clear %replace this path with the DVARS directory on your machine addpath(genpath('/Users/sorooshafyouni/Home/GitClone/DVARS')) %replace this path with the path to the nifti/cifti images on your machine V0=['/Volumes/HCP_S900/HCP_10Unrel_Vols/115320/115320/MNINonLinear/Results/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR.nii.gz']; %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%EXAMPLE 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is the simplest form of using DSE variance decomposition and DVARS % inference on the data. As the example is for HCP data, we used 1/100 % downscaling factor. The scale/norm factors should be changed for other % data-sets (However, if you have processed your data via FSL, leave the % scaling 1/100 as it is). %--NIFTI-------------------------------------------- V1 = load_untouch_nii(V0); V2 = V1.img; X0 = size(V2,1); Y0 = size(V2,2); Z0 = size(V2,3); T0 = size(V2,4); I0 = prod([X0,Y0,Z0]); Y = reshape(V2,[I0,T0]); clear V2 V1; % %--CIFTI-------------------------------------------- % addpath /Users/sorooshafyouni/Home/matlab/Ext/cifti-matlab-master % V1 = ft_read_cifti(V0); % V2=V1.dtseries; % I0=size(V2,1); T0=size(V2,2); % Y=V2; clear V2 V1; % % [DVARS,DVARS_Stat]=DVARSCalc(Y,'scale',1/100); [V,DSE_Stat]=DSEvars(Y,'scale',1/100); fMRIDiag_plot(V,DVARS_Stat) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%EXAMPLE 2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % In this example, you can see how to add BOLD intensity images to your % figure to have a better understanding the of the effect of spikes/excursions % in your variance components. Read help section of 'fMRIDiag_plot' for % further parameters that can be used. %--NIFTI-------------------------------------------- V1 = load_untouch_nii(V0); V2 = V1.img; X0 = size(V2,1); Y0 = size(V2,2); Z0 = size(V2,3); T0 = size(V2,4); I0 = prod([X0,Y0,Z0]); Y = reshape(V2,[I0,T0]); clear V2 V1; % %--CIFTI-------------------------------------------- % addpath /Users/sorooshafyouni/Home/matlab/Ext/cifti-matlab-master % V1 = ft_read_cifti(V0); % V2=V1.dtseries; % I0=size(V2,1); T0=size(V2,2); % Y=V2; clear V2 V1; % % [DVARS,DVARS_Stat]=DVARSCalc(Y,'scale',1/100); [V,DSE_Stat]=DSEvars(Y,'scale',1/100); fMRIDiag_plot(V,DVARS_Stat,'BOLD',Y,'ColRng',[0 100]) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%EXAMPLE 3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % In this example, it is assumed that the desplacement information has also % been provided for a subject. An extra sub-plot, automatically, is added % to the top of your figure to report the FD and Absolute values of the % movements acquired via 'FDCalc'. %--NIFTI-------------------------------------------- V1 = load_untouch_nii(V0); V2 = V1.img; X0 = size(V2,1); Y0 = size(V2,2); Z0 = size(V2,3); T0 = size(V2,4); I0 = prod([X0,Y0,Z0]); Y = reshape(V2,[I0,T0]); clear V2 V1; % %--CIFTI-------------------------------------------- % addpath /Users/sorooshafyouni/Home/matlab/Ext/cifti-matlab-master % V1 = ft_read_cifti(V0); % V2=V1.dtseries; % I0=size(V2,1); T0=size(V2,2); % Y=V2; clear V2 V1; % % %--Movement Parameters-------------------------------- %replace this path with the path to the text files with movement regressors %of the image on your machine %Note that MovPartextImport only works safe with the HCP files, you have to %insert the movement regressors mannually (just drag the text file into the %workspace!) to the Matlab. MovPar=MovPartextImport(['/Volumes/HCP_S900/HCP_10Unrel_Vols/115320/115320/MNINonLinear/Results/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_Regressors.txt']); [FDts,FD_Stat]=FDCalc(MovPar); % [DVARS,DVARS_Stat]=DVARSCalc(Y,'scale',1/100); [V,DSE_Stat]=DSEvars(Y,'scale',1/100); fMRIDiag_plot(V,DVARS_Stat,'BOLD',Y,'FD',FDts,'AbsMov',[FD_Stat.AbsRot FD_Stat.AbsTrans])