function str = display(this) % Method for displaying information about an meeg object % FORMAT display(this) % _______________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Vladimir Litvak % $Id: display.m 5025 2012-10-31 14:44:13Z vladimir $ str = ['SPM M/EEG data object\n'... 'Type: ' type(this) '\n'... 'Transform: ' transformtype(this) '\n'... num2str(nconditions(this)), ' conditions\n'... num2str(nchannels(this)), ' channels\n' ]; if strncmpi(transformtype(this),'TF',2) str = [str num2str(nfrequencies(this)), ' frequencies\n']; end str = [str ... num2str(nsamples(this)), ' samples/trial\n'... num2str(ntrials(this)), ' trials\n'... 'Sampling frequency: ' num2str(fsample(this)) ' Hz\n'... 'Loaded from file %s\n\n' ]; if numel(this.montage.M)>0 idx = montage(this,'getindex'); str = [str ... num2str(montage(this,'getnumber')),' online montage(s) setup\n'... 'Current montage applied (0=none): ',num2str(idx),'']; if idx str = [str ... ' ,named: "',montage(this,'getname'),'"\n\n']; else str = [str '\n\n']; end end if islinked(this) if strncmpi(transformtype(this),'TF',2) str = [str 'Use the syntax D(channels, frequencies, samples, trials) to access the data\n']; else str = [str 'Use the syntax D(channels, samples, trials) to access the data\n']; end else str = [str, 'There is no data linked to this header object\n']; end str = [str 'Type "methods(''meeg'')" for the list of methods performing other operations with the object\n'... 'Type "help meeg/method_name" to get help about methods\n']; str = sprintf(str, fullfile(this.path, this.fname)); disp(str);