function [H, HC] = spm_browser(url,F,pos,format) % Display an HTML document within a MATLAB figure % FORMAT H = spm_browser(url,F,pos,[format]) % % url - string containing URL (e.g. 'http://...' or 'file://...') % F - figure handle or Tag [Default: Graphics] % pos - position within figure in pixel units with the format [left, % bottom, width, height]. [Default: full window with 10px margin] % format - data format {['html'],'md'} % 'md' option uses Markdown: % % % % H - handle to the Java component % HC - handle to the HG container %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Guillaume Flandin % $Id: spm_browser.m 7478 2018-11-08 14:51:54Z guillaume $ %-Input arguments %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin < 1 url = ['file://' fullfile(spm('Dir'),'help','index.html')]; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(F) F = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics'); end try, isUpdate = ismethod(F,'setCurrentLocation'); catch, isUpdate=false; end if ~isUpdate, F = spm_figure('FindWin',F); end if (nargin < 3 || isempty(pos)) && ~isUpdate u = get(F,'Units'); set(F,'Units','pixels'); pos = get(F,'Position'); set(F,'Units',u); pos = [10, 10, pos(3)-20, pos(4)-20]; end if nargin < 4 || isempty(format) if numel(url) > 1 && strcmp(url(end-2:end),'.md') format = 'md'; else format = 'html'; end end %-Display %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- try % if usejava('awt') && spm_check_version('matlab','7.4') >= 0 %-Create HTML browser panel %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isUpdate browser = com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.HTMLBrowserPanel; [H, HC] = javacomponent(browser,pos,F); else H = F; HC = []; end %-Set content %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if strcmpi(format,'html') && any(strncmp(url,{'file','http'},4)) H.setCurrentLocation(strrep(url,'\','/')) elseif strcmpi(format,'md') H.setHtmlText(md2html(url)); else H.setHtmlText(url); end drawnow; catch H = []; HC = []; end %========================================================================== function html = md2html(md) % Convert Markdown document into HTML (using Showdown.js) if exist(md,'file') md = fileread(md); elseif any(strncmp(md,{'file','http'},4)) md = urlread(md); end md = strrep(md,'\','\\'); md = strrep(md,'"','\"'); md = strrep(md,char(13),''); md = strrep(md,char(10),'\n'); showdownjs = ['file://' fullfile(spm('Dir'),'help','js','showdown.min.js')]; html = {... '', .... '', .... '', .... '', .... 'SPM', .... [''], .... '', .... '', .... '
', .... '', .... '', .... ''}; html = sprintf('%s\n', html{:});