function out = spm_deformations(job) % Various deformation field utilities % FORMAT out = spm_deformations(job) % job - a job created via spm_cfg_deformations.m % out - a struct with fields % .def - file name of created deformation field % .warped - file names of warped images % % See spm_cfg_deformations.m for more information. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % John Ashburner % $Id: spm_deformations.m 6577 2015-10-15 15:22:11Z volkmar $ [Def,mat] = get_comp(job.comp); out = struct('def',{{}},'warped',{{}},'surf',{{}},'jac',{{}}); for i=1:numel(job.out) fn = fieldnames(job.out{i}); fn = fn{1}; switch fn case 'savedef' out.def = [out.def; save_def(Def,mat,job.out{i}.(fn))]; case 'pull' out.warped = [out.warped; pull_def(Def,mat,job.out{i}.(fn))]; case 'push' out.warped = [out.warped; push_def(Def,mat,job.out{i}.(fn))]; case 'surf' = [; surf_def(Def,mat,job.out{i}.(fn))]; case 'savejac' out.jac = [out.jac; jac_def(Def,mat,job.out{i}.(fn))]; otherwise error('Unknown option'); end end %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_comp(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_comp(job) % Return the composition of a number of deformation fields. if isempty(job) error('Empty list of jobs in composition'); end [Def,mat] = get_job(job{1}); for i=2:numel(job) Def1 = Def; mat1 = mat; [Def,mat] = get_job(job{i}); M = inv(mat1); tmp = zeros(size(Def),'single'); tmp(:,:,:,1) = M(1,1)*Def(:,:,:,1)+M(1,2)*Def(:,:,:,2)+M(1,3)*Def(:,:,:,3)+M(1,4); tmp(:,:,:,2) = M(2,1)*Def(:,:,:,1)+M(2,2)*Def(:,:,:,2)+M(2,3)*Def(:,:,:,3)+M(2,4); tmp(:,:,:,3) = M(3,1)*Def(:,:,:,1)+M(3,2)*Def(:,:,:,2)+M(3,3)*Def(:,:,:,3)+M(3,4); Def(:,:,:,1) = single(spm_diffeo('bsplins',Def1(:,:,:,1),tmp,[1,1,1,0,0,0])); Def(:,:,:,2) = single(spm_diffeo('bsplins',Def1(:,:,:,2),tmp,[1,1,1,0,0,0])); Def(:,:,:,3) = single(spm_diffeo('bsplins',Def1(:,:,:,3),tmp,[1,1,1,0,0,0])); clear tmp end %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_job(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_job(job) % Determine what is required, and pass the relevant bit of the % job out to the appropriate function. fn = fieldnames(job); fn = fn{1}; switch fn case {'comp'} [Def,mat] = get_comp(job.(fn)); case {'def'} [Def,mat] = get_def(job.(fn)); case {'dartel'} [Def,mat] = get_dartel(job.(fn)); case {'sn2def'} [Def,mat] = get_sn2def(job.(fn)); case {'inv'} [Def,mat] = get_inv(job.(fn)); case {'id'} [Def,mat] = get_id(job.(fn)); case {'idbbvox'} [Def,mat] = get_idbbvox(job.(fn)); otherwise error('Unrecognised job type'); end %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_sn2def(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_sn2def(job) % Convert a SPM _sn.mat file into a deformation field, and return it. vox = job.vox; bb =; sn = load(job.matname{1}); if any(isfinite(bb(:))) || any(isfinite(vox)) [bb0, vox0] = spm_get_bbox(sn.VG(1)); if any(~isfinite(vox)), vox = vox0; end if any(~isfinite(bb)), bb = bb0; end bb = sort(bb); vox = abs(vox); % Adjust bounding box slightly - so it rounds to closest voxel. bb(:,1) = round(bb(:,1)/vox(1))*vox(1); bb(:,2) = round(bb(:,2)/vox(2))*vox(2); bb(:,3) = round(bb(:,3)/vox(3))*vox(3); M = sn.VG(1).mat; vxg = sqrt(sum(M(1:3,1:3).^2)); ogn = M\[0 0 0 1]'; ogn = ogn(1:3)'; % Convert range into range of voxels within template image x = (bb(1,1):vox(1):bb(2,1))/vxg(1) + ogn(1); y = (bb(1,2):vox(2):bb(2,2))/vxg(2) + ogn(2); z = (bb(1,3):vox(3):bb(2,3))/vxg(3) + ogn(3); og = -vxg.