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- function [CIJ] = makelatticeCIJ(N,K)
- %MAKELATTICECIJ Synthetic lattice network
- %
- % CIJ = makelatticeCIJ(N,K);
- %
- % This function generates a directed lattice network without toroidal
- % boundary counditions (i.e. no ring-like "wrapping around").
- %
- % Inputs: N, number of vertices
- % K, number of edges
- %
- % Outputs: CIJ, connection matrix
- %
- % Note: The lattice is made by placing connections as close as possible
- % to the main diagonal, without wrapping around. No connections are made
- % on the main diagonal. In/Outdegree is kept approx. constant at K/N.
- %
- %
- % Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, 2005/2007
- % initialize
- CIJ = zeros(N);
- CIJ1 = ones(N);
- KK = 0;
- cnt = 0;
- seq = 1:N-1;
- % fill in
- while (KK<K)
- cnt = cnt + 1;
- dCIJ = triu(CIJ1,seq(cnt))-triu(CIJ1,seq(cnt)+1);
- dCIJ = dCIJ+dCIJ';
- CIJ = CIJ + dCIJ;
- KK = sum(sum(CIJ));
- end;
- % remove excess connections
- overby = KK-K;
- if(overby>0)
- [i,j] = find(dCIJ);
- rp = randperm(length(i));
- for ii=1:overby
- CIJ(i(rp(ii)),j(rp(ii))) = 0;
- end;
- end;