% SPM canonical meshes %__________________________________________________________________________ % % The cortical mesh surfaces here were created using Freesurfer version % 4.0.1 (Dale et al. 1999, Fischl et al. 2001, Fischl et al. 1999) from % an average of 27 T1 scans of the same subject (see spm_templates.man and % Tzourio-Mazoyer et al. 2002 for more details). % The surfaces were inflated to a sphere and down-sampled using an % octahedron (8,196 vertices) or an icosahedron (5,124 and 20,464 vertices) % equally subdivided to achieve the highly tessellated surfaces provided. % % The boundary element model surfaces were created using the watershed % algorithm (Segonne et al. 2004). These surfaces were created % utilizing an icosahedron equally subdivided to create a highly % tessellated surface. Some manual editing was applied to the T1 images % in order to optimize the performance of the watershed algorithm. % % The meshes were subsequenlty warped using the deformation field created % by the new segmentaton algorithm, so that the reference space was defined % by spm12/tpm/TPM.nii, to improve the accuracy of the alignment. % % They are saved in the GIfTI file format, with GZipBase64Binary encoding. %__________________________________________________________________________ % % References: % % Dale, A.M., Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., 1999. Cortical surface-based % analysis. I. Segmentation and surface reconstruction. Neuroimage 9, % 179-194. % % Fischl, B., Liu, A., Dale, A.M., 2001. Automated manifold surgery: % constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models % of the human cerebral cortex. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 20, 70-80. % % Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., Dale, A.M., 1999. Cortical surface-based % analysis. II: Inflation, flattening, and a surface-based coordinate % system. Neuroimage 9, 195-207. % % Segonne, F., Dale, A.M., Busa, E., Glessner, M., Salat, D., Hahn, % H.K., Fischl, B., 2004. A hybrid approach to the skull stripping % problem in MRI. Neuroimage 22, 1060-1075. % % Tzourio-Mazoyer, N., Landeau, B., Papathanassiou, D., Crivello, F., % Etard, O., Delcroix, N., et al, 2002. Automated anatomical labelling of % activations in spm using a macroscopic anatomical parcellation of the MNI % MRI single subject brain. Neuroimage 15, 273-289. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Rik Henson, Daniel Wakeman and John Ashburner % $Id: spm_mesh.man 5039 2012-11-06 20:39:58Z guillaume $