function spm_eeg_review(D,flag,inv) % General review (display) of SPM meeg object % FORMAT spm_eeg_review(D,flags,inv) % % INPUT: % D - meeg object % flag - switch to any of the displays (optional) % inv - which source reconstruction to display (when called from % spm_eeg_inv_imag_api.m) %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Jean Daunizeau % $Id: spm_eeg_review.m 7221 2017-11-16 14:25:37Z vladimir $ if nargin == 0 [D, sts] = spm_select(1, 'mat$', 'Select M/EEG mat file'); if ~sts, return; end D = spm_eeg_load(D); end %-- Initialize SPM figure D.PSD.handles.hfig = spm_figure('GetWin','Graphics'); spm_clf(D.PSD.handles.hfig); % Get default SPM graphics options --> revert back to defaults D.PSD.SPMdefaults.col = get(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'colormap'); D.PSD.SPMdefaults.renderer = get(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'renderer'); %-- Create default userdata structure try D.PSD.source.VIZU.current = inv; end [D] = PSD_initUD(D); if ~strcmp(transformtype(D),'time') % D.PSD.type = 'epoched'; D.PSD.trials.current = 1; D.PSD.VIZU.type = 2; end %-- Create figure uitabs labels = {'EEG', 'MEG', 'MPLANAR', 'MCOMB', 'OTHER','info','source'}; callbacks = {'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''eeg'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''meg'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''megplanar'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''megcomb'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''other'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''info'')',... 'spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''main'',''source'')'}; try [h] = spm_uitab(D.PSD.handles.hfig,labels,callbacks,[],flag); catch [h] = spm_uitab(D.PSD.handles.hfig,labels,callbacks,[],6); end D.PSD.handles.tabs = h; % Add prepare and SAVE buttons object.type = 'buttons'; object.list = 1; D = spm_eeg_review_uis(D,object); set(D.PSD.handles.BUTTONS.pop1,... 'deletefcn',@back2defaults) %-- Attach userdata to SPM graphics window Dtmp = rmfield(D,'PSD'); D.PSD.D0 = Dtmp; %CP, some how, removing and adding a field in the object doesn't work directly... set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,... 'units','normalized',... 'color',[1 1 1],... 'userdata',D); try if ismac set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'renderer','zbuffer'); else set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'renderer','OpenGL'); end catch set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'renderer','OpenGL'); end try switch flag case 1 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','eeg') case 2 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','meg') case 3 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','megplanar') case 4 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','megcomb') case 5 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','other') case 6 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','info') case 7 spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','source') end catch % Initilize display on 'info' spm_eeg_review_callbacks('visu','main','info') end %% Revert graphical properties of SPM figure back to normal function back2defaults(e1,e2) hf = spm_figure('FindWin','Graphics'); D = get(hf,'userdata'); try set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'colormap',D.PSD.SPMdefaults.col); set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'renderer',D.PSD.SPMdefaults.renderer); end %% initialization of the userdata structure function [D] = PSD_initUD(D) % This function initializes the userdata structure. %-- Check spm_uitable capability (JAVA compatibility) --% D.PSD.VIZU.uitable = spm_uitable; %-- Initialize time window basic info --% D.PSD.VIZU.xlim = [1,min([5e2,nsamples(D)])]; = 4; % show history D.PSD.VIZU.fromTab = []; %-- Initialize trials info --% switch D.type %------ before epoching -----% case 'continuous' D.PSD.type = 'continuous'; if ntrials(D) && ~isempty(events(D,1)) Events = events(D); Nevents = length(Events); for i =1:Nevents if isempty(Events(i).duration) Events(i).duration = 0; end if isempty(Events(i).value) Events(i).value = '0'; end if isempty(Events(i).type) Events(i).type = '0'; end if ~ischar(Events(i).value) Events(i).value = num2str(Events(i).value); end if ~ischar(Events(i).type) Events(i).type = num2str(Events(i).type); end end %D = events(D,1,Events); end D.PSD.VIZU.type = 1; %------ after epoching -----% case 'single' D.PSD.type = 'epoched'; nTrials = D.ntrials; D.PSD.trials.TrLabels = cell(nTrials,1); bTrials = badtrials(D); for i = 1:nTrials if any(i==bTrials) str = ' (bad)'; else str = ' (not bad)'; end D.PSD.trials.TrLabels{i} = [... 