function varargout = spm_select(varargin) % File selector % FORMAT [t,sts] = spm_select(n,typ,mesg,sel,wd,filt,frames) % n - number of files [Default: Inf] % A single value or a range. e.g. % 1 - select one file % Inf - select any number of files % [1 Inf] - select 1 to Inf files % [0 1] - select 0 or 1 files % [10 12] - select from 10 to 12 files % typ - file type [Default: 'any'] % 'any' - all files % 'image' - Image files (".img" and ".nii") % Note that it gives the option to select individuals % volumes of the images. % 'mesh' - Surface mesh files (".gii") % 'xml' - XML files % 'mat' - MATLAB .mat files or .txt files (assumed to contain % ASCII representation of a 2D-numeric array) % 'batch' - SPM batch files (.m or .mat) % 'dir' - select a directory % Other strings act as a filter to regexp. This means that % e.g. DCM*.mat files should have a typ of '^DCM.*\.mat$' % mesg - a prompt [Default: 'Select files...'] % sel - list of already selected files [Default: {}] % wd - directory to start off in [Default: pwd] % filt - value for user-editable filter [Default: '.*'] % frames - image frame numbers to include [Default: '1'] % % t - selected files % sts - status (1 means OK, 0 means window quit) % % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('List',direc,filt) % Return files matching the filter 'filt' and directories within 'direc' % direc - directory to search [Default: pwd] % filt - filter to select files with regexp, e.g. '^w.*\.img$' [Default: '.*'] % % files - files matching 'filt' in directory 'direc' % dirs - subdirectories of 'direc' % % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('ExtList',direc,filt,frames) % As above, but for selecting frames of 4D NIfTI files % frames - vector of frames to select (defaults to 1, if not specified). % If the frame number is Inf, all frames for the matching images % are listed. % % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('FPList',direc,filt) % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('ExtFPList',direc,filt,frames) % As above, but return files with full paths (i.e. prefixes 'direc' to each) % % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('FPListRec',direc,filt) % FORMAT [files,dirs] = spm_select('ExtFPListRec',direc,filt,frames) % As above, but return files with full paths (i.e. prefixes 'direc' to each) % and search through sub directories recursively. % % FORMAT [dirs] = spm_select('List',direc,'dir',filt) % FORMAT [dirs] = spm_select('FPList',direc,'dir',filt) % FORMAT [dirs] = spm_select('FPListRec',direc,'dir',filt) % Return directory names matching filter 'filt' within 'direc' %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % John Ashburner % $Id: spm_select.m 6530 2015-08-21 14:43:52Z guillaume $ % For developers: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % FORMAT cpath = spm_select('CPath',path,cwd) % Canonicalise paths: prepend cwd to relative paths, process '..' & '.' % directories embedded in path. % path - string matrix containing path name % cwd - current working directory [Default: '.'] % cpath - canonicalised paths, in same format as input path argument % % FORMAT [t,ind] = spm_select('Filter',files,typ,filt,frames) % Filter the list of files (cell or char array) in the same way as the % GUI would do. There is an additional typ 'extimage' which will match % images with frame specifications, too. Also, there is a typ 'extdir', % which will match canonicalised directory names. The 'frames' argument % is currently ignored, i.e. image files will not be filtered out if % their frame numbers do not match. % t returns the filtered list (cell or char array, depending on input), % ind an index array, such that t = files{ind}, or t = files(ind,:). % % FORMAT spm_select('PrevDirs',dir) % Add directory dir to list of previous directories. % FORMAT dirs = spm_select('PrevDirs') % Retrieve list of previous directories. % % FORMAT files = spm_select('Expand',files) % Return a list of image filenames with appended frame numbers. persistent isInitSelect; if isempty(isInitSelect) isInitSelect = true; spm_select('init'); if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1},'init'), return; end end %-Commands that are not passed to cfg_getfile local_cmds = {'regfilter', 'init', 'expand'}; if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) && any(strcmpi(varargin{1},local_cmds)) switch lower(varargin{1}) case 'init' if ~isdeployed && ~exist('cfg_getfile','file') addpath(fullfile(spm('dir'),'matlabbatch')); end spm_select('regfilter'); spm_select('prevdirs',spm('Dir')); case 'regfilter' % Regexp based filters without special handlers cfg_getfile('regfilter', 'mesh', {'\.gii$'}); cfg_getfile('regfilter', 'gifti', {'\.gii$'}); cfg_getfile('regfilter', 'nifti', {'\.nii$','\.img$'}); % Filter for 3D images that handles frame expansion frames = cfg_entry; = 'Frames'; frames.tag = 'frames'; frames.strtype = 'n'; frames.num = [1 Inf]; frames.val = {1}; cfg_getfile('regfilter', 'image',... {'.