#+title: Data project for dt-evolv - Version: "0.0.1" * To download data #+begin_src sh :results output :exports both rclone --drive-shared-with-me sync --copy-links --progress --exclude *.lifext gdpa:iClima\ 1Photon data/ #+end_src * Initial project setup - [ ] Create a new (empty) repo https://gin.g-node.org/repo/create - [ ] Run `git init` - [ ] Run `git add .` - [ ] Run `git remote add origin git@gin.g-node.org:/darosio/dt-evolv.git` - [ ] Run `git commit -m "init"` - [ ] Run `git push --set-upstream origin main` - [ ] Run `git annex init $HOSTNAME` - [ ] Run `git config annex.sshcaching true` - [ ] Edit .gitignore - [ ] Run `git annex add data/` - [ ] Run `git annex sync` - Alternatively use `echo "layout pyenv" or "layout python" > .envrc` - [ ] Run `direnv allow` - [ ] Run `hatch env create` - [ ] Run `hatch run lint` - [ ] Run `hatch run init` - Double check .pre-commit-config.yaml do not push id: commitizen-branch ** Use `git annex sync` instead of pushing after committing notable changes. ** CLI installation To enable auto completion for the `cli` command, follow these steps: 1. Generate the completion script by running the following command: #+begin_src sh :results output :exports both _CLINAME_COMPLETE=bash_source cliname > ~/.local/bin/cliname-complete.bash #+end_src 2. Source the generated completion script to enable auto completion: #+begin_src sh :results output :exports both source ~/.local/bin/cliname-complete.bash #+end_src