'Trial ',num2str(i),': ',char(conditions(D,i)) ,str]; end D.PSD.trials.current = 1; D.PSD.VIZU.type = 1; case {'evoked','grandmean'} D.PSD.type = 'epoched'; nTrials = D.ntrials; D.PSD.trials.TrLabels = cell(nTrials,1); for i = 1:nTrials D.PSD.trials.TrLabels{i} = [... 'Trial ',num2str(i),' (average of ',... num2str(repl(D,i)),' events): ',... char(conditions(D,i))]; D = events(D,i,[]); end D.PSD.trials.current = 1; D.PSD.VIZU.type = 1; end %-- Initialize channel info --% nc = D.nchannels; D.PSD.EEG.I = indchantype(D,'EEG'); D.PSD.MEG.I = sort(indchantype(D,'MEG')); D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.I = indchantype(D,'MEGPLANAR'); D.PSD.MEGCOMB.I = indchantype(D,'MEGCOMB'); D.PSD.other.I = setdiff(1:nc, ... [D.PSD.EEG.I(:);D.PSD.MEG.I(:);D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.I(:);D.PSD.MEGCOMB.I(:)]); %-- Get basic display variables (data range, offset,...) if ~isempty(D.PSD.EEG.I) set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'userdata',D); figure(D.PSD.handles.hfig) [out] = spm_eeg_review_callbacks('get','VIZU',D.PSD.EEG.I); D.PSD.EEG.VIZU = out; else D.PSD.EEG.VIZU = []; end if ~isempty(D.PSD.MEG.I) set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'userdata',D); figure(D.PSD.handles.hfig) [out] = spm_eeg_review_callbacks('get','VIZU',D.PSD.MEG.I); D.PSD.MEG.VIZU = out; else D.PSD.MEG.VIZU = []; end if ~isempty(D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.I) set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'userdata',D); figure(D.PSD.handles.hfig) [out] = spm_eeg_review_callbacks('get','VIZU',D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.I); D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.VIZU = out; else D.PSD.MEGPLANAR.VIZU = []; end if ~isempty(D.PSD.MEGCOMB.I) set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'userdata',D); figure(D.PSD.handles.hfig) [out] = spm_eeg_review_callbacks('get','VIZU',D.PSD.MEGCOMB.I); D.PSD.MEGCOMB.VIZU = out; else D.PSD.MEGCOMB.VIZU = []; end if ~isempty(D.PSD.other.I) set(D.PSD.handles.hfig,'userdata',D); figure(D.PSD.handles.hfig) [out] = spm_eeg_review_callbacks('get','VIZU',D.PSD.other.I); D.PSD.other.VIZU = out; else D.PSD.other.VIZU = []; end %-- Initialize inverse field info --% if isfield(D,'inv') && ~isempty(D.inv) isInv = zeros(length(D.inv),1); for i=1:length(D.inv) if isfield(D.inv{i},'inverse') && ... isfield(D.inv{i}, 'method') && ... strcmp(D.inv{i}.method,'Imaging') isInv(i) = 1; end end isInv = find(isInv); Ninv = length(isInv); if Ninv>=1 labels = cell(Ninv,1); callbacks = cell(Ninv,1); F = zeros(Ninv,1); ID = zeros(Ninv,1); pst = []; for i=1:Ninv if ~isfield(D.inv{isInv(i)},'comment') D.inv{isInv(i)}.comment{1} = num2str(i); end if ~isfield(D.inv{isInv(i)},'date') D.inv{isInv(i)}.date(1,:) = '?'; D.inv{isInv(i)}.date(2,:) = ' '; end if isfield(D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse,'R2') ... && isnan(D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse.R2) D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse.R2 = []; end if isfield(D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse, 'ID') ID(i) = D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse.ID; else ID(i) = nan; end labels{i} = [D.inv{isInv(i)}.comment{1}]; callbacks{i} = ['spm_eeg_review_callbacks(''visu'',''inv'',',num2str(i),')']; try F(i) = D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse.F; pst = [pst;D.inv{isInv(i)}.inverse.pst(:)]; catch continue end end if isempty(pst) Ninv = 0; else pst = unique(pst); end end else Ninv = 0; end if Ninv >= 1 try if D.PSD.source.VIZU.current > Ninv D.PSD.source.VIZU.current = 1; end catch D.PSD.source.VIZU.current = 1; end D.PSD.source.VIZU.isInv = isInv; D.PSD.source.VIZU.pst = pst; D.PSD.source.VIZU.F = F; D.PSD.source.VIZU.ID = ID; D.PSD.source.VIZU.labels = labels; D.PSD.source.VIZU.callbacks = callbacks; D.PSD.source.VIZU.timeCourses = 1; else D.PSD.source.VIZU.current = 0; D.PSD.source.VIZU.isInv = []; D.PSD.source.VIZU.pst = []; D.PSD.source.VIZU.F = []; D.PSD.source.VIZU.labels = []; D.PSD.source.VIZU.callbacks = []; D.PSD.source.VIZU.timeCourses = []; end