*\.nii(,\d+){0,2}$','.*\.img(,\d+){0,2}$'},... false, @spm_select_image, {frames}); case 'expand' varargout{1} = spm_select_expand(varargin{2}); if ischar(varargin{2}), varargout{1} = char(varargout{1}); end end else needchar = false; % cfg_getfile expects cellstr arguments for multi-line strings if nargin > 1 && ischar(varargin{1}) && ... ismember(lower(varargin{1}),{'filter','cpath'}) && ischar(varargin{2}) varargin{2} = cellstr(varargin{2}); needchar = true; elseif nargin > 0 && ischar(varargin{1}) && ... ismember(lower(varargin{1}),{'extlist','extfplist','extfplistrec'}) varargin{1} = varargin{1}(4:end); if nargin > 3 varargin{5} = struct('frames', varargin{4}); else varargin{5} = struct('frames', Inf); end varargin{4} = varargin{3}; varargin{3} = 'image'; elseif nargin > 6 && isnumeric(varargin{1}) varargin{7} = struct('frames', varargin{7}); end [t, sts] = cfg_getfile(varargin{:}); % cfg_getfile returns cellstr arrays, convert to char arrays if nargin > 0 && ischar(varargin{1}) switch lower(varargin{1}) case {'filter','cpath'} if needchar t = char(t); end case {'list','fplist','extlist','extfplist','fplistrec','extfplistrec'} t = char(t); sts = char(sts); end else t = char(t); end varargout{1} = t; if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = sts; end end %========================================================================== % FUNCTION varargout = spm_select_image(cmd, varargin) %========================================================================== function varargout = spm_select_image(cmd, varargin) % Implements extended filtering for NIfTI images (including 3D frame % selection) switch lower(cmd) case 'list' dr = varargin{1}; files = varargin{2}; prms = varargin{3}; frames = prms.frames; ii = cell(1,numel(files)); if numel(frames)==1 && isnan(frames) [ii{:}] = deal(1); elseif numel(frames)~=1 || frames(1)~=1 % if domsg % msg(ob,['Reading headers of ' num2str(numel(f)) ' images...']); % end for i=1:numel(files) try n = spm_select_get_nbframes(fullfile(dr,files{i})); d4 = (1:n)'; catch d4 = 1; end if all(isfinite(frames)) ii{i} = intersect(d4, frames(:))'; else ii{i} = d4(:)'; end end elseif numel(frames)==1 && frames(1)==1 [ii{:}] = deal(1); end % if domsg % msg(ob,['Listing ' num2str(numel(f)) ' files...']); % end % Combine filename and frame number(s) nii = cellfun(@numel, ii); cfiles = cell(sum(nii),1); fi = cell(numel(files),1); for k = 1:numel(fi) fi{k} = k*ones(1,nii(k)); end ii = [ii{:}]; fi = [fi{:}]'; if numel(frames)==1 && isnan(frames) cfiles = files; else for i=1:numel(cfiles) cfiles{i} = sprintf('%s,%d', files{fi(i)}, ii(i)); end end varargout{1} = cfiles; varargout{2} = fi; case 'filter' % Do not filter for frame numbers varargout{1} = varargin{1}; varargout{2} = 1:numel(varargout{1}); end %========================================================================== % FUNCTION ofiles = spm_select_expand(ifiles) %========================================================================== function ofiles = spm_select_expand(ifiles) ifiles = cellstr(ifiles); ofiles = {}; for i=1:numel(ifiles) [p,f,e,n] = spm_fileparts(ifiles{i}); if ~isempty(n) ofiles = [ofiles; ifiles{i}]; else n = spm_select_get_nbframes(ifiles{i}); vfiles = cell(n,1); for j=1:n vfiles{j} = [ifiles{i} ',' num2str(j)]; end ofiles = [ofiles; vfiles]; end end %========================================================================== % FUNCTION n = spm_select_get_nbframes(file) %========================================================================== function n = spm_select_get_nbframes(file) N = nifti(file); dim = [N.dat.dim 1 1 1 1 1]; n = dim(4); % % A faster, direct implementation % [p,f,e] = fileparts(file); % unchanged = true; % ind = find(e==','); % if ~isempty(ind) % unchanged = false; % e = e(1:(ind(1)-1)); % end % switch e % case {'.img'} % unchanged = false; % e = '.hdr'; % case {'.IMG'} % unchanged = false; % e = '.HDR'; % end % if ~unchanged % file = fullfile(p,[f e]); % end % % n = []; % % fp = fopen(file,'r','native'); % if fp==-1, return; end % % %sts = fseek(fp,344,'bof'); % %if sts==-1, fclose(fp); return; end % %mgc = deblank(char(fread(fp,4,'uint8')')); % % sts = fseek(fp,40,'bof'); % if sts==-1, fclose(fp); return; end % dim = fread(fp,8,'*int16'); % fclose(fp); % if isempty(dim), return; end % if dim(1)<1 || dim(1)>7 % dim = swapbytes(dim); % end % dim = double(dim(2:(dim(1)+1)))'; % dim = [dim 1 1 1 1 1]; % n = dim(4);