function [iS] = spm_LAP_iS(p,R) % default precision function for LAP models (hidden states) % FORMAT [iS] = spm_LAP_iS(p,R) % % p{1} - vector of precisions for causal states (v) % p{2} - vector of precisions for hidden states (v) % R - generalised precision matrix % % iS - precision matrix for generalised states (causal and then hidden) %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Karl Friston % $Id: spm_LAP_iS.m 3694 2010-01-22 14:16:51Z karl $ % precisions for generalised errors on causal (V) and hidden states (W) %========================================================================== V = kron(R,diag(exp(p.h))); W = kron(R,diag(exp(p.g))); iS = blkdiag(V,W);