function [SPM] = spm_spm_vb(SPM) % VB estimation of GLM-AR models with spatial regularisation % FORMAT [SPM] = spm_spm_vb(SPM) % % This function implements a VB estimation scheme for GLM-AR models. % Both regression coefficients and AR coefficients are spatially % regularised. The algorithm is described in a series of papers: % % Paper VB1: W. Penny, S. Kiebel and K. Friston (2003). % Variational Bayesian inference for fMRI time series. % NeuroImage 19(3), pp 727-741. % % Paper VB2: W. Penny, N. Trujillo-Barreto and K. Friston (2005). % Bayesian fMRI time series analysis with spatial priors. % NeuroImage 24(2), pp 350-362. % % Paper VB3: W. Penny and G. Flandin (2005). % Bayesian analysis of single-subject fMRI: SPM implementation. % Technical Report. WDIN, UCL. % % Paper VB4: W. Penny, G. Flandin and N. Trujillo-Barreto (2007). % Bayesian comparison of spatially regularised general linear % models. Human Brain Mapping 28(4):275-293. % % Paper VB5: W. Penny and G. Flandin (2005). % Bayesian analysis of fMRI data with spatial priors. % 2005 Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting, Section on % Statistical Graphics [CDROM], Alexandria, VA: American % Statistical Association. % % The space to be analysed is a 'Volume', 'Slices' or 'Clusters'. % For 'Slices' the numbers of the slices to be analysed are then entered. % For 'Clusters' a mask specifying the volume to be analysed is entered. % ______________________________________________________________________ % % Required fields of SPM: % % xY.VY - nScan x 1 struct array of mapped image volumes % Images must have the same orientation, voxel size and data type % - Any scaling should have already been applied via the image % handle scalefactors. % % xX - Structure containing design matrix information % - Required fields are: % xX.X - Design matrix (raw, not temporally smoothed) % - cellstr of parameter names corresponding to % columns of design matrix % % xM - Structure containing masking information, or a simple column % vector of thresholds corresponding to the images in VY. % - If a structure, the required fields are: % xM.TH - nVar x nScan matrix of analysis thresholds, one per image % xM.I - Implicit masking (0=>none, 1 => implicit zero/NaN mask) % xM.VM - struct array of mapped explicit mask image volumes % - (empty if no explicit masks) % - Explicit mask images are >0 for valid voxels to assess. % - Mask images can have any orientation, voxel size or % data type. They are interpolated using nearest neighbour % interpolation to the voxel locations of the data Y. % - Note that voxels with constant data (i.e. the same value % across scans) are also automatically masked out. % % ______________________________________________________________________ % % spm_spm_vb adds the following fields to SPM: % % SPM.VCbeta - Handles of posterior parameter estimates % (Cbeta_????) % SPM.VPsd - Handles of SD of posterior parameter estimates % (SDbeta_????) % % SPM.PPM - Posterior Probability Map data structure % % .VB=1, tells later functions (spm_contrasts, spm_graph) % that parameters were estimated using VB % % .AR_P, assumed AR model order % % .priors, type of priors used (eg. 'Spatial-GMRF') % see spm_vb_set_priors.m % % .update_F, whether model evidence is to be computed % % .Gamma, default effect size threshold (used in spm_getSPM) % % info is stored for each "block", where a block % is either a slice or subvolume, computed using a % graph-partitioning algorithm. This is stored in % .Sess(s).block(z), further info about GLM-AR % model at block z eg. block(z).F is % evidence for block z (if computed) % where s is the session number % The following parameters are set if the space to be % analysed chosen as 'Slices' % .AN_slices, numbers of slices analysed % % For each session the following fields are also specified: % % SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp - Handle of standard deviation of the error % (Sess%s%_SDerror) % SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR - Handles of AR coefficient images % (Sess%s%_AR_????) % % If contrasts have been specified prior to estimation (this is % recommended) the following fields are also updated: % % SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon % SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic) % % where ic is the contrast index. % ______________________________________________________________________ % % % The following images are written to file: % % mask.