*ogn; of = -vox.*(round(-bb(1,:)./vox)+1); M1 = [vxg(1) 0 0 og(1) ; 0 vxg(2) 0 og(2) ; 0 0 vxg(3) og(3) ; 0 0 0 1]; M2 = [vox(1) 0 0 of(1) ; 0 vox(2) 0 of(2) ; 0 0 vox(3) of(3) ; 0 0 0 1]; mat = sn.VG(1).mat*(M1\M2); % dim = [length(x) length(y) length(z)]; else dim = sn.VG(1).dim; x = 1:dim(1); y = 1:dim(2); z = 1:dim(3); mat = sn.VG(1).mat; end [X,Y] = ndgrid(x,y); st = size(sn.Tr); if (prod(st) == 0) affine_only = true; basX = 0; basY = 0; basZ = 0; else affine_only = false; basX = spm_dctmtx(sn.VG(1).dim(1),st(1),x-1); basY = spm_dctmtx(sn.VG(1).dim(2),st(2),y-1); basZ = spm_dctmtx(sn.VG(1).dim(3),st(3),z-1); end Def = zeros([numel(x),numel(y),numel(z),3],'single'); for j=1:length(z) if (~affine_only) tx = reshape( reshape(sn.Tr(:,:,:,1),st(1)*st(2),st(3)) *basZ(j,:)', st(1), st(2) ); ty = reshape( reshape(sn.Tr(:,:,:,2),st(1)*st(2),st(3)) *basZ(j,:)', st(1), st(2) ); tz = reshape( reshape(sn.Tr(:,:,:,3),st(1)*st(2),st(3)) *basZ(j,:)', st(1), st(2) ); X1 = X + basX*tx*basY'; Y1 = Y + basX*ty*basY'; Z1 = z(j) + basX*tz*basY'; end Mult = sn.VF.mat*sn.Affine; if (~affine_only) X2= Mult(1,1)*X1 + Mult(1,2)*Y1 + Mult(1,3)*Z1 + Mult(1,4); Y2= Mult(2,1)*X1 + Mult(2,2)*Y1 + Mult(2,3)*Z1 + Mult(2,4); Z2= Mult(3,1)*X1 + Mult(3,2)*Y1 + Mult(3,3)*Z1 + Mult(3,4); else X2= Mult(1,1)*X + Mult(1,2)*Y + (Mult(1,3)*z(j) + Mult(1,4)); Y2= Mult(2,1)*X + Mult(2,2)*Y + (Mult(2,3)*z(j) + Mult(2,4)); Z2= Mult(3,1)*X + Mult(3,2)*Y + (Mult(3,3)*z(j) + Mult(3,4)); end Def(:,:,j,1) = single(X2); Def(:,:,j,2) = single(Y2); Def(:,:,j,3) = single(Z2); end %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_def(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_def(job) % Load a deformation field saved as an image Nii = nifti(job{1}); Def = single(Nii.dat(:,:,:,1,:)); d = size(Def); if d(4)~=1 || d(5)~=3, error('Deformation field is wrong!'); end Def = reshape(Def,[d(1:3) d(5)]); mat = Nii.mat; %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_dartel(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_dartel(job) Nii = nifti(job.flowfield{1}); if ~isempty(job.template{1}) %Nt = nifti(job.template{1}); [pth,nam] = fileparts(job.template{1}); if exist(fullfile(pth,[nam '_2mni.mat']),'file') load(fullfile(pth,[nam '_2mni.mat']),'mni'); else % Affine registration of Dartel Template with MNI space. %------------------------------------------------------------------ fprintf('** Affine registering "%s" with MNI space **\n', nam); tpm = fullfile(spm('Dir'),'tpm','TPM.nii'); Mmni = spm_get_space(tpm); Nt = nifti(job.template{1}); mni.affine = Mmni/spm_klaff(Nt,tpm); mni.code = 'MNI152'; save(fullfile(pth,[nam '_2mni.mat']),'mni', spm_get_defaults('mat.format')); end Mat = mni.affine; %do_aff = true; else Mat = Nii.mat; %do_aff = false; end % Integrate a Dartel flow field y0 = spm_dartel_integrate(Nii.dat,job.times,job.K); if all(job.times == [0 1]), mat = Nii.mat0; Def = affine(y0,single(Mat)); else mat = Mat; Def = affine(y0,single(Nii.mat0)); end %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_id(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_id(job) % Get an identity transform based on an image volume [mat, dim] = spm_get_matdim({1}); Def = identity(dim, mat); %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_idbbvox(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_idbbvox(job) % Get an identity transform based on bounding