function varargout = spm_sample_vol(varargin) % Return voxel values from an image volume - a compiled routine % FORMAT X = spm_sample_vol(V,x,y,z,hold) % V - spm_vol structure % x - matrix of x coordinates {voxels} % y - matrix of y coordinates {voxels} % z - matrix of z coordinates {voxels} % hold - interpolation method for the resampling: % 0 : Zero-order hold (nearest neighbour) % 1 : First-order hold (trilinear interpolation) % 2->127 : Higher order Lagrange (polynomial) interpolation % using different holds (second-order upwards) % -127 - -1 : Different orders of sinc interpolation % % X - output image % % FORMAT [X,dX,dY,dZ] = spm_sample_vol(V,x,y,z,hold) % Similar to above, except that the derivatives in the three orthogonal % directions are also returned. %__________________________________________________________________________ % % spm_sample_vol returns the voxel values from an image volume indicated % by V at coordinates x,y,z. Values from coordinates outside the image % are set to zero. x, y and z must be matrices of the same dimensions. % % See also: spm_vol.m, spm_slice_vol.m %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % John Ashburner % $Id: spm_sample_vol.m 6340 2015-02-16 12:25:56Z guillaume $ %-This is merely the help file for the compiled routine error('spm_sample_vol.c not compiled - see Makefile')