{img,hdr} - analysis mask image % 8-bit (uint8) image of zero-s & one's indicating which voxels were % included in the analysis. This mask image is the intersection of the % explicit, implicit and threshold masks specified in the xM argument. % The XYZ matrix contains the voxel coordinates of all voxels in the % analysis mask. The mask image is included for reference, but is not % explicitly used by the results section. % Note mask. is only written if the selected space is 'Volume' or % 'Masked Volume' (ie not 'Slices') % % labels. - block labels % 8-bit (uint8) image of zero-s & integers from 1 to max no. of blocks, % e.g. slices or subvoumes, indicating which block a voxel belongs. % This info is also stored in SPM.xVol.labels (same order as XYZ matrix), % for all analysis space options. % % Cbeta_????. % These are 16-bit (float) images of the parameter posteriors. The image % files are numbered according to the corresponding column of the % design matrix. % Voxels outside the analysis mask (mask.) are given value NaN. % % SDbeta_????. % These are 16-bit (float) images of the standard deviation of parameter % posteriors. % The image files are numbered according to the corresponding column of % the design matrix. % Voxels outside the analysis mask (mask.) are given value NaN. % % Sess%s%_SDerror. % This is a 16-bit (float) image of the standard deviation of the error % for session s. % Voxels outside the analysis mask (mask.) are given value NaN. % % Sess%s%_AR_????. % These are 16-bit (float) images of AR coefficients for session s. % The image files are numbered according to the order of the % corresponding AR coefficient. % Voxels outside the analysis mask (mask.) are given value NaN. %_______________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Will Penny, Nelson Trujillo-Barreto and Lee Harrison % $Id: spm_spm_vb.m 5655 2013-09-25 17:58:48Z guillaume $ %-Get SPM.mat if necessary %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~nargin [Pf, sts] = spm_select(1,'^SPM\.mat$','Select SPM.mat'); if ~sts, return; end swd = spm_file(Pf,'fpath'); load(fullfile(swd,'SPM.mat')); SPM.swd = swd; end %-Change to SPM.swd if specified %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try cd(SPM.swd); catch SPM.swd = pwd; end %-Let later functions (spm_contrasts, spm_graph) know that estimation % was with Variational Bayes %----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPM.PPM.VB = 1; %-Display %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try SPM.PPM.window; catch SPM.PPM.window = 1; end if SPM.PPM.window %-Say hello %------------------------------------------------------------------- Finter = spm('FigName','Stats: Bayesian Estimation ...'); spm('Pointer','Arrow'); end %-Delete files from previous analyses %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if SPM.PPM.window if ~isempty(spm_select('List',SPM.swd,'^mask\..{3}$')) str = {'Current directory contains SPM estimation files:',... 'pwd = ',SPM.swd,... 'Existing results will be overwritten!'}; abort = spm_input(str,1,'bd','stop|continue',[1,0],1); if abort spm('FigName','Stats: done',Finter); spm('Pointer','Arrow'); return else str = sprintf('Overwriting old results\n\t (pwd = %s) ',SPM.swd); warning(str) drawnow end end end fspm = {'^mask\..{3}$','^ResMS\..{3}$','^RPV\..{3}$',... '^beta_.{4}\..{3}$','^con_.{4}\..{3}$','^ResI_.{4}\..{3}$',... '^ess_.{4}\..{3}$', '^spm\w{1}_.{4}\..{3}$'}; fppm = {'^Cbeta_.{4}\..{3}$', '^LogEv\..{3}$', '^Sess.+_SDerror\..{3}$',... '^SDbeta_.{4}\..{3}$', '^Sess.+_AR_.{4}\..{3}$', '^con_sd_.{4}\..