function [p,f] = spm_powell(p,xi,tolsc,func,varargin) % Powell optimisation method % FORMAT [p,f] = spm_powell(p,xi,tolsc,func,varargin) % p - Starting parameter values % xi - columns containing directions in which to begin searching % tolsc - stopping criteria, optimisation stops when % sqrt(sum(((p-p_prev)./tolsc).^2))<1 % func - name of evaluated function % varargin - remaining arguments to func (after p) % % p - final parameter estimates % f - function value at minimum %__________________________________________________________________________ % % Method is based on Powell's optimisation method described in % Numerical Recipes (Press, Flannery, Teukolsky & Vetterling). %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % John Ashburner % $Id: spm_powell.m 7252 2018-01-31 15:56:56Z john $ p = p(:); f = feval(func,p,varargin{:}); for iter=1:512 %if numel(p)>1, fprintf('iteration %d...\n', iter); end; %-# ibig = numel(p); pp = p; fp = f; del = 0; for i=1:length(p) ft = f; [p,junk,f] = min1d(p,xi(:,i),func,f,tolsc,varargin{:}); if abs(ft-f) > del del = abs(ft-f); ibig = i; end end if numel(p)==1 || sqrt(sum(((p(:)-pp(:))./tolsc(:)).^2))<1 || abs((f-fp)/(f+fp))<1e-6, return; end ft = feval(func,2.0*p-pp,varargin{:}); if ft < f [p,xi(:,ibig),f] = min1d(p,p-pp,func,f,tolsc,varargin{:}); end end warning('Too many optimisation iterations'); %========================================================================== % function [p,pi,f] = min1d(p,pi,func,f,tolsc,varargin) %========================================================================== function [p,pi,f] = min1d(p,pi,func,f,tolsc,varargin) % Line search for minimum. global lnm % used in funeval lnm = struct('p',p,'pi',pi,'func',func,'args',[]); lnm.args = varargin; min1d_plot('Init', 'Line Minimisation','Function','Parameter Value'); min1d_plot('Set', 0, f); tol = 1/sqrt(sum((pi(:)./tolsc(:)).^2)); t = bracket(f); [f,pmin] = search(t,tol); pi = pi*pmin; p = p + pi; %if length(p)<12, % for i=1:length(p), fprintf('%-8.4g ', p(i)); end; %-# % fprintf('| %.5g\n', f); %-# %else % fprintf('%.5g\n', f); %-# %end min1d_plot('Clear'); %========================================================================== % function f = funeval(p) %========================================================================== function f = funeval(p) % Reconstruct parameters and evaluate. global lnm % defined in min1d pt = lnm.p+p.*lnm.pi; f = feval(lnm.func,pt,lnm.args{:}); min1d_plot('Set',p,f); %========================================================================== % function t = bracket(f) %========================================================================== function t = bracket(f) % Bracket the minimum (t(2)) between t(1) and t(3) gold = (1+sqrt(5))/2; % Golden ratio t(1) = struct('p',0,'f',f); t(2).p = 1; t(2).f = funeval(t(2).p); % if t(2) not better than t(1) then swap if t(2).f > t(1).f t(3) = t(1); t(1) = t(2); t(2) = t(3); end t(3).p = t(2).p + gold*(t(2).p-t(1).p); t(3).f = funeval(t(3).p); while t(2).f > t(3).f % fit a polynomial to t tmp = cat(1,t.p)-t(2).p; pol = pinv([ones(3,1) tmp tmp.^2])*cat(1,t.f); % minimum is when gradient of polynomial is zero % sign of pol(3) (the 2nd deriv) should be +ve if pol(3)>0 % minimum is when gradient of polynomial is zero d = -pol(2)/(2*pol(3)+eps); % A very conservative constraint on the displacement if d > (1+gold)*(t(3).p-t(2).p) d = (1+gold)*(t(3).p-t(2).p); end u.p = t(2).p+d; else % sign of pol(3) (the 2nd deriv) is not +ve % so extend out by golden ratio instead u.p = t(3).p+gold*(t(3).p-t(2).p); end % FUNCTION EVALUATION u.f = funeval(u.p); if (t(2).p < u.p) == (u.p < t(3).p) % u is between t(2) and t(3) if u.f < t(3).f % minimum between t(2) and t(3) - done t(1) = t(2); t(2) = u; return elseif u.f > t(2).f % minimum between t(1) and u - done t(3) = u; return; end end % Move all 3 points along t(1) = t(2); t(2) = t(3); t(3) = u; end %========================================================================== % function [f,p] = search(t, tol) %========================================================================== function [f,p] = search(t, tol) % Brent's method for line searching - given that minimum is bracketed gold1 = 1-(sqrt(5)-1)/2; % Current and previous displacements d = Inf; pd = Inf; % sort t into best first order [junk,ind] = sort(cat(1,t.f)); t = t(ind); brk = [min(cat(1,t.p)) max(cat(1,t.p))]; for iter=1:128 % check stopping criterion if abs(t(1).p - 0.5*(brk(1)+brk(2)))+0.5*(brk(2)-brk(1)) <= 2*tol p = t(1).p; f = t(1).f; return; end % keep last two displacents ppd = pd; pd = d; % fit a polynomial to t tmp = cat(1,t.p)-t(1).p; pol = pinv([ones(3,1) tmp tmp.^2])*cat(1,t.f); % minimum is when gradient of polynomial is zero d = -pol(2)/(2*pol(3)+eps); u.p = t(1).p+d; % check so that displacement is less than the last but two, % that the displaced point is between the brackets % and that the solution is a minimum rather than a maximum eps2 = 2*eps*abs(t(1).p)+eps; if abs(d) > abs(ppd)/2 || u.p < brk(1)+eps2 || u.p > brk(2)-eps2 || pol(3)<=0 % if criteria are not met, then golden search into the larger part if t(1).p >= 0.5*(brk(1)+brk(2)) d = gold1*(brk(1)-t(1).p); else d = gold1*(brk(2)-t(1).p); end u.p = t(1).p+d; end % FUNCTION EVALUATION u.f = funeval(u.p); % Insert the new point into the appropriate position and update % the brackets if necessary if u.f <= t(1).f if u.p >= t(1).p, brk(1)=t(1).p; else brk(2)=t(1).p; end t(3) = t(2); t(2) = t(1); t(1) = u; else if u.p < t(1).p, brk(1)=u.p; else brk(2)=u.p; end if u.f <= t(2).f t(3) = t(2); t(2) = u; elseif u.f <= t(3).f t(3) = u; end end end %========================================================================== % function min1d_plot(action,arg1,arg2,arg3) %========================================================================== function min1d_plot(action,arg1,arg2,arg3) % Visual output for line minimisation persistent min1dplot if ~nargin, action = 'Init'; end % Find the Interactive window and exit if not %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- fg = spm_figure('FindWin','Interactive'); if isempty(fg), return; end %-Initialize %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if strcmpi(action,'init') if nargin<4, arg3 = 'Function'; end if nargin<3, arg2 = 'Value'; end if nargin<2, arg1 = 'Line minimisation'; end min1dplot = struct('pointer',get(fg,'Pointer'),... 'name', get(fg,'Name'),... 'ax', []); min1d_plot('Clear'); set(fg,'Pointer','Watch'); = axes('Position', [0.15 0.1 0.8 0.75],... 'Box', 'on',... 'Parent', fg); lab = get(,'Xlabel'); set(lab,'string',arg3,'FontSize',10); lab = get(,'Ylabel'); set(lab,'string',arg2,'FontSize',10); lab = get(,'Title'); set(lab,'string',arg1); line('Xdata',[], 'Ydata',[],... 'LineWidth',2,'Tag','LinMinPlot',... 'LineStyle','-','Marker','o',... 'Parent',; drawnow; %-Reset %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif strcmpi(action,'set') br = findobj(fg,'Tag','LinMinPlot'); if ~isempty(br) [xd,indx] = sort([get(br,'Xdata') arg1]); yd = [get(br,'Ydata') arg2]; yd = yd(indx); set(br,'Ydata',yd,'Xdata',xd); drawnow; end %-Clear %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif strcmpi(action,'clear') fg = spm_figure('FindWin','Interactive'); if isstruct(min1dplot) if ishandle(, delete(; end set(fg,'Pointer',min1dplot.pointer); set(fg,'Name',; end spm_figure('Clear',fg); drawnow; end