box and voxel size. % This will produce a transversal image. [mat, dim] = spm_get_matdim('', job.vox,; Def = identity(dim, mat); %========================================================================== % function [Def,mat] = get_inv(job) %========================================================================== function [Def,mat] = get_inv(job) % Invert a deformation field (derived from a composition of deformations) NT = nifti({:}); [Def0,mat0] = get_comp(job.comp); M0 = mat0; M1 = inv(NT.mat); M0(4,:) = [0 0 0 1]; M1(4,:) = [0 0 0 1]; Def = spm_diffeo('invdef',Def0,NT.dat.dim(1:3),M1,M0); mat = NT.mat; Def = spm_extrapolate_def(Def,mat); %========================================================================== % function fname = save_def(Def,mat,job) %========================================================================== function fname = save_def(Def,mat,job) % Save a deformation field as an image ofname = job.ofname; if isempty(ofname), fname = {}; return; end; [pth,nam] = fileparts(ofname); if isfield(job.savedir,'savepwd') wd = pwd; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'saveusr') wd = job.savedir.saveusr{1}; else wd = pwd; end fname = {fullfile(wd,['y_' nam '.nii'])}; dim = [size(Def,1) size(Def,2) size(Def,3) 1 3]; dtype = 'FLOAT32-LE'; off = 0; scale = 1; inter = 0; dat = file_array(fname{1},dim,dtype,off,scale,inter); N = nifti; N.dat = dat; N.mat = mat; N.mat0 = mat; N.mat_intent = 'Aligned'; N.mat0_intent = 'Aligned'; N.intent.code = 'VECTOR'; = 'Mapping'; N.descrip = 'Deformation field'; create(N); N.dat(:,:,:,1,1) = Def(:,:,:,1); N.dat(:,:,:,1,2) = Def(:,:,:,2); N.dat(:,:,:,1,3) = Def(:,:,:,3); %========================================================================== % function fname = jac_def(Def,mat,job) %========================================================================== function fname = jac_def(Def,mat,job) % Save Jacobian determinants of deformation field ofname = job.ofname; if isempty(ofname), fname = {}; return; end; [pth,nam] = fileparts(ofname); if isfield(job.savedir,'savepwd') wd = pwd; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'saveusr') wd = job.savedir.saveusr{1}; else wd = pwd; end Dets = spm_diffeo('def2det',Def)/det(mat(1:3,1:3)); Dets(:,:,[1 end]) = NaN; Dets(:,[1 end],:) = NaN; Dets([1 end],:,:) = NaN; fname = {fullfile(wd,['j_' nam '.nii'])}; dim = [size(Def,1) size(Def,2) size(Def,3) 1 1]; dtype = 'FLOAT32-LE'; off = 0; scale = 1; inter = 0; dat = file_array(fname{1},dim,dtype,off,scale,inter); N = nifti; N.dat = dat; N.mat = mat; N.mat0 = mat; N.mat_intent = 'Aligned'; N.mat0_intent = 'Aligned'; N.intent.code = 0; = 'Mapping'; N.descrip = 'Jacobian Determinants'; create(N); N.dat(:,:,:,1,1) = Dets; %========================================================================== % function out = pull_def(Def,mat,job) %========================================================================== function out = pull_def(Def,mat,job) PI = job.fnames; intrp = job.interp; intrp = [intrp*[1 1 1], 0 0 0]; out = cell(numel(PI),1); if numel(PI)==0, return; end if job.mask oM = zeros(4,4); odm = zeros(1,3); dim = size(Def); msk = true(dim); for m=1:numel(PI) [pth,nam,ext,num] = spm_fileparts(PI{m}); NI = nifti(fullfile(pth,[nam ext])); dm = NI.dat.dim(1:3); if isempty(num) j_range = 1:size(NI.dat,4); else num = sscanf(num,',%d'); j_range = num(1); end for j=j_range M0 = NI.mat; if ~isempty(NI.extras) && isstruct(NI.extras) && isfield(NI.extras,'mat') M1 = NI.extras.mat; if size(M1,3) >= j && sum(sum(M1(:,:,j).