{3}$'}; files = {fspm{:} fppm{:}}; for i=1:length(files) j = spm_select('List',pwd,files{i}); for k=1:size(j,1) spm_unlink(deblank(j(k,:))); end end %======================================================================= % - A N A L Y S I S P R E L I M I N A R I E S %======================================================================= %-Get number of sessions %----------------------------------------------------------------------- nsess = length(SPM.Sess); %-Get image dimensions and data %----------------------------------------------------------------------- VY = SPM.xY.VY; M = VY(1).mat; DIM = VY(1).dim(1:3)'; xdim = DIM(1); ydim = DIM(2); zdim = DIM(3); %-Get design matrix %----------------------------------------------------------------------- xX = SPM.xX; [nScan,nBeta] = size(xX.X); nPsd = nBeta; %-Find number of pre-specified contrasts %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try ncon = length(SPM.xCon); catch ncon = 0; end %-Initialise output images %======================================================================= fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Output images','...initialising'); %-# %-Initialise XYZ matrix of in-mask voxel co-ordinates (real space) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- XYZ = zeros(3,xdim*ydim*zdim); labels = zeros(1,xdim*ydim*zdim); %-Initialise conditional estimate image files %----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vbeta(1:nBeta) = deal(struct(... 'fname', '',... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', '')); for i = 1:nBeta Vbeta(i).fname = [sprintf('Cbeta_%04d',i) spm_file_ext]; Vbeta(i).descrip = sprintf('Posterior mean of beta (%04d) - %s',i,{i}); end Vbeta = spm_create_vol(Vbeta); %-Initialise Posterior SD image files %----------------------------------------------------------------------- VPsd(1:nPsd) = deal(struct(... 'fname', '',... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', '')); for i = 1:nPsd VPsd(i).fname = [sprintf('SDbeta_%04d',i) spm_file_ext]; VPsd(i).descrip = sprintf('Posterior SD of beta (%04d)',i); end VPsd = spm_create_vol(VPsd); %-Initialise Error SD image(s) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for s = 1:nsess SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp = struct(... 'fname', [],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', ''); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp.fname = [sprintf('Sess%d_SDerror',s) spm_file_ext]; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp.descrip = sprintf('Sess%d Error SD',s); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp = spm_create_vol(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp); end %-Initialise hyperparameter (AR 1..p and noise variance) image files %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %-Set number of AR coefficients try SPM.PPM.AR_P; catch SPM.PPM.AR_P = 3; end for s=1:nsess for i=1:SPM.PPM.AR_P SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i) = struct(... 'fname', '',... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', '',... 'n', 1,... 'private', []); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i).fname = ... [sprintf('Sess%d_AR_%04d',s,i) spm_file_ext]; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i).descrip = ... sprintf('Sess%d Autoregressive coefficient (%04d)',s,i); end if SPM.PPM.AR_P > 0 SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR = spm_create_vol(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR); end end %-Initialise contribution map % (voxel-wise contribution to log evidence) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %-Compute evidence at each iteration ? try SPM.PPM.update_F; catch SPM.PPM.update_F = 0; end if SPM.PPM.update_F SPM.PPM.LogEv = struct(... 'fname', ['LogEv' spm_file_ext],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', 'Map of contribution to log-evidence'); SPM.PPM.LogEv = spm_create_vol(SPM.PPM.LogEv); end %-Initialise contrast and contrast SD images %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for ic = 1:ncon SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon = struct(... 'fname', [sprintf('con_%04d',ic) spm_file_ext],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1,0,0]',... 'descrip', sprintf('SPM contrast - %d: %s',ic,SPM.xCon(ic).name)); V = struct(... 'fname', [sprintf('con_sd_%04d',ic) spm_file_ext],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('float32') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1,0,0]',... 