function xp = spm_dirichlet_exceedance(alpha,Nsamp) % Compute exceedance probabilities for a Dirichlet distribution % FORMAT xp = spm_dirichlet_exceedance(alpha,Nsamp) % % Input: % alpha - Dirichlet parameters % Nsamp - number of samples used to compute xp [default = 1e6] % % Output: % xp - exceedance probability %__________________________________________________________________________ % % This function computes exceedance probabilities, i.e. for any given model % k1, the probability that it is more likely than any other model k2. % More formally, for k1=1..Nk and for all k2~=k1, it returns p(x_k1>x_k2) % given that p(x)=dirichlet(alpha). % % Refs: % Stephan KE, Penny WD, Daunizeau J, Moran RJ, Friston KJ % Bayesian Model Selection for Group Studies. NeuroImage (in press) %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Will Penny & Klaas Enno Stephan % $Id: spm_dirichlet_exceedance.m 3118 2009-05-12 17:37:32Z guillaume $ if nargin < 2 Nsamp = 1e6; end Nk = length(alpha); % Perform sampling in blocks %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- blk = ceil(Nsamp*Nk*8 / 2^28); blk = floor(Nsamp/blk * ones(1,blk)); blk(end) = Nsamp - sum(blk(1:end-1)); xp = zeros(1,Nk); for i=1:length(blk) % Sample from univariate gamma densities then normalise % (see Dirichlet entry in Wikipedia or Ferguson (1973) Ann. Stat. 1, % 209-230) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- r = zeros(blk(i),Nk); for k = 1:Nk r(:,k) = spm_gamrnd(alpha(k),1,blk(i),1); end sr = sum(r,2); for k = 1:Nk r(:,k) = r(:,k)./sr; end % Exceedance probabilities: % For any given model k1, compute the probability that it is more % likely than any other model k2~=k1 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- [y, j] = max(r,[],2); xp = xp + histc(j, 1:Nk)'; end xp = xp / Nsamp;