^2)) ~=0 M0 = M1(:,:,j); end end M = inv(M0); if ~all(M(:)==oM(:)) || ~all(dm==odm) tmp = affine(Def,M); msk = tmp(:,:,:,1)>=1 & tmp(:,:,:,1)<=size(NI.dat,1) ... & tmp(:,:,:,2)>=1 & tmp(:,:,:,2)<=size(NI.dat,2) ... & tmp(:,:,:,3)>=1 & tmp(:,:,:,3)<=size(NI.dat,3); end oM = M; odm = dm; end end end oM = zeros(4,4); spm_progress_bar('Init',numel(PI),'Resampling','volumes completed'); for m=1:numel(PI) % Generate headers etc for output images %---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pth,nam,ext,num] = spm_fileparts(PI{m}); NI = nifti(fullfile(pth,[nam ext])); j_range = 1:size(NI.dat,4); k_range = 1:size(NI.dat,5); l_range = 1:size(NI.dat,6); if ~isempty(num) num = sscanf(num,',%d'); if numel(num)>=1, j_range = num(1); end if numel(num)>=2, k_range = num(2); end if numel(num)>=3, l_range = num(3); end end NO = NI; if isfield(job.savedir,'savepwd') wd = pwd; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'saveusr') wd = job.savedir.saveusr{1}; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'savesrc') wd = pth; else wd = pwd; end if sum(job.fwhm.^2)==0 newprefix = spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix'); NO.descrip = sprintf('Warped'); else newprefix = [spm_get_defaults('smooth.prefix') spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix')]; NO.descrip = sprintf('Smoothed (%gx%gx%g subopt) warped',job.fwhm); end if isfield(job,'prefix') && ~isempty(job.prefix) NO.dat.fname = fullfile(wd,[job.prefix nam ext]); else NO.dat.fname = fullfile(wd,[newprefix nam ext]); end dim = size(Def); dim = dim(1:3); NO.dat.dim = [dim NI.dat.dim(4:end)]; NO.dat.offset = 0; % For situations where input .nii images have an extension. NO.mat = mat; NO.mat0 = mat; NO.mat_intent = 'Aligned'; NO.mat0_intent = 'Aligned'; if isempty(num) out{m} = NO.dat.fname; else out{m} = [NO.dat.fname, ',', num2str(num(1))]; end NO.extras = []; create(NO); % Smoothing settings vx = sqrt(sum(mat(1:3,1:3).^2)); krn = max(job.fwhm./vx,0.25); % Loop over volumes within the file %---------------------------------------------------------------------- %fprintf('%s',nam); for j=j_range M0 = NI.mat; if ~isempty(NI.extras) && isstruct(NI.extras) && isfield(NI.extras,'mat') M1 = NI.extras.mat; if size(M1,3) >= j && sum(sum(M1(:,:,j).^2)) ~=0 M0 = M1(:,:,j); end end M = inv(M0); if ~all(M(:)==oM(:)) % Generate new deformation (if needed) Y = affine(Def,M); end oM = M; % Write the warped data for this time point %------------------------------------------------------------------ for k=k_range for l=l_range C = spm_diffeo('bsplinc',single(NI.dat(:,:,:,j,k,l)),intrp); dat = spm_diffeo('bsplins',C,Y,intrp); if job.mask dat(~msk) = NaN; end if sum(job.fwhm.^2)~=0 spm_smooth(dat,dat,krn); % Side effects end NO.dat(:,:,:,j,k,l) = dat; %fprintf('\t%d,%d,%d', j,k,l); end end end %fprintf('\n'); spm_progress_bar('Set',m); end spm_progress_bar('Clear'); %========================================================================== % function out = push_def(Def,mat,job) %========================================================================== function out = push_def(Def,mat,job) % Generate deformation, which is the inverse of the usual one (it is for "pushing" % rather than the usual "pulling"). This deformation is affine transformed to % allow for different voxel sizes and bounding boxes, and also to incorporate % the affine mapping between MNI space and the population average shape. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Deal with desired bounding box and voxel sizes. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(job.fov,'file') N1 = nifti(job.fov.file); mat0 = N1.mat; dim = N1.dat.dim(1:3); else bb =; vox = job.fov.bbvox.vox; [mat0, dim] = spm_get_matdim('', vox, bb); end M = inv(mat0); y0 = affine(Def,M); if isfield(job,'weight') && ~isempty(job.weight) && ~isempty(job.weight{1}) wfile = job.weight{1}; Nw = nifti(wfile); Mw = Nw.mat; wt = Nw.dat(:,:,:,1,1,1); else wt = []; end odm = zeros(1,3); oM = zeros(4,4); PI = job.fnames; out = cell(numel(PI),1); for m=1:numel(PI) % Generate headers etc for output images %---------------------------------------------------------------------- [pth,nam,ext,num] = spm_fileparts(PI{m}); NI = nifti(fullfile(pth,[nam ext])); j_range = 1:size(NI.dat,4); k_range = 1:size(NI.dat,5); l_range = 1:size(NI.dat,6); if ~isempty(num) num = sscanf(num,',%d'); if numel(num)>=1, j_range = num(1); end if numel(num)>=2, k_range = num(2); end if numel(num)>=3, l_range = num(3); end end if isfield(job.savedir,'savepwd') wd = pwd; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'saveusr') wd = job.savedir.saveusr{1}; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'savesrc') wd = pth; else wd = pwd; end NO = NI; if job.preserve NO.dat.scl_slope = 1.0; NO.dat.scl_inter = 0.0; NO.dat.dtype = 'float32-le'; if sum(job.fwhm.^2)==0 newprefix = [spm_get_defaults('deformations.modulate.prefix') spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix')]; NO.descrip = sprintf('Warped & Jac scaled'); else newprefix = [spm_get_defaults('smooth.prefix') spm_get_defaults('deformations.modulate.prefix') spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix')]; NO.descrip = sprintf('Smoothed (%gx%gx%g) warped Jac scaled',job.fwhm); end else if sum(job.fwhm.^2)==0 newprefix = spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix'); NO.descrip = sprintf('Warped'); else newprefix = [spm_get_defaults('smooth.prefix') spm_get_defaults('normalise.write.prefix')]; NO.descrip = sprintf('Smoothed (%gx%gx%g opt) warped',job.fwhm); end end if isfield(job,'prefix') && ~isempty(job.prefix) NO.dat.fname = fullfile(wd,[job.prefix nam ext]); else NO.dat.fname = fullfile(wd,[newprefix nam ext]); end NO.dat.dim = [dim NI.dat.dim(4:end)]; NO.dat.offset = 0; % For situations where input .nii images have an extension. NO.mat = mat0; NO.mat0 = mat0; NO.mat_intent = 'Aligned'; NO.mat0_intent = 'Aligned'; if isempty(num) out{m} = NO.dat.fname; else out{m} = [NO.dat.fname, ',', num2str(num(1))]; end NO.extras = []; create(NO); % Smoothing settings vx = sqrt(sum(mat0(1:3,1:3).^2)); krn = max(job.fwhm./vx,0.25); % Loop over volumes within the file %---------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('%s',nam); drawnow; for j=j_range % Need to resample the mapping by an affine transform % so that it maps from voxels in the native space image % to voxels in the spatially normalised image. %------------------------------------------------------------------ M0 = NI.mat; if ~isempty(NI.extras) && isstruct(NI.extras) && isfield(NI.extras,'mat') M1 = NI.extras.mat; if size(M1,3) >= j && sum(sum(M1(:,:,j).