'descrip', sprintf('PPM contrast SD - %d: %s',ic,SPM.xCon(ic).name)); SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_create_vol(SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon); V = spm_create_vol(V); SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic) = V; end % Set up masking details %-If xM is not a structure then assumme it's a vector of thresholds %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try xM = SPM.xM; catch xM = repmat(-Inf,nScan,1); end if ~isstruct(xM) xM = struct(... 'T', [],... 'TH', xM,... 'I', 0,... 'VM', {[]},... 'xs', struct('Masking','analysis threshold')); end %-Initialise the name of the new mask : current mask & conditions on voxels %----------------------------------------------------------------------- VM = struct(... 'fname', ['mask' spm_file_ext],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('uint8') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', 'spm_spm:resultant analysis mask'); VM = spm_create_vol(VM); %======================================================================= fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),'...initialised'); %-# %-Specify type of prior for regression coefficients %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try SPM.PPM.priors.W; catch SPM.PPM.priors.W = 'Spatial - UGL'; end %-Specify type of prior for AR coefficients %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try SPM.PPM.priors.A; catch SPM.PPM.priors.A = 'Spatial - UGL'; end if ~isdeployed && strcmp(SPM.PPM.priors.A,'Robust') addpath(fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox','mixture')); end %-Get structural info if necessary %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if strcmp(SPM.PPM.priors.A,'Discrete') try SPM.PPM.priors.SY; catch SPM.PPM.priors.SY = spm_select([1 Inf],'image',... 'Select structural images eg. brain or grey/white/CSF'); end SPM.PPM.priors.Sin = size(SPM.PPM.priors.SY,1); for j=1:SPM.PPM.priors.Sin xDiscrete(j) = spm_vol(deblank(SPM.PPM.priors.SY(j,:))); end end %-Analysis space (volume/slices/clusters) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try SPM.PPM.space_type; catch SPM.PPM.space_type = 'Volume'; end switch lower(SPM.PPM.space_type) case 'volume', SPM.PPM.AN_slices = [1:1:zdim]; case 'slices', try SPM.PPM.AN_slices; catch SPM.PPM.AN_slices = spm_input(['Enter slice numbers eg. 3 14 2'],'+1'); end case {'clusters'} %-Cluster mask %----------------------------------------------------------------------- CM = spm_vol(SPM.PPM.clustermask{1}); SPM.PPM.AN_slices = [1:zdim]; otherwise error('Unknown analysis space.'); end %-Initialise image containing labels of each block (slice or subvolume) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- VLabel = struct(... 'fname', ['labels' spm_file_ext],... 'dim', DIM',... 'dt', [spm_type('uint8') spm_platform('bigend')],... 'mat', M,... 'pinfo', [1 0 0]',... 'descrip', 'labels used to partition a volume'); VLabel = spm_create_vol(VLabel); [xords,yords] = ndgrid(1:xdim,1:ydim); xords = xords(:)'; % plane X coordinates yords = yords(:)'; % plane Y coordinates S = 0; % Number of in-mask voxels s = 0; % Volume (voxels > UF) %-Initialise aspects of block variables common to all blocks %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if nsess > 1 for s=1:nsess X = SPM.xX.X(SPM.Sess(s).row,SPM.Sess(s).col); X = [X ones(length(SPM.Sess(s).row),1)]; % Add on constant block_template(s) = spm_vb_init_volume(X,SPM.PPM.AR_P); end else block_template(1) = spm_vb_init_volume(SPM.xX.X,SPM.PPM.AR_P); end %-Get matrices that will remove low-frequency drifts % if high pass filters have been specified %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for s=1:nsess sess_nScan = length(SPM.xX.K(s).row); if size(SPM.xX.K(s).X0,2) > 0 X0 = SPM.xX.K(s).X0; hpf(s).R0 = eye(sess_nScan)-X0*pinv(X0); else hpf(s).R0 = eye(sess_nScan); end end %-Set maximum number of VB iterations per block %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try SPM.PPM.maxits; catch SPM.PPM.maxits=4; end try SPM.PPM.tol; catch SPM.PPM.tol=0.0001; end try SPM.PPM.compute_det_D; catch SPM.PPM.compute_det_D=0; end for s=1:nsess block_template(s).maxits = SPM.PPM.maxits; block_template(s).tol = SPM.PPM.tol; block_template(s).compute_det_D = SPM.PPM.compute_det_D; block_template(s).verbose = 0; block_template(s).update_w = 