%decodes trial identity from spiking across bins for each individual neuron clear all; load ('R_2R.mat'); load ('RAW.mat'); folds = 5; %number of times cross-validated: shuffs = 1; %number of shuffled models created %load parameters BinDura=R_2R.Param.BinDura; bins=R_2R.Param.bins; binint=R_2R.Param.binint; binstart=R_2R.Param.binstart; %setup variables UnitDec=[]; NN = 0; for i=1:length(RAW) %loops through sessions if strcmp('NA',RAW(i).Type(1:2)) | strcmp('VP',RAW(i).Type(1:2)) %check if it's a suc vs mal session %events being compared RD1=strcmp('RD1', RAW(i).Einfo(:,2)); RD2=strcmp('RD2', RAW(i).Einfo(:,2)); for j= 1:size(RAW(i).Nrast,1) %Number of neurons per session NN=NN+1; %neuron counter for l=1:bins LowHz=zeros(1,1); DecodeSpikes=NaN(1,1); DecodeRs=NaN(1,1); [PSR1,N1]=MakePSR04(RAW(i).Nrast(j),RAW(i).Erast{RD1},[(BinDura(1)+(binstart - binint)+l*binint) (BinDura(2)+(binstart - binint)+l*binint)],{2});% makes trial by trial rasters. PSR1 is a cell(neurons, trials) for m=1:length(PSR1) DecodeSpikes(m,1)=sum(PSR1{1,m}>(binstart)); DecodeRs(m,1)=1; end %get all the spikes from reward 1p2 trials [PSR2,N2]=MakePSR04(RAW(i).Nrast(j),RAW(i).Erast{RD2},[(BinDura(1)+(binstart - binint)+l*binint) (BinDura(2)+(binstart - binint)+l*binint)],{2});% makes trial by trial rasters. PSR1 is a cell(neurons, trials) for n=1:length(PSR2) DecodeSpikes(n+m,1)=sum(PSR2{1,n}>(binstart)); DecodeRs(n+m,1)=2; end if sum(DecodeSpikes(1:N1,1))<7 || sum(DecodeSpikes((1+N1):(N1+N2),1))<7 %prevents errors with LDA on conditions with no variance LowHz(1,1)=1; end %if one neuron or more has too few spikes, so LDA has error because not %enough variance, this removes those neurons from the analysis if sum(LowHz)==0 %creating models CVacc = NaN(folds,1); CVaccSh = NaN(folds,1); %normal model for r = 1:folds Partitions = cvpartition(DecodeRs,'KFold',folds); LDAModel = fitcdiscr(DecodeSpikes(Partitions.training(r),:),DecodeRs(Partitions.training(r))); prediction = predict(LDAModel,DecodeSpikes(Partitions.test(r),:)); actual = DecodeRs(Partitions.test(r)); correct = prediction - actual; CVacc(r) = sum(correct==0) / length(correct); end %shuffled model for q=1:shuffs DecodeRsSh=DecodeRs(randperm(length(DecodeRs))); PartitionsSh = cvpartition(DecodeRsSh,'KFold',folds); for s = 1:folds LDAModelSh = fitcdiscr(DecodeSpikes(PartitionsSh.training(s),:),DecodeRsSh(PartitionsSh.training(s))); predictionSh = predict(LDAModelSh,DecodeSpikes(PartitionsSh.test(s),:)); actualSh = DecodeRsSh(PartitionsSh.test(s)); correctSh = predictionSh - actualSh; CVaccSh(s) = sum(correctSh==0) / length(correctSh); end AccShuff(q,1) = nanmean(CVaccSh); end UnitDec.True(NN,l) = nanmean(CVacc); UnitDec.Shuff(NN,l) = nanmean(AccShuff); else UnitDec.True(NN,l) = NaN; UnitDec.Shuff(NN,l) = NaN; end end fprintf('Neuron ID # %d\n',NN); end %neurons: FOR j= 1:size(RAW(i).Nrast,1) end %checking if the right session type end %sessions: FOR i=1:length(RAW) save('UnitDec_2R.mat','UnitDec');