^2)) ~=0 M0 = M1(:,:,j); end end M = mat\M0; dm = [size(NI.dat),1,1,1,1]; if ~all(dm(1:3)==odm) || ~all(M(:)==oM(:)) % Generate new deformation (if needed) y = zeros([dm(1:3),3],'single'); for d=1:3 yd = y0(:,:,:,d); for x3=1:size(y,3) y(:,:,x3,d) = single(spm_slice_vol(yd,M*spm_matrix([0 0 x3]),dm(1:2),[1 NaN])); end end end odm = dm(1:3); oM = M; % Write the warped data for this time point. %------------------------------------------------------------------ for k=k_range for l=l_range f = single(NI.dat(:,:,:,j,k,l)); if isempty(wt) if ~job.preserve % Unmodulated - note the slightly novel procedure [f,c] = spm_diffeo('push',f,y,dim); spm_smooth(f,f,krn); % Side effects spm_smooth(c,c,krn); % Side effects f = f./(c+0.001); else % Modulated, by pushing scal = abs(det(NI.mat(1:3,1:3))/det(NO.mat(1:3,1:3))); % Account for vox sizes f = spm_diffeo('push',f,y,dim)*scal; spm_smooth(f,f,krn); % Side effects end else if isequal(size(wt),size(f)) && sum((Mw(:)-M0(:)).^2)<1e-6 wtw = single(wt); f = single(f.*wt); else wtw = zeros(size(f),'single'); for z=1:size(wt,3) Mz = Mw\M0*[1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 z; 0 0 0 1]; wtw(:,:,z) = single(spm_slice_vol(wt,Mz,[size(f,1),size(f,2)],1)); end end if ~job.preserve % Unmodulated - note the slightly novel procedure f = spm_diffeo('push',f.*wtw,y,dim); c = spm_diffeo('push',wtw,y,dim); spm_smooth(f,f,krn); % Side effects spm_smooth(c,c,krn); % Side effects f = f./(c+0.001); else % Modulated, by pushing scal = abs(det(NI.mat(1:3,1:3))/det(NO.mat(1:3,1:3))); % Account for vox sizes f = spm_diffeo('push',f.*wtw,y,dim)*scal; spm_smooth(f,f,krn); % Side effects end clear wtw end NO.dat(:,:,:,j,k,l) = f; fprintf('\t%d,%d,%d', j,k,l); drawnow; end end end fprintf('\n'); drawnow; end %========================================================================== % function out = surf_def(Def,mat,job) %========================================================================== function out = surf_def(Def,mat,job) filenames = job.surface; out = cell(numel(filenames),1); for i=1:numel(filenames) fname = deblank(job.surface{i}); [pth,nam] = fileparts(fname); fprintf('%s\n', nam); d = size(Def); tmp = double(reshape(Def,[d(1:3) 1 d(4)])); Tmesh = spm_swarp(fname, tmp,mat); if isfield(job.savedir,'savepwd') wd = pwd; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'saveusr') wd = job.savedir.saveusr{1}; elseif isfield(job.savedir,'savesrc') wd = pth; else wd = pwd; end filename = fullfile(wd,[nam,'_warped', '.gii']); save(gifti(Tmesh), filename); out{i} = filename; end %========================================================================== % function Def = affine(y,M) %========================================================================== function Def = affine(y,M) Def = zeros(size(y),'single'); Def(:,:,:,1) = y(:,:,:,1)*M(1,1) + y(:,:,:,2)*M(1,2) + y(:,:,:,3)*M(1,3) + M(1,4); Def(:,:,:,2) = y(:,:,:,1)*M(2,1) + y(:,:,:,2)*M(2,2) + y(:,:,:,3)*M(2,3) + M(2,4); Def(:,:,:,3) = y(:,:,:,1)*M(3,1) + y(:,:,:,2)*M(3,2) + y(:,:,:,3)*M(3,3) + M(3,4); %========================================================================== % function Def = identity(d,M) %========================================================================== function Def = identity(d,M) [y1,y2] = ndgrid(single(1:d(1)),single(1:d(2))); Def = zeros([d 3],'single'); for y3=1:d(3) Def(:,:,y3,1) = y1*M(1,1) + y2*M(1,2) + (y3*M(1,3) + M(1,4)); Def(:,:,y3,2) = y1*M(2,1) + y2*M(2,2) + (y3*M(2,3) + M(2,4)); Def(:,:,y3,3) = y1*M(3,1) + y2*M(3,2) + (y3*M(3,3) + M(3,4)); end