1; block_template(s).update_lambda = 1; block_template(s).update_F = SPM.PPM.update_F; end %-Compute mask volume - before analysis %----------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Calculating mask',' ') %-# for z = 1:zdim % current plane-specific parameters %------------------------------------------------------------------- zords = repmat(z,1,xdim*ydim); %-plane Z coordinates Q = []; %-in mask indices for this plane if ismember(z,SPM.PPM.AN_slices) %-Print progress information in command window %--------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('%s%30s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),sprintf('%4d/%-4d',z,zdim)) %-# %-Construct list of voxels %--------------------------------------------------------------- I = [1:xdim*ydim]; xyz = [xords(I); yords(I); zords(I)]; %-voxel coordinates nVox = size(xyz,2); %-Get data & construct analysis mask %--------------------------------------------------------------- Cm = true(1,nVox); %-current mask %-Compute explicit mask % (note that these may not have same orientations) %--------------------------------------------------------------- for i = 1:length(xM.VM) %-Coordinates in mask image %----------------------------------------------------------- j = xM.VM(i).mat\M*[xyz;ones(1,nVox)]; %-Load mask image within current mask & update mask %----------------------------------------------------------- Cm(Cm) = spm_get_data(xM.VM(i),j(:,Cm)) > 0; end if strcmp(SPM.PPM.space_type,'clusters') %-Coordinates in cluster mask image %----------------------------------------------------------- j = CM.mat\M*[xyz;ones(1,nVox)]; %-Load mask image within current mask & update mask %----------------------------------------------------------- Cm(Cm) = spm_get_data(CM,j(:,Cm)) > 0; end %-Get the data in mask, compute threshold & implicit masks %--------------------------------------------------------------- Y = zeros(nScan,nVox); for i = 1:nScan %-Load data in mask %----------------------------------------------------------- if ~any(Cm), break, end %-Break if empty mask Y(i,Cm) = spm_get_data(VY(i),xyz(:,Cm)); Cm(Cm) = Y(i,Cm) > xM.TH(i); %-Threshold (& NaN) mask if xM.I && xM.TH(i) < 0 %-Use implicit mask Cm(Cm) = abs(Y(i,Cm)) > eps; end end %-Mask out voxels where data is constant %--------------------------------------------------------------- Cm(Cm) = any(diff(Y(:,Cm),1)); CrS = sum(Cm); if CrS, %-Remove isolated nodes (mask is then the same for slice % and graph-partitioned analyses) %----------------------------------------------------------- vxyz = spm_vb_neighbors(xyz(:,Cm)',0); if any(sum(vxyz,2)==0) Cm(Cm) = (sum(vxyz,2)>0); end end %-Append new inmask voxel locations and volumes %--------------------------------------------------------------- Q = I(Cm); %-InMask XYZ voxel indices end %-Write Mask image %------------------------------------------------------------------- j = sparse(xdim,ydim); if length(Q), j(Q) = 1; end VM = spm_write_plane(VM, j, z); end fprintf('\n') %-Remove small clusters - removes clusters containing < 16 voxels %----------------------------------------------------------------------- mask = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(VM)); [Cl,nCl] = spm_bwlabel(mask,6); ncl = histc(Cl(:),[1:max(Cl(:))])'; if any(ncl < 16) incl = find(ncl < 16); for j = 1:length(incl), mask(find(Cl==incl(j))) = 0; end VM = spm_write_plane(VM, mask, ':'); [Cl,nCl] = spm_bwlabel(mask,6); ncl = histc(Cl(:),[1:max(Cl(:))])'; end %-Compute labels %----------------------------------------------------------------------- nLb = 0; Lb = zeros(size(Cl)); if strcmp(SPM.PPM.block_type,'subvolumes') % using graph partitioning vol = 1; CUTOFF = 1000; % minimal number of voxels in a block for num = 1:nCl I = find(Cl==num); if ncl(num) > CUTOFF N = ncl(num); [x,y,z] = ind2sub([DIM(1),DIM(2),DIM(3)],I); xyz = [x,y,z]; vxyz = spm_vb_neighbors(xyz,1); [edges,weights] = spm_vb_edgeweights(vxyz); W = spm_vb_adjacency(edges,weights,N); lbs = zeros(N,1); ind = [1:N]'; depth = 1; lbs = spm_vb_graphcut(lbs,ind,I,W,depth,'random',CUTOFF,DIM); lbs = lbs + 1; nl = max(lbs); for z = 1:nl, Lb(I(lbs==z)) = nLb + z; end else nl = 1; Lb(I) = nLb + nl; end nLb = nLb + nl; end else % label slices vol = 0; mask = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(VM)); for z = 1:zdim, if any(any(mask(:,:,z))) nLb = nLb + 1; Lb(:,:,z) = mask(:,:,z)*nLb; end end end nlb = histc(Lb(:),[1:max(Lb(:))])'; %-Write VLabel %----------------------------------------------------------------------- VLabel = spm_write_plane(VLabel,Lb,':'); %======================================================================= % - F I T M O D E L & W R I T E P A R A M E T E R I M A G E S %======================================================================= if SPM.PPM.window spm_progress_bar('Init',100,'VB estimation',''); spm('Pointer','Watch') end %-Block-wise analysis (a block is either a slice or sub-volume) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for z = 1:nLb %-Print progress information in command window %------------------------------------------------------------------- str = sprintf('Block %3d/%-3d',z,nLb); fprintf('\r%-40s: %30s',str,' ') %-# %-Construct list of voxels %------------------------------------------------------------------- Q = find(Lb==z); [xx,yy,zz] = ind2sub(size(mask),Q); xyz = [xx,yy,zz]'; %-voxel coordinates nVox = size(xyz,2); %-Get data %------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),' & mask data');%-# Y = zeros(nScan,nVox); for i = 1:nScan Y(i,:) = spm_get_data(VY(i),xyz); end vxyz = spm_vb_neighbors(xyz',vol); %-Conditional estimates (per partition, per voxel) %------------------------------------------------------------------- beta = zeros(nBeta,nVox); Psd = zeros(nPsd, nVox); LogEv = zeros(1,nVox); for s=1:nsess Sess(s).Hp = zeros(1, nVox); Sess(s).AR = zeros(SPM.PPM.AR_P, nVox); end if ncon > 0 con = zeros(ncon,nVox); con_var = zeros(ncon,nVox); end %-Get structural info for that block %------------------------------------------------------------------- if strcmp(SPM.PPM.priors.A,'Discrete') sxyz = xDiscrete(1).mat\M*[xyz;ones(1,nVox)]; gamma = []; for j=1:SPM.PPM.priors.Sin gamma(:,j) = spm_get_data(xDiscrete(j),sxyz)'; end if SPM.PPM.priors.Sin==1 unaccounted=find(gamma==0); if length(unaccounted) > 0 % Create extra category SPM.PPM.priors.S=2; gamma(:,2)=zeros(nVox,1); gamma(unaccounted,2)=1; gamma(:,1)=ones(nVox,1)-gamma(:,2); SPM.PPM.priors.gamma=gamma; else SPM.PPM.priors.S=1; SPM.PPM.priors.gamma=ones(nVox,1); end else unaccounted=find(sum(gamma')==0); if length(unaccounted)>0 % Create extra category SPM.PPM.priors.S=SPM.PPM.priors.Sin+1; gamma(:,SPM.PPM.priors.S)=zeros(1,nVox); gamma(unaccounted,SPM.PPM.priors.S)=1; else SPM.PPM.priors.S=SPM.PPM.priors.Sin; end % convert probabilities to discrete values SPM.PPM.priors.gamma=zeros(nVox,SPM.PPM.priors.S); [yy,ii]=max(gamma'); for j=1:SPM.PPM.priors.S SPM.PPM.priors.gamma(find(ii==j),j)=1; end end end %-Estimate model for each session separately %------------------------------------------------------------------- for s = 1:nsess fprintf('Session %d',s); %-# block = block_template(s); block = spm_vb_set_priors(block,SPM.PPM.priors,vxyz); %-Filter data to remove low frequencies %--------------------------------------------------------------- R0Y = hpf(s).R0*Y(SPM.Sess(s).row,:); %-Fit model %--------------------------------------------------------------- switch SPM.PPM.priors.A case 'Robust', %k=SPM.PPM.priors.k; block = spm_vb_robust(R0Y,block); otherwise block = spm_vb_glmar(R0Y,block); end %-Report AR values %--------------------------------------------------------------- if SPM.PPM.AR_P > 0 % session specific Sess(s).AR(1:SPM.PPM.AR_P,:) = block.ap_mean; end if SPM.PPM.update_F switch SPM.PPM.priors.A case 'Robust', Fn=block.F; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).F=sum(Fn); otherwise SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).F = block.F; % Contribution map sums over sessions Fn = spm_vb_Fn(R0Y,block); end LogEv = LogEv+Fn; end %-Update regression coefficients %--------------------------------------------------------------- ncols=length(SPM.Sess(s).col); beta(SPM.Sess(s).col,:) = block.wk_mean(1:ncols,:); if ncols==0 % Design matrix empty except for constant mean_col_index=s; else mean_col_index=SPM.Sess(nsess).col(end)+s; end beta(mean_col_index,:) = block.wk_mean(ncols+1,:); % Session mean %-Report session-specific noise variances %--------------------------------------------------------------- Sess(s).Hp(1,:) = sqrt(1./block.mean_lambda'); %-Store regression coefficient posterior standard deviations %--------------------------------------------------------------- Psd (SPM.Sess(s).col,:) = block.w_dev(1:ncols,:); Psd (mean_col_index,:) = block.w_dev(ncols+1,:); %-Update contrast variance %--------------------------------------------------------------- if ncon > 0 for ic=1:ncon, CC=SPM.xCon(ic).c; % Get relevant columns of contrast CC=[CC(SPM.Sess(s).col) ; 0]; for i=1:nVox, con_var(ic,i)=con_var(ic,i)+CC'*block.w_cov{i}*CC; end end end switch SPM.PPM.priors.A, case 'Robust', % Save voxel data where robust model is favoured outlier_voxels=find(Fn>0); N_outliers=length(outlier_voxels); Y_out=R0Y(:,outlier_voxels); gamma_out=block.gamma(:,outlier_voxels); analysed_xyz=xyz; outlier_xyz=analysed_xyz(:,outlier_voxels); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).outlier_voxels=outlier_voxels; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).N_outliers=N_outliers; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).Y_out=Y_out; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).gamma_out=gamma_out; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).outlier_xyz=outlier_xyz; block = spm_vb_taylor_R(R0Y,block); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).mean=block.mean; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).N=block.N; % Prior precision SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).mean_alpha=block.mean_alpha; otherwise % Prior precision SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).mean_alpha=block.mean_alpha; %-Get block-wise Taylor approximation to posterior correlation %------------------------------------------------------- block = spm_vb_taylor_R(R0Y,block); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).mean=block.mean; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).elapsed_seconds=block.elapsed_seconds; %-Save Coefficient RESELS and number of voxels %------------------------------------------------------- SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).gamma_tot=block.gamma_tot; SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).N=block.N; end %-Save typical structure-specific AR coeffs %--------------------------------------------------------------- if strcmp(SPM.PPM.priors.A,'Discrete') SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).block(z).as_dev=sqrt(1./block.mean_beta); end clear block; end % loop over sessions %-Get contrasts %------------------------------------------------------------------- if ncon > 0 for ic=1:ncon CC=SPM.xCon(ic).c; con(ic,:)=CC'*beta; end end %-Append new inmask voxel locations and volumes %------------------------------------------------------------------- XYZ(:,S + [1:nVox]) = xyz; %-InMask XYZ voxel coords labels(1,S + [1:nVox]) = ones(1,nVox)*z; %-InMask labels S = S + nVox; %-Volume analysed (voxels) %-Write conditional beta images %------------------------------------------------------------------- if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end for i = 1:nBeta if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(Vbeta(i))); end j(Q) = beta(i,:); Vbeta(i) = spm_write_plane(Vbeta(i),j,':'); % this is slow. % faster to find and save relevant slices instead of whole volume end %-Write SD error images %------------------------------------------------------------------- for s=1:nsess if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp)); end j(Q) = Sess(s).Hp(1,:); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp = spm_write_plane(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VHp,j,':'); end %-Write posterior standard-deviation of beta images %------------------------------------------------------------------- if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end for i = 1:nPsd if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(VPsd(i))); end j(Q) = Psd(i,:); VPsd(i) = spm_write_plane(VPsd(i),j,':'); end %-Write AR images %------------------------------------------------------------------- for s = 1:nsess if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end for i = 1:SPM.PPM.AR_P