol(xY.spec, XYZ(1,:), XYZ(2,:), XYZ(3,:),0) > 0);
- case 'cluster'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [x, i] = spm_XYZreg('NearestXYZ',xY.xyz,XYZmm);
- XYZ = round(xY.M \ [XYZmm; Q]);
- A = spm_clusters(XYZ);
- j = find(A == A(i));
- case 'all'
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- j = 1:size(XYZmm,2);
- otherwise
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------
- error('Unknown VOI type.');
- end
- XYZmm = XYZmm(:,j);
- if strcmpi(xY.def,'mask') && ~isempty(XYZmm), xY.xyz = mean(XYZmm,2); end