.. _development: Development ----------- You need the following requirements: - ``hatch`` for test automation and package dependency managements. If you don’t have hatch, you can use ``pipx run hatch`` to run it without installing, or ``pipx install hatch``. Dependencies and their versions are specified in the pyproject.toml file and updated in GitHub with Dependabot. You can run ``hatch env show`` to list available environments and scripts. :: hatch env create hatch run init # init repo with pre-commit hooks hatch run lint hatch run tests.py3.11:all Hatch handles everything for you, including setting up an temporary virtual environment for each run. - ``pre-commit`` for all style and consistency checking. While you can run it with nox, this is such an important tool that it deserves to be installed on its own. If pre-commit fails during pushing upstream then stage changes, Commit Extend (into previous commit), and repeat pushing. ``pip`` and ``hatch`` are pinned in .github/workflows/constraints.txt for consistency with CI/CD. If you like install hatch and required deps in archlinux with:: pacman -S python-hatch python-hyperlink python-httpx While ``pre-commit`` is listed as a ’dev’ dependency, you also have the option to install it globally using pipx. This can be done with the following command:: pipx install pre-commit Setting up a development with direnv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: echo "layout hatch" > .envrc hatch run init Setting up a development environment manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can set up a development environment by running: :: python3 -m venv .venv source ./.venv/bin/activate pip install -v -e .[dev,tests,docs] With direnv for using `Jupyter `__ during development: :: jupiter notebook And only in case you need a system wide easy accessible kernel: :: python -m ipykernel install --user --name="dt_evolv" Testing and coverage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use pytest to run the unit checks: :: pytest Use ``coverage`` to generate coverage reports: :: coverage run --branch -p -m pytest Or use hatch: :: hatch run tests:all (hatch run tests:cov) Building docs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can build the docs using: :: hatch run docs You can see a preview with: :: hatch run docserve When needed (e.g. API updates): :: sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/api/ src/dt_evolv/ Bump and releasing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To bump version and upload build to test.pypi using: :: hatch run bump hatch run bump "--increment PATCH" "--files-only" \ ["--no-verify" to bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks] git push while to update only the CHANGELOG.md file: :: hatch run ch Release will automatically occur after pushing. (Otherwise) :: pipx run --spec commitizen cz bump --changelog-to-stdout --files-only \ (--prerelease alpha) --increment MINOR To keep clean development history use branches and pr: :: gh pr create --fill gh pr merge --squash --delete-branch [-t “fix|ci|feat: msg”] Configuration files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manually updated pinned dependencies for CI/CD: - .github/workflows/constraints.txt (testing dependabot) Configuration files: - pre-commit configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml; - bandit (sys) configured in bandit.yml; - pylint (sys) configured in pyproject.toml; - isort (sys) configured in pyproject.toml; - black configured in pyproject.toml (pinned in pre-commit); - ruff configured in pyproject.toml (pinned in pre-commit); - darglint configured in .darglint (pinned in pre-commit); - codespell configured in .codespellrc (pinned in pre-commit); - coverage configured in pyproject.toml (tests deps); - mypy configured in pyproject.toml (tests deps); - commitizen in pyproject.toml (dev deps and pinned in pre-commit). While the exact dependencies and their versions are specified in the pyproject.toml file and updated in GitHub with Dependabot, a complete list of all the required packages and their versions (including transitive dependencies) can be generated by pip-deepfreeze in the requirements-[dev,docs,tests].txt files. This makes it possible to maintain a clear and detailed record of the project's dependency requirements, aiding in maintaining a stable and predictable environment across different setups. Other manual actions: :: pylint src/ tests/ bandit -r src/