if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i))); end j(Q) = Sess(s).AR(i,:); SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i) = spm_write_plane(SPM.PPM.Sess(s).VAR(i),j,':'); end end %-Write contribution image %------------------------------------------------------------------- if SPM.PPM.update_F if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(SPM.PPM.LogEv)); end j(Q) = LogEv; SPM.PPM.LogEv = spm_write_plane(SPM.PPM.LogEv,j,':'); end %-Write contrast and contrast SD images %------------------------------------------------------------------- if ncon > 0 if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end for ic=1:ncon if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon)); end j(Q) = con(ic,:); SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon = spm_write_plane(SPM.xCon(ic).Vcon,j,':'); end if z == 1, j = NaN(xdim,ydim,zdim); end for ic=1:ncon if z > 1, j = spm_read_vols(spm_vol(SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic))); end j(Q) = sqrt(con_var(ic,:)); SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic) = spm_write_plane(SPM.PPM.Vcon_sd(ic),j,':'); end end if SPM.PPM.window %-Report progress %--------------------------------------------------------------- spm_progress_bar('Set',100*z/nLb); end end % (for z = 1:nLb) %-Done! %----------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('\n') %-# if SPM.PPM.window spm_progress_bar('Clear') spm('Pointer','Arrow'); end %======================================================================= % - P O S T E S T I M A T I O N %======================================================================= if S == 0, warning('No inmask voxels - empty analysis!'), end %-Create 1st contrast for 'effects of interest' (all if not specified) %======================================================================= Fcname = 'effects of interest'; try iX0 = [xX.iB xX.iG]; catch iX0 = []; end xX.xKXs = spm_sp('Set',spm_filter(xX.K,xX.X)); % ** Not Whitened ** xX.erdf = size(xX.X,1); % Just set to number of scans so, when % we assess the results, spm_getSPM is happy xX.W= eye(size(xX.X,1)); % Set whitening matrix to identity - % we must set it to keep spm_graph happy xCon = spm_FcUtil('Set',Fcname,'F','iX0',iX0,xX.xKXs); %-Compute scaled design matrix for display purposes %----------------------------------------------------------------------- xX.nKX = spm_DesMtx('sca',xX.xKXs.X,; %-Save remaining results files and analysis parameters %======================================================================= fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Saving results','...writing') %-# %-place fields in SPM %----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPM.xVol.XYZ = XYZ(:,1:S); %-InMask XYZ coords (voxels) SPM.xVol.labels= labels(:,1:S); %-InMask labels (voxels) SPM.xVol.M = M; %-voxels -> mm SPM.xVol.iM = inv(M); %-mm -> voxels SPM.xVol.DIM = DIM; %-image dimensions SPM.xVol.S = S; %-Volume (voxels) SPM.xVol.R = 100; % Set R - number of RESELS - to arbitrary value % as, if R not set, SPM will think model has not % been estimated SPM.xVol.FWHM = 10; % Set to arbitrary value so spm_getSPM is happy SPM.VCbeta = Vbeta; % Filenames - parameters SPM.VPsd = VPsd; % Filenames - hyperparameters SPM.VM = VM; %-Filehandle - Mask SPM.PPM.Gamma = 1; % Default threshold for effect size (1 per cent) SPM.xX = xX; %-design structure SPM.xM = xM; %-mask structure % Copy contrast structure SPM.PPM.xCon = SPM.xCon; for i=1:length(SPM.PPM.xCon), SPM.PPM.xCon(i).PSTAT='T'; end % Add pointer to RPV image file so that spm_list works SPM.xVol.VRpv=[]; %-Save analysis parameters in SPM.mat file %----------------------------------------------------------------------- save('SPM.mat', 'SPM', spm_get_defaults('mat.format')); fprintf('%s%30s\n',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30),'...done') %-# if SPM.PPM.window %=================================================================== %- E N D: Cleanup GUI %=================================================================== spm('FigName','Stats: done',Finter); spm('Pointer','Arrow') fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n','Completed',spm('time')) %-# fprintf('...use the results section for assessment\n\n') %-# end